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European Commission Digital

This page collects the resources for Domibus version 5.0.8, released in March 2024.

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We are happy to announce the release of Domibus 5.0.8 sample implementation of the eDelivery Access Point.

The Domibus 5.0.8 includes the following bug fixes and performance improvements and we strongly recommend the update:

  • Improve performance of the Messages page
  • Improve the performance of query used for payload handling
  • Remove cross joins with dictionary to improve performance
  • Improve performance of the partitions retention mechanism
  • Authentication errors in console should be logged with WARN instead of INFO
  • Improvement in Domibus-UUMDS ICD document
  • eArchiving batches are deleted immediately after the ARCHIVED notification is received
  • Do not run the migration script if the previous version is not correct
  • Stop the execution of the SQL migration scripts when an error is encountered
  • Added endpoint for refreshing DSS Trusted lists. Can be accessed with POST /ext/trustedlists/refreshoperation
  • Added Domibus properties for quartz data source
  • Renamed edeliveryNonXA datasources to eDeliveryMysqlNonXADS and eDeliveryOracleNonXADS in wildfly standalone-full.xml file
  • Relaxed the restriction of service and action values validation in message filter creation
  • Fixed issue in the pMode with reversed party roles in the Pull process. See upgrade info for more details.
  • New property domibus.pmode.legconfiguration.mpc.enabled, defines the behavior of Domibus when the Mpc attribute is not present in the UserMessage.
  • Added properties domibus.pmode.validation.action.pattern, domibus.pmode.validation.service.value.pattern and domibus.pmode.validation.service.type.pattern to validate action and service when updating a Pmode
  • Added property to define the position of the Bouncy Castle in the security providers list
  • New worker which reschedules unsent messages stuck in SEND_ENQUEUED and WAITING_FOR_RETRY statuses
  • New worker which reschedules eArchive batches stuck in STARTED statuses
  • Cache configuration for extensions can be done using default ehcache file *-extension-default-ehcache.xml. The expected location (in a Java project) is: /src/main/resources/config/ehcache/*-extension-default-ehcache.xml which will go to .jar file of the extension into e.g. /config/ehcache/ext1-extension-default-ehcache.xml location
  • Cache configuration for extensions can be overridden by a configuration file named *-extension-ehcache.xml (e.g ext1-extension-ehcache.xml) added to /conf/domibus/extensions/config/
  • Moved dss-cache in /extensions/config/dss-extension-ehcache.xml
  • Removed Domibus cache statistics duplicates from JMX consoles
  • Upgraded Tomcat 9 to the latest version 9.0.85
  • Upgraded Wildfly version to 26.1.3.Final
  • Upgrade Angular to version 16 and perform multiple UI fixes
  • Implement test to detect library duplicates between Domibus core and the plugins/extensions
  • Add primary keys on tables missing the primary key

Domibus 5.0.8 is backward compatible with 5.0.7 and the upgrade is not mandatory but highly recommended.

Important known issue to note

Under certain conditions, Domibus 5.0.8 creates an incorrect application address after the user logs into the Domibus Admin Console, rendering the Admin Console unusable. This affects Domibus installations where the Admin Console is exposed through a URL that uses a different base context than /domibus. This can happen, e.g., when using a reverse proxy. In such cases, a user logging in via a URL such as[...] will be incorrectly redirected to[...] which will not work. The impact is limited to the Domibus Admin Console, the rest of the application functions correctly (see also EDELIVERY-13318).

Domibus 5.0.9 planned on 28.06.2024 will address this issue.

Supported platforms:

  • Application servers:
    • WildFly 26.1.x
    • WebLogic (tested version, future versions might work)
    • Apache Tomcat 9.0.x
  • Database:
    • MySQL 8 (future versions might work)
    • Oracle 12c R2 and Oracle 19c
  • Java 8 features / compile with Oracle JDK 8: tested to run correctly with:
    • Oracle JDK 8/ WebLogic
    • OpenJDK 11/ WildFly + Tomcat (tested with AdoptOpenJDK 11 version

Security Note: To ensure their system’s security, users installing any of the Domibus packages labelled as “Full Distribution” have the responsibility to update the application servers to the latest version after the installation.

Technical Documentation

(blue star)NEW!(blue star)

Documentation in HTML

Domibus 5.0.8 documentation can now be consulted in HTML, click >here< to open.

Documentation in PDF 

Click > here < to download the Domibus technical documentation now consolidated in one PDF document.

