
European Commission Digital

Interested in Grants to help Connect Europe? Join the CEF Telecom calls virtual Info Day! 12 September, 2017

European Commission, 2017

This virtual event follows the launch of Calls for Proposals for the CEF eTranslation and CEF eInvoicing building blocks. It is a timely opportunity to see presentations on the calls and their respective CEF building blocks (as well as other building blocks) and to ask questions to staff from the European Commission and the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA), responsible for the administration of the calls.


The event will be web streamed and the full recording will be available under the same link for 2 years. Please use the Chrome browser in case you experience problems watching the recording.


The Info Day will also offer the opportunity to ask questions to Commission and Agency staff members pertaining to the calls via email to Questions received during the event will be answered immediately, and written replies will be available on the FAQ page after the event.


The event will be live tweeted with the hashtag #CEFTelecomDay. Follow INEA (@inea_eu) in order to receive all up-to-date news relating to these calls.



Introduction and Welcome

Paloma Aba Garrote, Head of Department, Programme Support & Resources -  Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA)


 CEF Telecom policy background 

 Claudia Oros, Project Officer, Programme Coordination - Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CNECT)


Evaluation process and award criteria 

Dãmiao Chaves, CEF Programme and Call Coordinator - INEA


How to submit a successful application 

Kara Baptista, Evaluation Manager, CEF Telecom - INEA


Questions & Answers




Alis Irena Riviere-Osipov, Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs - DG  GROWTH



 Aleksandra Wesolowska - DG CNECT



Katerina Moutogianni - DG CNECT


 Public Open Data

 Leonardo Flores Añover - DG CNECT


Questions and Answers & Conclusions

European Multi-Stakeholder Forum on Electronic Invoicing's new mandate – Apply now!

 European Commission, 2017

The European Commission is happy to announce that applications to join the latest mandate of the European Multi-Stakeholder Forum on Electronic Invoicing (EMSFEI) are open. The latest mandate has been established by a Decision of European Commission of 14 August 2017.

The European Commission invites external stakeholders to advise on policy decisions in the form of different types of expert groups. The EMSFEI, organised by European Commission's Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) brings together public and private sector stakeholders from national eInvoicing fora and from the user side of the market.

The main objective of the EMSFEI is to pave the way for a broad-scale adoption of eInvoicing at national and EU-level according to the Directive 2014/55/EU and the European standard on eInvoicing developed by the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN). The Forum creates an unique opportunity to exchange experiences and best practices across borders. It also discusses issues of common interest and may issue recommendations to the European Commission.

With the aim to have the most relevant EU stakeholders in charge of eInvoicing at policy and implementation levels, DG GROW invites interested private and public stakeholders (representing EU Member States) to submit their application to join the EMSFEI.

This is an unique opportunity to actively contribute to the European Commission's eInvoicing policy implementation. As a member of the EMSFEI you will be tasked with assignments that help inform key stakeholders of the status of eInvoicing in your country, share best practices and experiences and build on activities aiming at a broader and smooth adoption of the European standard on eInvoicing.

Please note that the application process follows the below timeline:

Call opening

21 August

Deadline for application

15 September

Selection phase

18 – 25 September

Communication of nominees

29 September

CEF eDelivery Webinar Series: Send your first AS4 Message and Discover Domibus 3.3

European Commission, 2017

The European Commission is organising two interactive, live webinars during October looking at specific aspects of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) eDelivery building block.

The CEF eDelivery building block helps users to exchange electronic data and documents with one another in a reliable and trusted way.

CEF eDelivery is based on a distributed model called the “4-corner model”. In this model, the back-end systems of the users don’t exchange data directly with each other but do this through Access Points. These Access Points are conformant to the same technical specifications and are therefore capable of communicating with each other. As a result of this, users adopting CEF eDelivery can easily and safely exchange data even if their IT systems were developed independently from each other

3 October 2017 / 10:00 - 11:30 (CET) Send your first AS4 message

This Hands-on Webinar aims to showcase the sending of AS4 messages using eDelivery in the FIWARE Lab instance. During the Webinar attendees will have the opportunity to send an AS4 message via the FIWARE Lab instance and get real-time support. 

Participants to this Webinar will also learn about:

  •  CEF eDelivery and its connection with the Digital Single Market
  • An overview of the state of play of CEF building blocks' reuse in cross-border and domain specific contexts 
  • The CEF eDelivery specifications
  • Domibus - the European Commission open source sample implementation based on the AS4 profile that can be used to get familiar with the technical specifications in a test environment or can work as a solution in a production environment.

24 October 2017 / 10:00 - 11:30 (CET)  Webinar on Domibus 3.3

Domibus is the sample implementation of the eDelivery Access Point maintained by the European Commission, achieved through close collaboration between different EU policy projects' IT delivery teams and CEF eDelivery.

This webinar aims to showcase the new features available with Domibus 3.3 and to promote and support the upgrade to this latest version of the software.

Participants to this Webinar will learn about:

  • Domibus - the European Commission open source sample implementation based on the AS4 profile 
  • The latest version of Domibus and its main improvements
  • Step by step guide on how to upgrade to Domibus 3.3

The CEF building blocks provide basic services which can be reused to enable more complex digital public services offered to citizens, businesses and public administration. They provide reusable tools and services helping to underpin the Digital Single Market, that aims to remove digital regulatory barriers, contributing as much as EUR 415 billion per year to the European economy. The CEF Digital 2018 Portal is the home of the CEF building blocks (eDeliveryeIDeInvoicingeSignature and eTranslation). It is the one-stop-shop for information about the building blocks. The portal provides access to tools, services and software that can be used in any European project to facilitate the delivery of digital public services across borders.

