This site has been archived on 19/11/14

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10:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS addresses the ACP Committee of Ambassadors

15:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the signing Ceremony of the Programming Document for the Sustainable Development of Greenland 2014 -2020 with Premier of Greenland, Kim KIELSEN


10:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS addresses the ACP Committee of Ambassadors

15:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the signing Ceremony of the Programming Document for the Sustainable Development of Greenland 2014 -2020 with Premier of Greenland, Kim KIELSEN

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Bhutan

10:15 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Minister of Finance Mr Lyonpo Namgay DORJI

11:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets His Majesty the King Jigme Khesar NAMGYEL

14:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Mr. Tenzing DHENDUP, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests

15:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits EU funded projects

18:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the signing ceremony EU Multiannual Indicative Programme for Bhutan and EIB Framework Agreement


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Bhutan

10:15 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Minister of Finance Mr Lyonpo Namgay DORJI

11:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets His Majesty the King Jigme Khesar NAMGYEL

14:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Mr. Tenzing DHENDUP, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests

15:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits EU funded projects

18:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the signing ceremony EU Multiannual Indicative Programme for Bhutan and EIB Framework Agreement

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Bhutan.

15:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets MFA Mr Lyonpo Rinzin Dorje


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Bhutan.

15:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets MFA Mr Lyonpo Rinzin Dorje

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Nepal.

11:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits the "Strengthening Adaptive Farming in Bangladesh, India & Nepal"  project

14:15 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets the District Food Security Network

15:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits the "Observe Education" support programme


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Nepal.

11:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits the "Strengthening Adaptive Farming in Bangladesh, India & Nepal"  project

14:15 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets the District Food Security Network

15:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits the "Observe Education" support programme

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Nepal

10:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets President Dr. Ram Baran YADAV

11:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Prime Minister Mr. Sushil KOIRALA

12:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Foreign Minister Mr. Mahendra Bahadur PANDE

15:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets the Secretary-General of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation Mr Arjun THAPA

16:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Minister of Finance Dr. Ram Sharan MAHAT


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Nepal

10:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets President Dr. Ram Baran YADAV

11:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Prime Minister Mr. Sushil KOIRALA

12:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Foreign Minister Mr. Mahendra Bahadur PANDE

15:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets the Secretary-General of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation Mr Arjun THAPA

16:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Minister of Finance Dr. Ram Sharan MAHAT

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Nepal

10:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS  participates in a visit to the Bagmati river.

11:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS  participates in a project visit


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Nepal

10:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS  participates in a visit to the Bagmati river.

11:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS  participates in a project visit

12:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the signing ceremony of NIP with Tadjikistan


12:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the signing ceremony of NIP with Tadjikistan

14:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives new President of CONCORD Mr Johannes TRIMMEL

15:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the signing ceremony of the National Indicative Programme (NIP) with Cameroon


14:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives new President of CONCORD Mr Johannes TRIMMEL

15:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the signing ceremony of the National Indicative Programme (NIP) with Cameroon

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Rome.

10:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in a Conference on energy.


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Rome.

10:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in a Conference on energy.

14:40 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the signing ceremony of the Multiannual Indicative Programme 2014-2020 for Vietnam with Prime Minister of Vietnam Mr Nguyen TAN DUNG and President BARROSO


14:40 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the signing ceremony of the Multiannual Indicative Programme 2014-2020 for Vietnam with Prime Minister of Vietnam Mr Nguyen TAN DUNG and President BARROSO

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Washington

15:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the signing ceremony of NIPS with Belize, Lesotho, Togo and Zambia.


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Washington

15:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the signing ceremony of NIPS with Belize, Lesotho, Togo and Zambia.

15:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Ms Yoka BRANDT, Deputy Executive Director of UNICEF

15:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the "Race for Survival" campaign organised by Save the Children


15:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Ms Yoka BRANDT, Deputy Executive Director of UNICEF

15:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the "Race for Survival" campaign organised by Save the Children

11:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Amadou BA, Minister of Economy and Finance of Senegal

12:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Arno KOMPATSCHER, President of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano/Bozen South Tyrol in the context of the 2015 Year of Development


11:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Amadou BA, Minister of Economy and Finance of Senegal

12:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Arno KOMPATSCHER, President of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano/Bozen South Tyrol in the context of the 2015 Year of Development

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Vienna.

11:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the EU- United Nations Industrial Development Organization High Level Review meeting

17:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the Entwicklungspolitische Dialog (Development Policy Dialogue )


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Vienna.

11:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the EU- United Nations Industrial Development Organization High Level Review meeting

17:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the Entwicklungspolitische Dialog (Development Policy Dialogue )

10:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives UN Special Envoy for the Great Lakes Mr Said DJINNIT

12:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives President of Honduras Juan Orlando HERNANDEZ and participates in the signing ceremony of the Multiannual Indicative Programme (MIP)2014-2020 with President José Manuel BARROSO


10:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives UN Special Envoy for the Great Lakes Mr Said DJINNIT

12:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives President of Honduras Juan Orlando HERNANDEZ and participates in the signing ceremony of the Multiannual Indicative Programme (MIP)2014-2020 with President José Manuel BARROSO

08:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS opens the SE4ALL Energy Access Committee Meeting and participates in the Signing Ceremony of the EU 2 million contribution to the Global Facilitation Team with Dr Kandeh K. YUMKELLA UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Sustainable Energy for All  

11:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the Policy Forum on Development.   

16:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Sadig Al MAHDI, member of the Club of Madrid

18:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the projection of the film on the "Virunga National Park" at the European Parliament.


08:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS opens the SE4ALL Energy Access Committee Meeting and participates in the Signing Ceremony of the EU 2 million contribution to the Global Facilitation Team with Dr Kandeh K. YUMKELLA UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Sustainable Energy for All  

11:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the Policy Forum on Development.   

16:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Sadig Al MAHDI, member of the Club of Madrid

18:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the projection of the film on the "Virunga National Park" at the European Parliament.

09:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS opens the "Empowering Rural Electrification" workshop

15:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Prime Minister of Mali Moussa MARA


09:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS opens the "Empowering Rural Electrification" workshop

15:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Prime Minister of Mali Moussa MARA

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in New York to attend the General Assembly of the United Nations.

09:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Mr Anthony MARUPING Commissioner for Economic Affairs of the African Union

11:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Mr Adnan Z. AMIN Director-General of IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency)

13:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the Side Event on Rights Based Approach to Development


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in New York to attend the General Assembly of the United Nations.

09:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Mr Anthony MARUPING Commissioner for Economic Affairs of the African Union

11:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Mr Adnan Z. AMIN Director-General of IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency)

13:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the Side Event on Rights Based Approach to Development

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in New York to attend the General Assembly of the United Nations.

07:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the Global Business Coalition for Education Executive meeting

08:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the Forum  on “2015 Education Countdown: Failure is Not an Option”

16:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the Signing of 5 Joint Declarations between the European Commission, the Member States and 5 African countries

17:10 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the High Level Session: Action Area Energy - Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

17:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the High Level Session: Resilience and Adaptation


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in New York to attend the General Assembly of the United Nations.

07:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the Global Business Coalition for Education Executive meeting

08:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the Forum  on “2015 Education Countdown: Failure is Not an Option”

16:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the Signing of 5 Joint Declarations between the European Commission, the Member States and 5 African countries

17:10 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the High Level Session: Action Area Energy - Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

17:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the High Level Session: Resilience and Adaptation

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in New York to attend the General Assembly of the United Nations.

08:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the Side event of the Boriss Teterov Foundation: “Reimagining risks: investing for Impact in West Africa’s transition economies”

10:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Ambassador Martin Sajdik, President of the ECOSOC

12:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the High-Level Event: "Implementing Sustainable Energy for All – Session on “Scaling Up at Country-Level”"

14:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the meeting of the New Alliance for Food Security Leadership Council

15:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the SUN (Scaling Up Nutrition) Lead Group meeting

17:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the UNGA Special Session on the Follow-up Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development beyond 2014


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in New York to attend the General Assembly of the United Nations.

08:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the Side event of the Boriss Teterov Foundation: “Reimagining risks: investing for Impact in West Africa’s transition economies”

10:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Ambassador Martin Sajdik, President of the ECOSOC

12:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the High-Level Event: "Implementing Sustainable Energy for All – Session on “Scaling Up at Country-Level”"

14:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the meeting of the New Alliance for Food Security Leadership Council

15:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the SUN (Scaling Up Nutrition) Lead Group meeting

17:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the UNGA Special Session on the Follow-up Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development beyond 2014

Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the Convergences World Forum (Paris).


Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the Convergences World Forum (Paris).

M. Andris PIEBALGS est au Bénin.

8:15 M. Andris PIEBALGS participe à une séance de travail avec le West African Power Pool.

10:00 M. Andris PIEBALGS rencontre le Président de la République du Bénin, S.E Dr Thomas BONI YAYI.

11:15 M. Andris PIEBALGS participe à une cérémonie de signature de Conventions de financement.

11:30 M. Andris PIEBALGS visite le port de Cotonou en présence de S.E Dr Thomas BONI YAYI, Président de la République du Bénin.


M. Andris PIEBALGS est au Bénin.

8:15 M. Andris PIEBALGS participe à une séance de travail avec le West African Power Pool.

10:00 M. Andris PIEBALGS rencontre le Président de la République du Bénin, S.E Dr Thomas BONI YAYI.

11:15 M. Andris PIEBALGS participe à une cérémonie de signature de Conventions de financement.

11:30 M. Andris PIEBALGS visite le port de Cotonou en présence de S.E Dr Thomas BONI YAYI, Président de la République du Bénin.

11:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Auckland (New Zealand) to attend the Honorary Doctorate conferment for the UNSG Ban KI-MOON.



11:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Auckland (New Zealand) to attend the Honorary Doctorate conferment for the UNSG Ban KI-MOON.


10:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in a multistakeholder partnership dialogue on climate change and disaster risk management.

13:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in a NIPs signature ceremony with ACP countries.

17:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets the Vice President of the Asian Development Bank Mr Stephen GROFF.


10:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in a multistakeholder partnership dialogue on climate change and disaster risk management.

13:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in a NIPs signature ceremony with ACP countries.

17:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets the Vice President of the Asian Development Bank Mr Stephen GROFF.

10:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the Opening Session of the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Conference in Samoa.

13:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the opening of the solar farm at the racecourse.

16:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in a site visit: Aleisa Water treatment Plan.

17:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Prime Minister of Samoa Mr Tuilaepa AIONO SAILELE MALIELEGAOI. 


10:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the Opening Session of the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Conference in Samoa.

13:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the opening of the solar farm at the racecourse.

16:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in a site visit: Aleisa Water treatment Plan.

17:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Prime Minister of Samoa Mr Tuilaepa AIONO SAILELE MALIELEGAOI. 

Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the private sector Partnership forum


Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the private sector Partnership forum

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Alpbach for the European Forum 2014. He participates in a panel on post conflict countries.


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Alpbach for the European Forum 2014. He participates in a panel on post conflict countries.

24/07- 25/07

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Ecuador to meet high-level authorities to discuss future cooperation and to visit a number of EU-funded projects.


24/07- 25/07

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Ecuador to meet high-level authorities to discuss future cooperation and to visit a number of EU-funded projects.

21/07 – 23/07

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Peru to meet high-level authorities to discuss future cooperation and to visit a number of EU-funded projects.


21/07 – 23/07

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Peru to meet high-level authorities to discuss future cooperation and to visit a number of EU-funded projects.

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Rome and participates in meetings with the Italian presidency and the College of Commissioners


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Rome and participates in meetings with the Italian presidency and the College of Commissioners

10:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS reçois le Secrétaire-Général of the L'Institut international pour la démocratie et l'assistance électorale (IDEA), Mr. Yves LETERME

13:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS reçois le président du Fonds de contributions volontaires des Nations Unies pour les victimes de traite de personnes, Ms. Benita FERRERO-WALDNER


10:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS reçois le Secrétaire-Général of the L'Institut international pour la démocratie et l'assistance électorale (IDEA), Mr. Yves LETERME

13:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS reçois le président du Fonds de contributions volontaires des Nations Unies pour les victimes de traite de personnes, Ms. Benita FERRERO-WALDNER

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Rome.

12:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets the Director-General of Food and Agriculture Organization, Mr José Graziano da SILVA

14:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets the President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development, Mr Kanayo NWANZE


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Rome.

12:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets the Director-General of Food and Agriculture Organization, Mr José Graziano da SILVA

14:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets the President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development, Mr Kanayo NWANZE

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Switzerland for the Tide Water Conference


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Switzerland for the Tide Water Conference

09:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participes dans le Sommet Afrique organisé par Friends of Europe’s Development Policy Forum

10:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participes dans un workshop " Change is possible: how result- based approaches can help achieve positive impacts on development cooperation"

15:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS  receives Mr Patrick GUILLAUMONT, President of the Fondation pour les Etudes et Recherches sur le Développement International

16:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS reçois Mr Hiroshi KATO, Vice President of the JICA Research Institute

17:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS reçois Ms Julia GILLARD, chair of the Global Partnership for Education


09:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participes dans le Sommet Afrique organisé par Friends of Europe’s Development Policy Forum

10:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participes dans un workshop " Change is possible: how result- based approaches can help achieve positive impacts on development cooperation"

15:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS  receives Mr Patrick GUILLAUMONT, President of the Fondation pour les Etudes et Recherches sur le Développement International

16:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS reçois Mr Hiroshi KATO, Vice President of the JICA Research Institute

17:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS reçois Ms Julia GILLARD, chair of the Global Partnership for Education

08:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participes dans la Conférence de reconstitution des ressources du Partenariat mondial pour l'éducation

10:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS rencontrera le Ministre Belge de la Coopération au Développement Mr Jean-Pascal LABILLE

14:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS rencontrera le Director-General de l'UNESCO Ms Irina BOKOVA

15:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS rencontrera le Premier Ministre du RDC Mr Augustin MATATA


08:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participes dans la Conférence de reconstitution des ressources du Partenariat mondial pour l'éducation

10:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS rencontrera le Ministre Belge de la Coopération au Développement Mr Jean-Pascal LABILLE

14:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS rencontrera le Director-General de l'UNESCO Ms Irina BOKOVA

15:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS rencontrera le Premier Ministre du RDC Mr Augustin MATATA

12:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS rencontrera La Reine Mathilde de Belgique

16:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participes dans la seconde Conférence de reconstitution des ressources du Partenariat mondial pour l'éducation

17:55 Mr Andris PIEBALGS rencontrera les représentants de la representatives de la Pétition mondiale de la société civile et les champions du GPE

18:10 Mr Andris PIEBALGS rencontrera Senator Brett MASON,  Secrétaire Parlementaire du Ministère des Affaires étrangères d'Australie


12:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS rencontrera La Reine Mathilde de Belgique

16:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participes dans la seconde Conférence de reconstitution des ressources du Partenariat mondial pour l'éducation

