
European Commission Digital

Exploring the future of eInvoicing: Webinar on 17 April!

The European Commission is happy to announce an upcoming webinar that will focus on the impact of the EU eInvoicing Directive and the future of eInvoicing.

The webinar is open to any and it will take place on 17 April 2024 at 10h CEST. It aims to engage the entire eInvoicing community in a conversation about the future of eInvoicing.

The agenda for the webinar includes:

  • Presentation of the eInvoicing Directive Report's key findings on the impact of the eInvoicing Directive 2014/55/EU.
  • Introduction of the several studies conducted feeding the report.
  • Possible intervention by an EU Member State representative on the importance of electronic invoicing and its implementation.
  • A company use case of eInvoicing implementation.
  • Discussion on the future of the eInvoicing policy accompanied by a Q&A.

Save the date on your calendars for 17 April 2024 from 10h to 12h CEST, and register for the webinar using the registration link. Don’t miss this opportunity to engage directly with the European Commission. 

SEMIC 2024: eDelivery and the future of Interoperability

Are you ready for an exciting event in the heart of the European Union? Join eDelivery and other Building Blocks for SEMIC 2024 in Brussels on 27 June! Hosted by the European Commission, in partnership with the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and Digital Flanders, this year’s SEMIC conference entitled “Interoperable Europe: From Vision to Reality” directly aligns with the objectives of the newly introduced Interoperable Europe Act, aiming to bridge the gap between the visionary goals for a seamlessly connected European digital public sector and the concrete actions and policies that are bringing this vision to life.

The conference agenda is broad and multifaceted, covering topics such as effective deployment of interoperability solutions, expansion of interoperability and AI applications across the EU, enhancing interoperability within data spaces and more. A special emphasis will be placed on intergovernmental cooperation, including discussions on how countries within the EU can work together more effectively to achieve shared goals in interoperability, fostering a collaborative environment that transcends national borders.

Building on the success of last year’s pre-conference workshops, SEMIC is excited to offer its most engaged participants a comprehensive day of technical workshops on 26 June, the day before the main conference begins.

SEMIC 2024 will also feature exhibition booths (eDelivery is going to be one of them) offering the attendees an opportunity to learn about the latest advancements and successes in public sector interoperability, offering an overview of cutting-edge developments in the sector.

Excited about SEMIC 2024? So are we! Register today to secure your spot, whether you plan to join on site or participate remotely. Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of a pivotal event shaping the future of interoperability in Europe. Join the community, share insights, and explore innovative solutions like eDelivery (our presentation and any other relevant materials are available as always on the User Community site – check here) and Digital Building Blocks together. Secure your place now for an engaging experience at SEMIC 2024!

SEMIC is an initiative by the European Commission aimed at promoting semantic interoperability among interconnected e-Government systems. The SEMIC Support Centre marks the beginning of the journey towards an interoperable European administration, in alignment with the Interoperable Europe Act. The Support Centre acts as a gathering place for a community of adopters. We invite interested individuals and organisations to visit the SEMIC Support Centre on Joinup to explore the resources available and join our community of practice.

eDelivery Building Block

eDelivery is a Building Block that provides technical specifications and standards, installable software and ancillary services to allow projects to create a network of nodes for secure digital data exchange.

The eDelivery specifications include the eDelivery AS4 profile, an open technical specification ensuring secure, payload-agnostic and reliable data exchange; the eDelivery SMP profile, designed for publishing service metadata within a 4-corner network; the eDelivery BDXL profile, which enables locating Access Points within the network; and the eDelivery ebCore Party Id profile, a technical specification for the recommended notation for party addressing.

Stay tuned for the latest updates on eDelivery services by checking the Building Block's X and web page. For more information, do not hesitate to register for personalised news or contact us via our portal or by e-mail:

Updated roadmap and support timeline for Domibus

In recent months the eDelivery team was busy bringing significant improvements to the Domibus 5.0.x and 5.1.x product lines. As this work is nearing completion, we would like to share an updated roadmap for Domibus – the sample implementation of the eDelivery AS4 profile – and support timeline.

For an in-depth look at future updates across all eDelivery products, see the Release calendar of eDelivery sample software.

