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European Commission Digital

Digital Signature Services (DSS)

This page collects the Digital Signature Service v5.0, released in April 2017. 

Download DSS v5.0

The .tar.gz file is available here
Bugs, issues or suggestions? Report it on JIRA


This release mainly brings a number of improvements, namely:

  • Refactoring of ASiC format handling, following the ETSI ASiC Plugtest
  • Signature of multiple files (ASiC and XAdES)
  • Integration of the Qualification matrix as described in draft ETSI 119 172-4, for supporting signatures before and after 01/07/2016 (eIDAS entry into force)
  • Migration to PDFBox 2 for handling PDFs

A demonstration web application for signing a document and verifying a signature can be found at this link.

The source code is located here.

Release Note


  • [DSS-1138] - PDF signature image is displayed on the wrong page

  • [DSS-1139] - ASiC : zip comment detection fails in some cases

  • [DSS-1144] - OCSP response status unauthorized (6) NPE

  • [DSS-1153] - Implementation of TSL PolicySet criterion is incorrect

  • [DSS-1156] - Incorrect handling of sub-CriteriaLists in Qualifictaion Extensions in TSLs

  • [DSS-1163] - SecureRandomNonceSource uses a static SecureRandom instance


  • [DSS-1130] - Add support for PNG in visible signature with textParameters

eSignature standards
Digital Signature Services (DSS)
ETSI Signature Conformance Checker
eSignature Service Desk
What is an electronic signature?
Start using DSS
Apply for eSignature grants