17:55 Mr Andris PIEBALGS rencontrera les représentants de la representatives de la Pétition mondiale de la société civile et les champions du GPE

18:10 Mr Andris PIEBALGS rencontrera Senator Brett MASON,  Secrétaire Parlementaire du Ministère des Affaires étrangères d'Australie

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in New York for the Energy Forum and an EC-organised side event


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in New York for the Energy Forum and an EC-organised side event

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in New York for the Energy Forum and an EC-organised side event


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in New York for the Energy Forum and an EC-organised side event

10:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Achim STEINER Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) 


10:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Achim STEINER Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) 

15:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Mr Jean PING, Chair of the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa's high-level advocacy Panel


15:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Mr Jean PING, Chair of the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa's high-level advocacy Panel

14:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives World Bank Vice President for South Asia Mr Philippe LE HOUEROU


14:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives World Bank Vice President for South Asia Mr Philippe LE HOUEROU

11:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Patrick GUILLAUMONT  President of the Fondation pour les Études et Recherches sur le Développement International


11:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Patrick GUILLAUMONT  President of the Fondation pour les Études et Recherches sur le Développement International

09:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the Africa Day Forum in Riga

10:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Latvian Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr Edgars RINKEVICS


09:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the Africa Day Forum in Riga

10:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Latvian Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr Edgars RINKEVICS

15:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Ms Cherie BLAIR chancellor of the Asian university for women

16:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Georgian Minister for Foreign Affairs Ms Maia PANJIKIDZE


15:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Ms Cherie BLAIR chancellor of the Asian university for women

16:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Georgian Minister for Foreign Affairs Ms Maia PANJIKIDZE

09:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the GAVI pre pledging Conference


09:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the GAVI pre pledging Conference

15:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in an EU ministerial meeting in the framework of the GAVI pre pledging Conference

16:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives German Minister for Development Mr Gerd MULLER

17:15 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Latvian parliamentary secretary responsible for development Mr. Viktors MAKAROVS


15:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in an EU ministerial meeting in the framework of the GAVI pre pledging Conference

16:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives German Minister for Development Mr Gerd MULLER

17:15 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Latvian parliamentary secretary responsible for development Mr. Viktors MAKAROVS

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Mali


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Mali

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Mali

09:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS opens the follow-up donors conference

14:00-17:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets members of Malian government


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Mali

09:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS opens the follow-up donors conference

14:00-17:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets members of Malian government

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Mali


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Mali

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Papua New Guinea

Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Minister of Education of Papua New Guinea Mr James MARAPE

Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in a signing ceremony of two financing agreements.

Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits an EU funded teacher's college.


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Papua New Guinea

Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Minister of Education of Papua New Guinea Mr James MARAPE

Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in a signing ceremony of two financing agreements.

Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits an EU funded teacher's college.

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Papua New Guinea

09:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Minister for National Planning of Papua New Guinea Mr Charles ABEL


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Papua New Guinea

09:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Minister for National Planning of Papua New Guinea Mr Charles ABEL

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Papua New Guinea

15:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea Mr Peter O'NEIL


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Papua New Guinea

15:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea Mr Peter O'NEIL

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Rarotonga


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Rarotonga

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Kiritimati

Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits projects on access to renewable energy and water


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Kiritimati

Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits projects on access to renewable energy and water

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Tarawa

11:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits the new EU-funded Climate change related laboratory at Tungaru Hospital

13:55 Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits the Marine Training Centre

14:20 Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits the Coast-watchers Memorial

15:55 Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits the Kiribati fish factory


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Tarawa

11:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits the new EU-funded Climate change related laboratory at Tungaru Hospital

13:55 Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits the Marine Training Centre

14:20 Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits the Coast-watchers Memorial

15:55 Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits the Kiribati fish factory

12:40 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the signing ceremony of the EU-New Zealand-Tuvalu Energy Declaration

13:40 Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits the PV Solar Site

14:20 Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits waste management projects

15:10 Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits a solar powered desalination unit


12:40 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the signing ceremony of the EU-New Zealand-Tuvalu Energy Declaration

13:40 Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits the PV Solar Site

14:20 Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits waste management projects

15:10 Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits a solar powered desalination unit

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Samoa

14:50 Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits the SIDS venue sites

15:05 Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits solar projects

17:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits the project "Rehabilitation of a hydro power plant"


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Samoa

14:50 Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits the SIDS venue sites

15:05 Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits solar projects

17:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits the project "Rehabilitation of a hydro power plant"

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Mexico for the High Level meeting on Global Partnership for effective development cooperation


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Mexico for the High Level meeting on Global Partnership for effective development cooperation

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Mexico for the High Level Meeting on Global Partnership for effective development cooperation

15:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs Ms Julie BISHOP

16:15 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Korean Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr Yun BYUNG-SE

18:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Italian Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Lapo PISTELLI


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Mexico for the High Level Meeting on Global Partnership for effective development cooperation

15:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs Ms Julie BISHOP

16:15 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Korean Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr Yun BYUNG-SE

18:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Italian Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Lapo PISTELLI

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Washington

11:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Mr Philippe LE HOUEROU, World Bank Vice President for South Asia Region

12:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Mr Min ZHU Deputy Managing Director of the IMF