Current versions

Domibus is currently on version 5.1.2 for the 5.1.x product line and on version 5.0.8 for the 5.0.x product line.

In Domibus' 5.1.x product line, version 5.1.3 is scheduled for the first week of April 2024, addressing several major bugs. In the second half of May, the release of version 5.1.4 is going to bring the 5.1.x product line on par with the 5.0.x product line, with version 5.1.4 including the full package of bug fixes and improvements already released as part of version 5.0.8.

For the 5.0.x product line, 5.0.8 is the latest release, and we recommend upgrading to it (with a note to those using Access Points in PULL mode).

Updated roadmap

Versions 5.2 and 6.0 are replanned for the fourth quarter of 2024 and 2025, respectively.

Due to priority given to correcting released versions, Domibus 5.2 was replanned for a tentative release in Q4 2024. This in turn will impact the release date of Domibus 6.0, now tentatively scheduled to be released towards the end of 2025.

Please consider planning your upgrade to 5.2 as soon as it's released (read more below).

Support extension

Both the 5.1.x and 5.0.x lines will receive support until the second quarter of 2025, which is six months following the final release of Domibus 5.2.

In light of the delayed release of Domibus 5.2 (long-term support version), we extended support for Domibus 5.1.x (standard support version) and 5.0.x releases (long-term support version) until the second quarter of 2025.

Upgrading to 5.2

While both the 5.1.x and 5.0.x lines will be supported up to six months after the final release of Domibus 5.2, due to security reasons organisations are strongly advised to upgrade to Domibus 5.2 at their earlier convenience: Domibus 5.2 will come with an updated technology stack that will significantly strengthen its security posture.

eDelivery Building Block

eDelivery is a Building Block that provides technical specifications and standards, installable software and ancillary services to allow projects to create a network of nodes for secure digital data exchange.

Domibus is the sample software provided by the European Commission to implement an eDelivery AS4 Access Point for the interoperable, secure and reliable data exchange. It is based on the eDelivery AS4 profile, an open technical specification for the secure, web-based, payload-agnostic exchange of data or documents.

Stay tuned for the latest updates on eDelivery services by checking the Building Block's X and web page. For more information, do not hesitate to register for personalised news or contact us via our portal or by e-mail: 

An update was made on 29 March 2024: Release 5.1.3 was previously scheduled for the last week of March 2024.

Interested in our Interoperability Event? See how to prepare

The Interoperability Event's goal is to confirm that eDelivery AS4 2.0 is an open, vendor-neutral specification that can be implemented in multiple interoperable solutions.

This is a remote event organised by the eDelivery team. Participants will test interoperability between their proof-of-concept solutions built on the latest eDelivery AS4 profile. We invite any of the solutions already implementing the current eDelivery AS4 1.15 profile as well as yet-untested solutions to consider joining.

We have planned two sessions, three hours each, on the following dates:

  • Tuesday, 11 June 2024 at 14 CEST
  • Tuesday, 25 June 2024 at 14 CEST

What will the Interoperability Event look like

The event will focus on testing proof-of-concept implementations of the eDelivery AS4 2.0 profile against one another. We will aim to simulate a mesh network environment where each participant tests sending and receiving messages with all other participants, ensuring a comprehensive interoperability check.

Please note that, depending on the number of the Interoperability Event participants, we can modify this testing plan to split participants into groups (so each group participant would test only within its own group).

We will share a detailed test plan by the end of April.

Domibus, the eDelivery sample implementation of our AS4 profile, will one of the tested products.

How to prepare: step by step

This is a quick guide to get ready for the Interoperability Event.

Step 1

Prepare an implementation of the latest eDelivery AS4 2.0 specifications. Your solution can be in a proof-of-concept or work-in-progress stage.

Technical note for Java-based implementations

If you are using Java, you can take advantage of the libraries we have published in the eDelivery Nexus repository (download manually here) or build them from the source code available on GitHub (branch ec-interop-forum). In these libraries, we have already implemented the new security standard and new eDelivery 2.0 profile changes. Please note that these artefacts are intended solely for testing/demo purposes and should not be used in production. We expose them as an interim solution until Apache accepts our contributions and releases artefacts that support the algorithms used in eDelivery AS4 2.0.