Domibus Technical Documentation Contents Description

In the documentation site or in the distributed PDF(s) you can find the following information:

(grey lightbulb) Installation and Configuration
Quickly get started with Domibus. Based on a common scenario, a Tomcat/MySQL environment, and by following this concise guide, you can expedite the installation of a local Domibus running instance.
Detailed information on:
→ How to deploy and configure Domibus in all supported platforms.
Configuration support and details for multiple topics, such as: Security Configurations (Policies, Certificates, TLS Configuration), Message Filtering, PMode Configuration, Application Monitoring, etc.
Configuration of the registration for custom plugins and Troubleshooting.
(grey lightbulb)About Domibus
A comprehensive architectural overview of the system, using a number of different architectural views to illustrate diverse system aspects. Portrays the significant architectural decisions underlying Domibus.
Describes eDelivery's Access Point Offering.
(grey lightbulb)Testing
Aimed at developers and testers wanting to perform a set of checks on their Domibus installation or to use as a starting point to create their own test cases.
(grey lightbulb) Plugins
Outline of the JMS Data Format Exchange to be used as part of the default JMS backend plugin.
Description of the WSDL and of the observable behaviour of the default WS plugin's interface.
Description of the WSDL and of the observable behaviour of the default WS plugin's interface (older version).
Outline of the file system messages exchange as part of the default File System (FS) backend integration solution for the Domibus Access Point.
Detailed information on how to configure and deploy the File System Plugin available in Domibus 3.3 and later versions.
Plugin Cookbook

Describes the capabilities provided by the Domibus plugin system. A developer familiar with the AS4 protocol is able to implement a plugin to integrate an existing backoffice application into Domibus.
(grey lightbulb) Extensions
How to develop an Extension. Details the technical specifications of Domibus extension mechanism. Lays out applicable guidelines to support the technical implementation of an extension.
How to validate an Extension. Details the technical specifications of Domibus Validation Extension mechanism. Its scope are the functional aspects of the extension mechanism and the technical and operational aspects of the extension mechanism.
(grey lightbulb) API Documentation
Domibus REST services documentation
Documentation on the Domibus REST services.
Domibus eArchiving REST services documentation
Documentation on the Domibus eArchiving REST services.

(grey lightbulb) License

Licence (pdf)
European Union Public Licence.

Documentation in PDF previously published for 5.0.8

Quick Start Guide (pdf)
This guide allows the user to quickly get started with Domibus. After completing this document, you will have a local Domibus instance up and running locally on a Tomcat/MySQL environment.
Testing guide (pdf)
This document is intended for developers that want to perform a set of checks on their Domibus installation and testers that want to have a starting point to create their own test cases.
Interface Control Document of the default JMS plugin (pdf)
The purpose of this document is to outline the JMS Data Format Exchange to be used as part of the default JMS backend plugin.
Interface Control Document of the default (new) WS plugin (pdf)
This document describes the WSDL and the observable behaviour of the interface provided in the default WS plugin.
Interface Control Document of the default (old) WS plugin (pdf)
This document describes the WSDL and the observable behaviour of the interface provided in the default WS plugin. 
Interface Control Document of the File System plugin (pdf)
The purpose of this document is to outline the file system messages exchange as part of the default File System (FS) backend integration solution for the Domibus Access Point.
Administration Guide (pdf)
The purpose of this guide is to provide detailed information on how to deploy and configure Domibus on WebLogic, Tomcat and WildFly with MySQL and Oracle. It also provides detailed descriptions of related Security Configurations (Policies, Certificates, TLS Configuration), Message Filtering, PMode Configuration, Application Monitoring, Registration of custom plugins and Troubleshooting.
File System Plugin Administration Guide (pdf)
The purpose of this guide is to provide detailed information on how to configure and deploy the File System Plugin available in Domibus 3.3 and later versions.
Plugin cookbook (implementation manual) (pdf)
After reading this document the reader should be aware of the capabilities provided by the Domibus plugin system. Additionally a developer familiar with the AS4 protocol will be able to implement a plugin integrating an existing back office application into Domibus.
Extension cookbook (pdf)
This document details the technical specifications of Domibus extension mechanism. It lays out applicable guidelines to support the technical implementation of an extension.
Validation extension cookbook (pdf)
This document details the technical specifications of Domibus Validation Extension mechanism. Its scope are the functional aspects of the extension mechanism and the technical and operational aspects of the extension mechanism.
Domibus Software Architecture Document (pdf)
This document provides a comprehensive architectural overview of the system, using a number of different architectural views to depict individual aspects of the system.  It is intended to capture and convey the significant architectural decisions that have been made on the system.
Domibus REST services documentation
Documentation on the Domibus REST services.
Domibus eArchiving REST services documentation
Documentation on the Domibus eArchiving REST services.
Licence (pdf)
European Union Public Licence.
Domibus upgrade and downgrade procedure
The purpose of this document is to describe the details of making a backup of Domibus and restore Domibus previous version if it is needed.

Migration from 5.0.7 to 5.0.8

For a detailed description of the Domibus upgrade procedure, click here.