2017-07-25: CEF eDelivery: SML 3.1 (Final Release) Out Now

European Commission, 2017

Following the successful release of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) eDelivery building block Service Metadata Locator (SML) Release Candidate 3.1, the European Commission is happy to announce the final release of the SML 3.1.

Following extensive testing, the SML 3.1 includes the following improvements:

  • Added detection of data inconsistency between database and DNS in the SML
  • Fixed bug in Change Certificate operation – made it possible for subject-based policy (Non Root CA - non PEPPOL domains)

  • Improve certificate validation messages

  • Improved validation of LogicalAddress field of Create SMP action, made configurable

  • Improve data model for domains
  • Allowed registration of SMPs that are accessible through HTTPS (new feature can be switched OFF/ON by configuration)

  • Allowed creation of NAPTR records that point to HTTPS URLs (new feature can be switched OFF/ON by configuration)

  • Improved authentication for setup without reverse-proxy and with subject-based policy (Non Root CA – non PEPPOL domains)

  • Added flag to configure NAPTR protocol HTTP or HTTPS
  • Added participant ID regular expression validation
  • Added configuration flag to disable/enable BlueCoat Authentication with header Client-Cert
  • Improved response while special characters in the request

The CEF eDelivery building block helps users to exchange electronic data and documents with one another in a reliable and trusted way. It is based on the AS4 messaging protocol, open and free for all, developed by the OASIS standards development organisation.

CEF eDelivery works as a collection of distributed nodes that are conformant to the same technical rules, and therefore capable of interacting with each other. CEF eDelivery prescribes technical specifications that can be used in any Policy Domain of the EU (Justice, Procurement, Consumer Protection, etc.) to enable secure and reliable exchange of documents and data (structured, non-structured and/or binary), both across borders and sectors. 

CEF eDelivery is based on a distributed model called the “4-corner model”. In this model, the back-end systems of the users don’t exchange data directly with each other but do this through Access Points. These Access Points are conformant to the same technical specifications and are therefore capable of communicating with each other.

The SML is the only centrally operated component in the CEF eDelivery Messaging Infrastructure. 

In order to send a message, a sender needs to discover where the information about a receiver is stored. The SML serves this purpose, and guides the sender towards this location, which is called Service Metadata Publisher (SMP).

CEF eDelivery's Dynamic Service Location (DSL) enables the sending Access Point to dynamically discover the IP address of the receiving Access Point.  Instead of looking at a static list of IP addresses, the sending Access Point consults a SMP where information about every participant in the document and data exchange network is kept up to date, including IP addresses of their Access Point.

To see how CEF eDelivery and the CEF building blocks are Connecting Europe, visit CEF Digital 2018 now.

CEF eSignature - Trusted List Browser: Live Webinar

European Commission, 2017

The European Commission is happy to announce the live webinar: CEF eSignature - Trusted List Browser.

The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) eSignature building block has released the Trusted List Browser, a web application to help anyone browse Europe's trusted lists. The trusted lists, established by the eIDAS Regulation, list all of Europe's providers of qualified trust services, including the issuance of certificates for e-signatures and e-seals, time-stamping services and electronic registered delivery services.

On 5 September 2017, the live webinar will provide information on this new application. The event is an opportunity to learn more about electronic signatures in Europe and how you can use the Trusted List Browser to gain access to the European Digital Single Market. There will also be an opportunity to put your questions to the CEF eSignature team.

Through the CEF eSignature building block, the European Commission supports the use of electronic signatures throughout Europe.

CEF eDelivery: Market Guide for AS4 Solutions and Services Now Available

European Commission, 2017

The European Commission has published a Market Guide for AS4 Solutions and Services in the context of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) eDelivery building block

The Connecting Europe Facility is promoting the adoption of a profile of the AS4 OASIS Standard AS4 message exchange protocol developed during the e-SENS Large Scale Pilot project.

By using open standards such as AS4, which is also used by other communities internationally, CEF eDelivery benefits from and contributes to the synergies and network effect of using open, internationally adopted standards. Multiple commercial and open source implementations exist for AS4 and are available to public administrations and companies in Europe.

Users of CEF eDelivery can procure these solutions in an environment in which multiple solution providers compete for business. This competition incentivises providers to provide quality solutions and value for money.

Download the Guide:

CEF eDelivery is a network of nodes for digital communications. It is based on a distributed model where every participant becomes a node using standard transport protocols and security policies. It helps public administrations to exchange electronic data and documents with other public administrations, businesses and citizens, in an interoperable, secure, reliable and trusted way.

The CEF eDelivery solution is based on a distributed model called the “4-corner model”. In this model, the back-end systems of the users don’t exchange data directly with each other but do this through Access Points. These Access Points are conformant to the same technical specifications and therefore capable of communicating with each other.

N.B: This document is based on public information that is presented at industry events, published on company websites, and / or disclosed by the listed companies.The information contained in the document is non-exhaustive as well as non-contractual in nature. Please consult the document for a full disclaimer.