These are our artefacts (not meant for production!):

For an example on how to configure apache-cxf for eDelivery AS4 - 2.0 (2024 PR draft), see

These artefacts are temporary until the open Apache contributions are merged and released in new libraries.

The provided libraries were built from the latest Apache code for the following library versions:

  • org.apache.santuario:xmlsec:3.0.5-SNAPSHOT
  • org.apache.wss4j:*:3.0.4-SNAPSHOT
  • org.apache.cxf:*:4.0.5-SNAPSHOT

Again, note that our contributions to the Apache libraries must only be used for development, testing and demo purposes.

At the same time, we would also to ask you to reach out if you use our libraries so we can notify you in case a new version is published or in case you can switch to Apache CXF once it's officially released.

Also, please share your feedback, should you have any regarding functionality or configuration. In case of issues or further changes in the eDelivery AS4 2.0 profile (public consultation for which lasts until 8 April 2024), we will release new versions with an adapted suffix RCx.

Reach out to eDelivery through

Step 2 BY 15 MAY

Complete your registration by mid-May and stay in tune with any updates or instructions shared via the eDelivery website or direct communications. This ensures you're fully prepared for the interoperability tests. By the end of April, we will share a detailed test plan so you can get familiar with the scope of the Interoperability Event.

To register, send an email to In case you already registered in the past, there is no need to do so again.

Step 3 BY 30 MAY

Prepare two types of certificates – a signing certificate and a separate encryption certificate. We encourage you to generate your certificates and share them by the end of May for validation. Instructions or scripts for using Java's keytool will be provided.

Aim to have all preparations, including certificate generation and submission, completed by the end of May. A follow-up validation will ensure all certificates are correctly generated.

Interoperability Event FAQ

What is the Interoperability Event?

It's a remote meeting organised by eDelivery where we test how different proof-of-concept implementations of the eDelivery AS4 profile 2.0 work together, meaning if they can send and receive messages without any issues.

Should I join the Interoperability Event?

Yes, if you are developing a solution based on the eDelivery AS4 2.0 profile specifications.

What types of certificates do I need?

You will need two certificates:

  • For signing, one with an Ed25519 key as the subject key;
  • For encryption, one with an X25519 key as the subject key.

How can I create these certificates?

If you use Java version 17 or above, you can create these certificates yourself. By the end of April, we will provide instructions and scripts to help you.

When should I have everything ready?

Aim to have certificates ready and shared with us by the end of May. This gives us time to check everything works as it should.

What PModes should I prepare?

We will provide guidance on the PMode configuration by the end of April.

How will the testing work?

We will be sending messages between different Interoperability Event participants' products to see if they can successfully exchange information. It is like a big group test where everyone tries to connect with everyone else.

What if I run into problems during the preparation?

Our support team is here to help. Share your questions or issues as soon as they come up. We want everyone to be ready and will provide assistance to ensure you are set for the event.

Is there a registration deadline?

Yes, please register by 15 May by dropping us a line at This helps us plan the event and make sure we have everything ready for everyone.

Can I test with my existing eDelivery setup?

Your setup needs to be aligned with the new eDelivery AS4 2.0 specifications for this event. We're focusing on new features and security, so it's important your solution is up to date with the latest eDelivery AS4 specifications.

Will there be any follow-up after the event?

Yes, we will gather feedback and experiences from all participants. This helps us validate and, if needed, correct the eDelivery specifications before adopting them and make future events even better.

eDelivery Building Block   

eDelivery is a Building Block that provides technical specifications and standards, installable software and ancillary services to allow projects to create a network of nodes for secure digital data exchange.

The eDelivery specifications include the eDelivery AS4 profile, an open technical specification ensuring secure, payload-agnostic and reliable data exchange; the eDelivery SMP profile, designed for publishing service metadata within a 4-corner network; the eDelivery BDXL profile, which enables locating Access Points within the network; and the eDelivery ebCore Party Id profile, a technical specification for the recommended notation for party addressing.