NOTE: A fix in the validation of the party roles may break the compatibility of the pModes for Access Points configured in PULL mode. Please check the upgrade info for the steps to be performed to integrate this change. A Domibus property is available to disable the roles validation. In case it is needed, we recommend to use it temporarily until the pMode is updated.

Release notes

Fixed Bugs

  • [EDELIVERY-12284] - WS push notifications: issue with DELETED and DELETED_BATCH notifications.    
  • [EDELIVERY-12382] - Error seen in the logs when starting Domibus   
  • [EDELIVERY-12442]  - Oracle - Error seen in the logs when starting Domibus   
  • [EDELIVERY-12616] - Outgoing messages use default mpc, while different mpc is configured in PMode   
  • [EDELIVERY-12631] - Signal message for pulled user message not stored in the database   
  • [EDELIVERY-12788] - Clarification on how Domibus 4 determined when to use a pull process, changes in 5   
  • [EDELIVERY-12930] - Message is not sent when using PULL mode
  • [EDELIVERY-11925] - Customs-to-trader MPC and the value of domibus.pmode.legconfiguration.mpc.validation.enabled   
  • [EDELIVERY-12135] - Too many processes found when receiving a pull request
  • [EDELIVERY-12834] - Random change off - pullC2TProcess - on Pmode config in Domibus       
  • [EDELIVERY-11978] - Domibus 5.x JMS Plugin processingType not documented   
  • [EDELIVERY-11977] - Add processingType in SoapUI project   
  • [EDELIVERY-12796] - Error seen in Domibus log - WebLogic server   
  • [EDELIVERY-11791] - Fix unit tests that cause  build to fail   
  • [EDELIVERY-11894] - Metrics should be closed even in case of exceptions   
  • [EDELIVERY-12021] - Domibus usage of caches   
  • [EDELIVERY-12949] - Investigate failing plan for WebLogic and UUMDS   
  • [EDELIVERY-11321] - DSS Custom list not verified   
  • [EDELIVERY-11859] - DSS Cannot download FR LOTL   
  • [EDELIVERY-12828] - Enhance EBMS error description   
  • [EDELIVERY-12585] - Domibus and DSS 5.0.8 should use only version 1.74 of Bouncy Castle   
  • [EDELIVERY-12732] - Detect duplicate libraries in DSS and UUMDS   
  • [EDELIVERY-12311] - Adapt the UUM&DS error behaviour to what we have in ICD 1.2 in versions 5.0.8   
  • [EDELIVERY-12791] - Update DSS library to the latest version for Domibus 5.0.8   
  • [EDELIVERY-12769] - DSS does not log correctly the default cacert location when this location is used   
  • [EDELIVERY-12836] - DSS trusted list refresh via API can be triggered by a standard user.   
  • [EDELIVERY-11858] - Messages in DOWNLOADED state not archived   
  • [EDELIVERY-11874] - Impact of not receiving notification ARCHIVE_FAILED for a failed batch   
  • [EDELIVERY-11882] - Partition P1970 of table TB_ERROR_LOG never cleaned up   
  • [EDELIVERY-11892] - Investigate messages in DOWNLOADED state not archived   
  • [EDELIVERY-11959] - eArchiving batches being generated during server shutdown remain in status STARTED   
  • [EDELIVERY-11975] - Retention - Keep the newest partition instead of the oldest one   
  • [EDELIVERY-12281] - Domibus application is not responding after calling domains multiple times HikariPool issue   
  • [EDELIVERY-12283] - Split and join - source message status is SEND_ENQUEUED instead of ACKNOWLEDGED on C2 side   
  • [EDELIVERY-12453] - Error on first request to Domibus
  • [EDELIVERY-12474] - ORA-14196 when partitioning Domibus/5.0.2 on Oracle 19.20    
  • [EDELIVERY-12504] - Missing jdbc/cipaeDeliveryNonXADs JNDI Name in WildFly when Using CLI Scripts   
  • [EDELIVERY-12516] - Domibus/5.0.2: AgreementRef missing type, when agreement is not a URI   
  • [EDELIVERY-12564] - "DELETED_BATCH" notification is not pushed to the backend   
  • [EDELIVERY-12591] - When running the partitions scripts on Oracle 19.19 and higher an error is encountered and partitions are not created   
  • [EDELIVERY-12627] - Service and action values in the Message Filter is too restrictive   
  • [EDELIVERY-12362] - Expired partition is not dropped - 5.0.8   
  • [EDELIVERY-12689] - Error when running upgrade script to 5.0.5/5.0.8   
  • [EDELIVERY-12699] - Cherry pick earchive swagger fix   
  • [EDELIVERY-12702] - Domibus deployment does not start anymore after servers restart on WebLogic   
  • [EDELIVERY-12709] - Remove the activemq-client library dependency from Domibus WebLogic   