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Washington

11:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Mr Philippe LE HOUEROU, World Bank Vice President for South Asia Region

12:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Mr Min ZHU Deputy Managing Director of the IMF

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Washington for the World Bank/ IMF Spring Meeting

18:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets World Bank Vice President for Africa Mr Makhtar DIOP


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Washington for the World Bank/ IMF Spring Meeting

18:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets World Bank Vice President for Africa Mr Makhtar DIOP

09:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers a speech at the public hearing on the EP European Citizens Initiative in the European Parliament


09:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers a speech at the public hearing on the EP European Citizens Initiative in the European Parliament

14:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in a Conference on Property Rights and Land Tenure in the European Parliament


14:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in a Conference on Property Rights and Land Tenure in the European Parliament

09:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives MFA of Zambia Dr Effron LUNGU

10:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Minister of Economy and Finance of Guinee Conakry Mr Mohamed DIARE

12:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Minister for International Development of Finland Mr Pekka HAAVISTO


09:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives MFA of Zambia Dr Effron LUNGU

10:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Minister of Economy and Finance of Guinee Conakry Mr Mohamed DIARE

12:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Minister for International Development of Finland Mr Pekka HAAVISTO

Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the EU-Africa Summit

08:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives President of Madagascar Mr Hery RAJAONARIMAMPIANINA

14:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives President of Sierra Leone Dr Ernest Bai KOROMA

15:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives President of Somalia Mr Hassan Sheikh MOHAMOUD 

17:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives H.E Ambassador Ms Amina MOHAMED, Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kenya


Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the EU-Africa Summit

08:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives President of Madagascar Mr Hery RAJAONARIMAMPIANINA

14:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives President of Sierra Leone Dr Ernest Bai KOROMA

15:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives President of Somalia Mr Hassan Sheikh MOHAMOUD 

17:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives H.E Ambassador Ms Amina MOHAMED, Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kenya

Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the EU-Africa Summit

09:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives UN SG Mr Ban KI-MOON

10:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives President of Benin Dr Doni YAYI

11:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Prime Minister of Mauritius Mr Navin RAMGOOLAM

11:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives President of Togo Mr Faure GNASSINGBE

18:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the President of the Central African Republic Ms Catherine SAMBA-PANZA

18:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN Women Ms Phumzile MLAMBO-NGCUKA


Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the EU-Africa Summit

09:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives UN SG Mr Ban KI-MOON

10:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives President of Benin Dr Doni YAYI

11:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Prime Minister of Mauritius Mr Navin RAMGOOLAM

11:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives President of Togo Mr Faure GNASSINGBE

18:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the President of the Central African Republic Ms Catherine SAMBA-PANZA

18:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN Women Ms Phumzile MLAMBO-NGCUKA

13:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets ONE Young Ambassadors for Development

13:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers the opening speech at the Event on fragile States

15:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the signing ceremony of the European Programme for the establishment of a European capacity for Earth Observation (Copernicus) with VP Antonio TAJANI

18:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Ivory Coast Prime Minister Mr Daniel Kablan DUNCAN

17:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the signing ceremony of a Memorandum of Understanding with the President of the African Development Bank Group Donald KABERUKA


13:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets ONE Young Ambassadors for Development

13:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers the opening speech at the Event on fragile States

15:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the signing ceremony of the European Programme for the establishment of a European capacity for Earth Observation (Copernicus) with VP Antonio TAJANI

18:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Ivory Coast Prime Minister Mr Daniel Kablan DUNCAN

17:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the signing ceremony of a Memorandum of Understanding with the President of the African Development Bank Group Donald KABERUKA

10:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Mr Paul POLMAN, CEO of Unilever

11:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers a speech at the Business Forum

14:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the President of the West African Development Bank Mr Christian ADOVELANDE

15:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the Deputy MFA of Mozambique Mr Henrique BANZE

16:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the President of Congo Brazzavile Mr Denis SASSOU NGUESSO

17:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the Minister of Foreign Affairs of RDC Mr Raymond TSHIBANDA

18:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the Minister of Economy and Finance of Djibouti Mr Ilyas Moussa DAWALEH

18:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the Secretary General of the Ministry of Interiors of Netherlands Mr R VAN ZWOL


10:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Mr Paul POLMAN, CEO of Unilever

11:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers a speech at the Business Forum

14:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the President of the West African Development Bank Mr Christian ADOVELANDE

15:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the Deputy MFA of Mozambique Mr Henrique BANZE

16:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the President of Congo Brazzavile Mr Denis SASSOU NGUESSO

17:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the Minister of Foreign Affairs of RDC Mr Raymond TSHIBANDA

18:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the Minister of Economy and Finance of Djibouti Mr Ilyas Moussa DAWALEH

18:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the Secretary General of the Ministry of Interiors of Netherlands Mr R VAN ZWOL

09:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Pakistani Advisor for Foreign Policy, Mr Sartaj AZIZ

09:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Latvian Constitutional Protection Bureau's chief Mr Janis MAIZITIS

10:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers a speech at the public hearing of the Political Dialogue on Human Rights under article 8 of the Cotonou Agreement

12:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Pascal LOROT, President of the Institute Choiseul, and Mr André MERLIN, President of MEDGRID

13:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Mario PEZZINI Director of the OECD Development Centre

15:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Ms Lynne Featherstone DFID Parliamentary under Secretary of State


09:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Pakistani Advisor for Foreign Policy, Mr Sartaj AZIZ

09:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Latvian Constitutional Protection Bureau's chief Mr Janis MAIZITIS

10:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers a speech at the public hearing of the Political Dialogue on Human Rights under article 8 of the Cotonou Agreement

12:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Pascal LOROT, President of the Institute Choiseul, and Mr André MERLIN, President of MEDGRID

13:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Mario PEZZINI Director of the OECD Development Centre

15:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Ms Lynne Featherstone DFID Parliamentary under Secretary of State

12:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Kanayo NWANZE, President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development

14:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS reçoit le Secrétaire d'Etat pour l'Amérique Latine et la Coopération d'Espagne M. Jesus GRACIA ALDAZ

14:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the Opening of the Eurosocial event

15:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Serguei OUATTARA, President of the EU-Africa Chamber of Commerce


12:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Kanayo NWANZE, President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development

14:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS reçoit le Secrétaire d'Etat pour l'Amérique Latine et la Coopération d'Espagne M. Jesus GRACIA ALDAZ

14:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the Opening of the Eurosocial event

15:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Serguei OUATTARA, President of the EU-Africa Chamber of Commerce

09:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives a delegation from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime


09:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives a delegation from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

16:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Uzbekistan MFA Mr Abdulaziz KAMILOV

17:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Director General of IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Ms Julia MARTON LEFEVRE


16:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Uzbekistan MFA Mr Abdulaziz KAMILOV

17:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Director General of IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Ms Julia MARTON LEFEVRE

14:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets UNAIDS Executive Director Mr Michel SIDIBE


14:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets UNAIDS Executive Director Mr Michel SIDIBE

11:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Vice Minister of Multilateral Affairs of Mexico Ambassador Juan Manuel Gomez ROBLEDO


11:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Vice Minister of Multilateral Affairs of Mexico Ambassador Juan Manuel Gomez ROBLEDO

12:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Mr Abdou DIOUF, Secretary-General of La Francophonie in Paris


12:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Mr Abdou DIOUF, Secretary-General of La Francophonie in Paris

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Kigali

15:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Rwandan Minister of Foreign Affairs Ms Louise MUSHIKIWABO

16:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Rwandan President Paul KAGAME

17:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits the Genocide Memorial Centre in Kigali


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Kigali

15:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Rwandan Minister of Foreign Affairs Ms Louise MUSHIKIWABO

16:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Rwandan President Paul KAGAME

17:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits the Genocide Memorial Centre in Kigali

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Goma

18:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets UN MONUSCO Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General General WAFY


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Goma

18:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets UN MONUSCO Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General General WAFY

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Kinshasa.

09:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets DRC Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr Raymond TSHIBANDA.

16:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets DRC President Mr Joseph KABILA


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Kinshasa.

09:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets DRC Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr Raymond TSHIBANDA.

16:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets DRC President Mr Joseph KABILA

09:00: Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Ms Ilze JUHANSONE Permanent Representative of Latvia to the EU.


09:00: Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Ms Ilze JUHANSONE Permanent Representative of Latvia to the EU.

09:00: Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the  Consultative Group of Senegal in Paris.


09:00: Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the  Consultative Group of Senegal in Paris.

At 10:30 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Arup BANERJI, World Bank’s Global Director for Social protection and Labour

At 12:30 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS signs the contract for the transfer of the € 12 million to OPCW (Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) for the destruction of the Syrian chemical stockpiles


At 10:30 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Arup BANERJI, World Bank’s Global Director for Social protection and Labour

At 12:30 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS signs the contract for the transfer of the € 12 million to OPCW (Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) for the destruction of the Syrian chemical stockpiles

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is on mission to Cape Verde: meets Mr Jorge Carlos FONSECA, President of Cape Verde.

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is on mission to Senegal where he participates at the Mo Ibrahim Conferenc.


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is on mission to Cape Verde: meets Mr Jorge Carlos FONSECA, President of Cape Verde.

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is on mission to Senegal where he participates at the Mo Ibrahim Conferenc.

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is on mission to Cape Verde: visits Cabeólica with Mr Humberto Santos de BRITO, Minister of Energy of Cape Verde; participates at the Seminar/Round table on renewable energies in Cape Verde and region; meets Ms Cristina DUARTE, Minister of Finance of Cape Verde; Mr José BRITO, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cape Verde; Mr José Maria Pereira NEVES, Prime Minister of Cape Verde.


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is on mission to Cape Verde: visits Cabeólica with Mr Humberto Santos de BRITO, Minister of Energy of Cape Verde; participates at the Seminar/Round table on renewable energies in Cape Verde and region; meets Ms Cristina DUARTE, Minister of Finance of Cape Verde; Mr José BRITO, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cape Verde; Mr José Maria Pereira NEVES, Prime Minister of Cape Verde.