Stay tuned for the latest updates on eDelivery services by checking the Building Block's X and web page. For more information, do not hesitate to register for personalised news or contact us via our portal or by e-mail:

eDelivery and Digital Building Blocks presented at the Single Digital Gateway high-level event

On 19 March 2024, the European Commission held a conference on the Single Digital Gateway (SDG), under the patronage of the 2024 Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU. The conference, titled ‘Boosting the EU Single Market: Towards the Single Digital Gateway 2.0’, reviewed the progress of the Single Digital Gateway. The Commission also presented plans for the next stage of the Single Digital Gateway, aimed at consolidating the Single Market’s integration and supporting Europe’s competitiveness.

The conference featured three panel discussions and a keynote speech by Mathieu Michel and Maive Rute. The keynotes emphasized the high costs of administrative burden and the need of quick and efficient public services for fostering innovation, growth, and satisfaction. Making this a reality, a user-friendly and accessible single digital portal is critical for citizens and businesses and key achievements and lessons learnt already have been examined. 

The panel discussions highlighted the successes of the Single Digital Gateway to date, the increased efficiency by utilizing digital tools and, finally, how to design a SDG 2.0. Currently Single Digital Gateway facilitates online access to information, administration procedures, and assistance services that EU citizens and businesses across the EU. The access is provided via user-centric portal Your Europe and Once-Only Technical System. In the future, SDG would reinforce the integration of the EU’s Single Market and increase competitiveness of the EU worldwide.

Across all panels, the importance of digital public services and how they could be further improved facilitating the functioning of the EU Single Market have been emphasized. Digital Building Blocks have been at the heart of facilitating interoperability and digital services in the EU. 

They play a key role in creating a vibrant cross-border and cross-sector ecosystems. Anyone interested in building blocks had an opportunity to get more information at the stand. The video slides and the other information, which was there, is available here.

eDelivery building block, which facilitates the exchange of data and documents online reliably and securely in the scalable data exchange networks, has been part of Once-Only Technical System (OOTS) since the beginning. You can read about this more here, and learn about eDelivery benefits and its application success stories in various ecosystems in our Value Proposition webinar here. Besides OOTS, eDelivery is already used in other 30 digital ecosystems and one can read about it here.

eDelivery Building Block

eDelivery is a Building Block that provides technical specifications and standards, installable software and ancillary services to allow projects to create a network of nodes for secure digital data exchange.

Stay tuned for the latest updates on eDelivery services by checking the Building Block's X and web page. For more information, do not hesitate to register for personalised news or contact us via our portal or by e-mail:

Explore the new DomiSMP video series

Today, we have launched a new series of videos explaining DomiSMP, eDelivery's sample SMP software implementation.

Join our software engineer Jože Rihtaršič as he guides you through concepts surrounding DomiSMP. By following Jože in the exercises, you will improve your understanding of Dynamic Discovery.

In his easy-to-follow guides, Jože takes you through setting up a secure Dynamic Delegation Discovery System infrastructure, using the Dynamic Discovery Client, starting DomiSMP as a Spring Boot application, and exploring DomiSMP's key concepts and user interface.

For accompanying scripts, see DomiSMP guides. You can find a reference companion guide link in the description of each video.

Here is a summary of the videos we release on 19 March 2024:

GuideResourcesWhat you learn
Introduction to Dynamic Delegation Discovery System (DDDS) infrastractureVideo | Companion guideDiscover the components of a DDDS. Learn about the Service Metadata Publisher (SMP), Service Metadata Locator (SML), Dynamic Discovery Client (DDC) and the Access Point (AP), and how they work together. Gain insights into creating a more efficient and secure message exchange network.
eDelivery Dynamic Discover Client (DDC)Video | Companion guideDive into the functionalities and advantages of the Dynamic Discovery Client. Understand how to implement and test DDDS infrastructure using the eDelivery DDC sample. Equip yourself with practical knowledge to enhance your digital communication infrastructure.
Spring Boot deployment of DomiSMPVideo | Companion guideLearn how to launch DomiSMP as a Spring Boot application, including database setup and initial configuration, for demonstration and testing purposes. Master these steps to effectively deploy and test DomiSMP in your environment.
DomiSMP user interface overview and user settingsVideo | Companion guideGet a comprehensive overview of the DomiSMP web application. This guide covers user profile management and the tools for managing user access tokens and certificates. Enhance your proficiency in DomiSMP.
DomiSMP resource location and permissionsVideo | Companion guideExplore the core concepts of DomiSMP, focusing on the resource locator for message capability documents and the system of realms, user roles and permissions. Understand the foundations of user administration in DomiSMP for better management and security.

eDelivery Building Block   

eDelivery is a Building Block that provides technical specifications and standards, installable software and ancillary services to allow projects to create a network of nodes for secure digital data exchange.

DomiSMP is the sample software provided by the European Commission to implement an eDelivery Service Metadata Publisher for publishing and retrieving data necessary for an eDelivery party to dynamically configure its system for message exchange with counterparties using eDelivery. It is based on the  eDelivery SMP profile, an open technical specification for publishing service metadata within a 4-corner network. 

Stay tuned for the latest updates on eDelivery services by checking the Building Block's X and web page. For more information, do not hesitate to register for personalised news or contact us via our portal or by e-mail:

Domibus 5.0.8 released

Domibus 5.0.8 released

We are pleased to announce that Domibus 5.0.8 is now available. This latest release in the 5.0.x line of the sample implementation of the eDelivery Access Point includes several enhancements aimed at improving performance, fixing bugs and addressing security vulnerabilities. We strongly recommend you upgrade to this version to benefit from these improvements.

At the heart of this update is a focus on performance enhancements. Key improvements include refined query performance for payload handling and an optimised Messages page, ensuring quicker access and smoother navigation. By eliminating inefficient cross joins and enhancing the partitions retention mechanism, Domibus 5.0.8 delivers a more responsive and reliable solution.

We recognise the importance of security: this update introduces fixes to several security vulnerabilities, thereby fortifying Domibus' defence against potential threats. Furthermore, the 5.0.8 version provides a more robust mechanism for handling authentication errors, now logging them with a WARN status to improve issue tracking and resolution.

Domibus 5.0.8 is backward compatible with 5.0.7 and earlier 5.0 versions, with the exception for those using Access Points in PULL mode. For these Access Points, a fix in the validation of the party roles means that pre-5.0.8 PModes may not be compatible with Domibus 5.0.8. We have provided a way to temporarily bypass this validation until you can update your PMode. For detailed steps on what to do, please check the upgrade documentation. The upgrade is not mandatory but highly recommended.

We have also made Domibus tougher against issues that can happen during the upgrade process. Now, if your current version is not set up correctly or if there are problems during the upgrade, the migration scripts will not run or will stop to prevent bigger issues.

For release resources that detail new features and fixed bugs, as well as include upgrade steps, see Domibus v5.0.8.

For further assistance or more information, please contact us via our portal or e-mail:

eDelivery Building Block   

eDelivery is a Building Block that provides technical specifications and standards, installable software and ancillary services to allow projects to create a network of nodes for secure digital data exchange.

Domibus is the sample software provided by the European Commission to implement an eDelivery AS4 Access Point for the interoperable, secure and reliable data exchange. It is based on the eDelivery AS4 profile, an open technical specification for the secure, web-based, payload-agnostic exchange of data or documents.

Stay tuned for the latest updates on eDelivery services by checking the Building Block's X and web page. For more information, do not hesitate to register for personalised news or contact us via our portal or by e-mail:

Update information on your eDelivery AS4 solution for the new listing page

Who should read this article?

In recent years, over 30 products and services passed tests to be listed on our website as solutions conformant to the eDelivery AS4 profile. This article is relevant for organisations responsible for one of these solutions.

Send us updated information about your eDelivery AS4 conformant solution

The eDelivery team is in the process of refreshing the manner in which solutions conformant to the eDelivery AS4 profile are published on the eDelivery website. As part of this effort, we are collecting updated resources (such as links, presentations, and contact emails) from organisations that own such solutions.
Given the significance of this listing to individuals and organisations selecting eDelivery AS4 conformant solutions, we urge you to take a few minutes to fill in this form to ensure that the information regarding your conformant solution is up to date.

Get in touch!

Furthermore, we invite you to engage with us and other eDelivery conformant solution providers by joining our Interoperability Forum!
Should you require any clarifications regarding the form or have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via email at
We sincerely appreciate your attention to this matter and thank you for your cooperation.

The eDelivery Building Block  

eDelivery is a Building Block that provides technical specifications and standards, installable software and ancillary services to allow projects to create a network of nodes for secure digital data exchange.  

Towards eDelivery 2.0 profiles: Insights from Interoperability Forum

The eDelivery Interoperability Forum meeting on 29 February 2024 gathered solution providers and technical experts to share insights and updates on the eDelivery 2.0 profiles. We are immensely thankful to everyone who participated and contributed to the discussions.

During the session, Bogdan Dumitriu, eDelivery project officer, took an in-depth look at the feedback from the 2023 public consultation on the eDelivery AS4 and SMP 2.0 profiles.

On top of the feedback itself, the eDelivery team also considered additional features for the profiles. Pim van der Eijk, our standards expert, presented all the key updates to the eDelivery specifications, including the introduction of new profiles like the eDelivery BDXL 2.0 and ebCore Party Id 2.0.

All these updates aim to enhance interoperability, which is a core value for eDelivery. And an open dialogue lets the eDelivery team commit to responding to the the community's input and refine our approaches.

Looking ahead, Bogdan Dumitriu outlined the timeline for adopting the new specifications:

Our roadmap for the first half of year includes also the next eDelivery Interoperability Forum meeting, scheduled for 18 April 2024.

For those who couldn't join us or wish to revisit the discussions on 29 February, the presentation slides and notes from the meeting are available at eDelivery Interoperability Forum. 29 February 2024.

We express our profound gratitude to all attendees for their invaluable contributions. Your engagement and feedback drive the continuous improvement of the eDelivery specifications. Together, we're shaping a more interoperable and efficient future for digital communication.

We look forward to seeing you at the next Interoperability Forum meeting.

The eDelivery Building Block  

eDelivery is a Building Block that provides technical specifications and standards, installable software and ancillary services to allow projects to create a network of nodes for secure digital data exchange.  

Public consultation on eDelivery 2.0 specifications

With a deadline of Monday, 8 April 2024, stakeholders are called to contribute to the updated specifications of the eDelivery AS4 2.0 and SMP 2.0 profiles, the newly updated BDXL 2.0 and ebCore Party Id 2.0 specifications. 

A second consultation?

In June 2023, the eDelivery team called for a consultation on the AS4 and SMP 2.0 specifications which presented several key updates to the specifications. As a result of incorporating the suggestions received via the public consultation as well as the internal evolution, the eDelivery team has updated the AS4 and SMP 2.0 specifications in a substantial way, and it has also added new eDelivery BDXL and ebCore Party Id 2.0 specifications.

The eDelivery team is dedicated to adapting the eDelivery suite of profiles to meet the changing needs of stakeholders and to facilitate smooth data exchange in the digital world. As these changes will impact all ecosystems using eDelivery, the team is seeking input from the community to gather thoughts and feedback via the current public consultation.

In pursuit of this effort, the eDelivery team already presented the adapted specifications in the eDelivery Interoperability Forum, which convenes vendors and service providers.

Due to the limited scope of the changes, the consultation period will be shorter than previous ones.

How to participate

The community is invited to either post feedback as comments on the public consultation pages linked underneath or send it by email to by 8 April 2024. After this date there is no certainty that proposed changes or suggestions could be implemented in the specifications.

Next steps

We recommend that everyone operating or preparing eDelivery-based ecosystems as well as eDelivery solution providers plan their adoption of the new specifications starting from now. Read about how eDelivery will support the adoption of these updated profiles. Exciting events, inclusive meetings and an interoperability event are on the horizon as we take a step into the future with eDelivery in 2024.

Stay tuned for the latest updates on eDelivery services by checking the Building Block's X and web page. For more information, do not hesitate to register for personalised news or contact us via our portal or by e-mail:

The eDelivery Building Block  

eDelivery is a building block that provides technical specifications and standards, installable software and ancillary services to allow projects to create a network of nodes for secure digital data exchange.