  • [EDELIVERY-12759] - Domibus API not shown in Swagger   
  • [EDELIVERY-12828] - Message status is not changed from ACKNOWLEDGED to DELETED on C2 when retention time expires   
  • [EDELIVERY-12975] - Split and join does not work properly   
  • [EDELIVERY-11276] - Domibus 5.0.4 - FS plugin "File does not exist" error   
  • [EDELIVERY-11880] - Error present in the logs when starting Domibus - multitenancy setup   
  • [EDELIVERY-12174] - eArchiving batches remain in STARTED state after API call   
  • [EDELIVERY-12070] - WebLogic manage server container restart fails   
  • [EDELIVERY-12271] - NullPointerException after sending UUMDS request
  • [EDELIVERY-12282] - Update Ws Plugin Client   
  • [EDELIVERY-12285] - Fix Domibus-default-ws-plugin-client
  • [EDELIVERY-12520] - Migration term is still used in file   
  • [EDELIVERY-12620] - test service fails to identify process to be used   
  • [EDELIVERY-12731] - Error present in WildFly log at startup   
  • [EDELIVERY-12792] - Custom properties not preserved in JMS plugin   
  • [EDELIVERY-12409] - The payload file name is not transmitted from C1 to C4 via JMS plugin   
  • [EDELIVERY-12399] - MessageEntityId is not present in the events from Domibus to plugins
  • [EDELIVERY-12808] - NullPointerException in the logs when configuration is not found in the pmode   
  • [EDELIVERY-12981] - In multitenancy, sometimes, messages submitted via fsplugin are skipped   
  • [EDELIVERY-12715] - Updates required in and WS plugin ICD documents
  • [EDELIVERY-12864] - JMS Monitoring - Page is not loading properly
  • [EDELIVERY-11868] - Domibus application denies to save setup changes from web console   
  • [EDELIVERY-12890] - JMS Monitoring - Search button is disabled   
  • [EDELIVERY-11986] - Modify the admin console search   
  • [EDELIVERY-12866] - Checkboxes remain selected view after interacting with them   
  • [EDELIVERY-12872] - Date picker default time is not set
  • [EDELIVERY-12880] - Pmode Parties: Certificate labels are not appearing   
  • [EDELIVERY-12871] - Grids are not resizing 1 row when no data is present   
  • [EDELIVERY-12874] - Entered/selected values are bigger than old angular version   
  • [EDELIVERY-12875] - Fields labels should not contain ":" at the end  
  •  [EDELIVERY-12895] - Alerts: Show domains checkbox should be after Creation To datepicker    
  • [EDELIVERY-12865] - Logging - Changing between log levels make element flicker    
  • [EDELIVERY-12867] - Elements per page dropdown is too wide   
  • [EDELIVERY-12879] - Pmode Archive: Archive Pmode details title is not properly aligned   
  • [EDELIVERY-12891] - Pmode Parties - When adding a new party, the party id value warning is not styled properly   
  • [EDELIVERY-11796] - Add primary keys on tables missing the primary keys   
  • [EDELIVERY-12736] - Domibus schema upgrade error: if a user upgrades to 5.0.8 then to 5.1 and 5.1.1   
  • [EDELIVERY-12830] - Production - errors upgrading database from 4.2.x to 5.0   
  • [EDELIVERY-12870] - SQL scripts oracle-5.1.2-delete-db.sql   
  • [EDELIVERY-12918] - Fix DB migration errors found when doing multiple upgrades
  • [EDELIVERY-12124] - Check and fix the UIDX_D_SERVICE_VALUE_TYPE index in TB_D_SERVICE table   
  • [EDELIVERY-12789] - The partitions are not entirely created when running the partitioning script   
  • [EDELIVERY-12993] - Domibus does not start after upgrade from Domibus 5.0.7 to 5.0.8 using WebLogic  

New Feature


  • [EDELIVERY-12030] - Improve performance of the Messages page
  • [EDELIVERY-12928] - Improve the performance of query used for payload handling 
  • [EDELIVERY-11885] - Authentication errors in console should be logged with WARN instead of INFO
  • [EDELIVERY-11999] - Improve performance of eArchiving retention
  • [EDELIVERY-12034] - Improve performance of the partitions retention mechanism
  • [EDELIVERY-12980] - Improvement in Domibus-UUMDS ICD document 
  • [EDELIVERY-12233] - Performance improvement - remove cross joins with dictionary to improve performance
  • [EDELIVERY-12289] - Do not run the migration script if the previous version is not correct
  • [EDELIVERY-12290] - Stop the execution of the SQL migration scripts when an error is encountered

Known issue

For more information, please contact us via our portal or by e-mail: