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European Commission Digital

eID Documentation


Before eIDAS-Node implementation can commence, it is important to read and understand in detail the technical specifications of the eIDAS eID Profile.

These specifications have been developed by the European Commission, with the help of Member States, in line with Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 (the eIDAS Regulation) and the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/1501 on the interoperability framework. As such, they are specifically designed to help the Member States develop their own eIDAS-compliant implementation. 

Each eIDAS-Node must conform to the technical specifications. In general, the specifications present a framework for eIDAS-Node implementers to build a Node that operates in accordance with the eIDAS Regulation's standards on interoperability, security and assurance.

Specifically, the specifications are divided into four key documents:

eIDAS Message Format

Within the eIDAS Interoperability Framework, eIDAS-Nodes (i.e. eIDAS Services and eIDAS Connectors) need to exchange messages including personal and technical attributes to support cross-border identification and authentication processes. For the exchange of messages, the use of the SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) 2.0 specifications has been agreed. This document thus specifies the format of metadata and messages exchanged between eIDAS-Nodes.

eIDAS Interoperability Architecture

This document specifies the interoperability components of the eIDAS Network, i.e. the components necessary to achieve interoperability of notified eID schemes according to the eIDAS Regulation.

eIDAS Crypto Requirements for the eIDAS Interoperability Framework

Communication between eIDAS-Nodes is performed via the citizen's browser. Here, content is communicated via cryptographically protected SAML messages. To secure the transport layer of the communication between these components and the citizen's browser, TLS (Transport Layer Security) is used. This document specifies cryptographic requirements for the protection of the SAML communication as well as for the usage of TLS within it.

eIDAS SAML Attribute Profile

This specification defines the SAML attributes to be used for the assertion of natural and legal person identity between eIDAS-Nodes.