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is on mission to Senegal: visits fishery and water and sanitation projects in Mbour.


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is on mission to Senegal: visits fishery and water and sanitation projects in Mbour.

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is on mission to Senegal: meets Mr Pape Abdoulaye SECK, Minister of Agriculture of Senegal; meets Mr Amadou BA, Minister of Economy and Finance of Senegal; meets Ms Khoudia MBAYE, Minister of Urbanism of Senegal; meets Ms Maimouna Ndoye SECK, Minister of Energy of Senegal; meets Mr Mankeur NDIAYE, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Senegal; meets Mr Macky SALL, President of Senegal.


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is on mission to Senegal: meets Mr Pape Abdoulaye SECK, Minister of Agriculture of Senegal; meets Mr Amadou BA, Minister of Economy and Finance of Senegal; meets Ms Khoudia MBAYE, Minister of Urbanism of Senegal; meets Ms Maimouna Ndoye SECK, Minister of Energy of Senegal; meets Mr Mankeur NDIAYE, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Senegal; meets Mr Macky SALL, President of Senegal.

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is on mission to Mauritania: meets Mr Moulaye Ould Mohamed LAGHDAF, Prime Minister of Mauritania; meets Ahmed Ould TEGUEDI, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Mauritania; visits school in Toujounine; participates at the inauguration of Nouakchott Rosso road, visits État-major de la Gendarmerie Nationale.


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is on mission to Mauritania: meets Mr Moulaye Ould Mohamed LAGHDAF, Prime Minister of Mauritania; meets Ahmed Ould TEGUEDI, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Mauritania; visits school in Toujounine; participates at the inauguration of Nouakchott Rosso road, visits État-major de la Gendarmerie Nationale.

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is on mission to Mauritania: meets Mr Mohamed Ould Abdel AZIZ, President of Mauritania.


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is on mission to Mauritania: meets Mr Mohamed Ould Abdel AZIZ, President of Mauritania.

08:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Professor Jeffrey David SACHS, Director of The Earth Institute at Columbia University, New York

10:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers a statement at the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals, New York

12:15 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Mr Jan ELIASSON, Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations, New York


08:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Professor Jeffrey David SACHS, Director of The Earth Institute at Columbia University, New York

10:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers a statement at the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals, New York

12:15 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Mr Jan ELIASSON, Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations, New York

09:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets UNICEF's Deputy Executive Director Ms Yoka BRANDT, New York

10:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS gives a special address at the meeting of the Executive Board of UNICEF, New York

13:15 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets UNICEF's Executive Director Mr Antony LAKE, New York


09:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets UNICEF's Deputy Executive Director Ms Yoka BRANDT, New York

10:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS gives a special address at the meeting of the Executive Board of UNICEF, New York

13:15 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets UNICEF's Executive Director Mr Antony LAKE, New York

11:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Helen CLARK, Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme, New York


11:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Helen CLARK, Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme, New York

M. Andris PIEBALGS participates in the AU Summit in Addis


M. Andris PIEBALGS participates in the AU Summit in Addis

M. Andris PIEBALGS participates in the AU Summit in Addis


M. Andris PIEBALGS participates in the AU Summit in Addis

10:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in a roundtable conference on pressing issue of polio eradication at the European Parliament

15:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Juan Manuel VALLE PERENA, head of the Mexican Agency of International Cooperation for Development and Juan Jose CAMACHO, Mexican Ambassador to the EU

16:15 M. Andris PIEBALGS receives Mrs Maria VAN DER HOEVEN, Executive Director of the International Energy Agency


10:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in a roundtable conference on pressing issue of polio eradication at the European Parliament

15:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Juan Manuel VALLE PERENA, head of the Mexican Agency of International Cooperation for Development and Juan Jose CAMACHO, Mexican Ambassador to the EU

16:15 M. Andris PIEBALGS receives Mrs Maria VAN DER HOEVEN, Executive Director of the International Energy Agency

15:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives M. Kerfalla YANSANE, Minister of Mines of Guinea


15:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives M. Kerfalla YANSANE, Minister of Mines of Guinea

Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in a seminar on Central Africa

10:45: Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Luc OYOUBI, Gabonese Minister of Economy, Employment and Sustainable Development

11:45: Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Ms Natália PEDRO DA COSTA UMBELINA NETO Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Communities of São Tomé and Príncipe

14:00: Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Emmanuel NGANOU DJOUMESSI, Cameroonian Minister of Economy and Planning

15:00: Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Ms Kampeta SAYINZOGA, Permanent Secretary to the Rwandan Ministry of Finance

16:00: Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Pierre MOUSSA, resident of the Commission of the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa, and Mr Ahmad ALLAM-MI Secretary-General of the Economic Community of Central African States


Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in a seminar on Central Africa

10:45: Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Luc OYOUBI, Gabonese Minister of Economy, Employment and Sustainable Development

11:45: Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Ms Natália PEDRO DA COSTA UMBELINA NETO Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Communities of São Tomé and Príncipe

14:00: Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Emmanuel NGANOU DJOUMESSI, Cameroonian Minister of Economy and Planning

15:00: Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Ms Kampeta SAYINZOGA, Permanent Secretary to the Rwandan Ministry of Finance

16:00: Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Pierre MOUSSA, resident of the Commission of the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa, and Mr Ahmad ALLAM-MI Secretary-General of the Economic Community of Central African States

Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in a seminar on Central Africa

14:00: Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Tabu Abdallah MANIRAKIZA, Burundian Minister of Finance and Economic Development

15:00: Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Ms Mariam MAHAMAT NOUR, Chadian Minister of Economy , Planning and International Cooperation

16:00: Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Raphaël MOKOKO, Deputy Minister in charge of Planning of Congo

17:00: Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Patrice KITEBI KIBOL MVUL, Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister of DRC, in charge of Finance


Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in a seminar on Central Africa

14:00: Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Tabu Abdallah MANIRAKIZA, Burundian Minister of Finance and Economic Development

15:00: Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Ms Mariam MAHAMAT NOUR, Chadian Minister of Economy , Planning and International Cooperation

16:00: Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Raphaël MOKOKO, Deputy Minister in charge of Planning of Congo

17:00: Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Patrice KITEBI KIBOL MVUL, Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister of DRC, in charge of Finance

Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in a seminar on Central Africa

08.30: Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in a corporate breakfast at the Centre for European Policy Studies

10:30: Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Patrick GUILLAUMONT, Président of the Fondation pour les Etudes et Recherches sur le Développement International (FERDI)

14:30: Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the opening of a three-day Seminar on Central Africa.


Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in a seminar on Central Africa

08.30: Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in a corporate breakfast at the Centre for European Policy Studies

10:30: Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Patrick GUILLAUMONT, Président of the Fondation pour les Etudes et Recherches sur le Développement International (FERDI)

14:30: Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the opening of a three-day Seminar on Central Africa.

13:30: Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in a humanitarian meeting on CAR hosted by Ms Kristalina GEORGIEVA.

17:00: Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Iraqi Foreign Affairs Minister, Mr Hoshyar Zebari.

18:00: Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Sony Kapoor, managing director of the think-tank Re-Define.


13:30: Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in a humanitarian meeting on CAR hosted by Ms Kristalina GEORGIEVA.

17:00: Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Iraqi Foreign Affairs Minister, Mr Hoshyar Zebari.

18:00: Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Sony Kapoor, managing director of the think-tank Re-Define.

15:00 - Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends the 10th anniversary of the Foundation for International Development Study and Research (FERDI) (France)


15:00 - Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends the 10th anniversary of the Foundation for International Development Study and Research (FERDI) (France)

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Athens, Greece: Attends the official opening of the Greek Presidency


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is in Athens, Greece: Attends the official opening of the Greek Presidency

11:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Ms Alice ALBRIGHT, Chief Executive Officer of the Global Partnership for Education


11:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Ms Alice ALBRIGHT, Chief Executive Officer of the Global Partnership for Education

07:45 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Mr Rajiv SHAH, Administrator of USAID
09:30 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representatives of DSW (Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevoelkerung)
12:30 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Mr Jean-Pascal LABILLE, Belgian Minister for Development Cooperation


07:45 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Mr Rajiv SHAH, Administrator of USAID
09:30 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representatives of DSW (Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevoelkerung)
12:30 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Mr Jean-Pascal LABILLE, Belgian Minister for Development Cooperation

14:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr  Anthony LAKE, Executive Director of United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
16:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Charles BADENOCH, Global Leader for World Vision International for Advocacy & Justice for Children


14:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr  Anthony LAKE, Executive Director of United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
16:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Charles BADENOCH, Global Leader for World Vision International for Advocacy & Justice for Children

10:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Salaheddine MEZOUAR, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Marocco


10:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Salaheddine MEZOUAR, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Marocco

17:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Mr  Josef PÜHRINGER, Governor of Upper Austria


17:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Mr  Josef PÜHRINGER, Governor of Upper Austria

15:30 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Mr  Rasmus Helveg PETERSEN, Minister for Development Cooperation of Denmark


15:30 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Mr  Rasmus Helveg PETERSEN, Minister for Development Cooperation of Denmark

14:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Moussa FAKI, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chad
14:30 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the EveryOne Campaign from Save the Children
17:30 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representatives of PALOP-TL NAOs and signs the joint financing conventions


14:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Moussa FAKI, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chad
14:30 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the EveryOne Campaign from Save the Children
17:30 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representatives of PALOP-TL NAOs and signs the joint financing conventions

13:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr André MERLIN, President of MEDGRID
13:30 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Philippe Le HOUEROU, Vice President for Souh Asia Region at World Bank
15:45 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Ibrahim BOUBAKAR KEITA, President of Mali


13:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr André MERLIN, President of MEDGRID
13:30 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Philippe Le HOUEROU, Vice President for Souh Asia Region at World Bank
15:45 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Ibrahim BOUBAKAR KEITA, President of Mali

08:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Zambia
10:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS speaks at the opening session of the EU-OCT Forum
11:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Botswana
11:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Mozambique
12:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Victorin LUREL, French Minister for the Overseas Territories
14:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Angola
14:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Djibouti
15:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Zimbabwe
16:15 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Sudan
17:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of the Southern African Development Community
17:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representatives of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development, East African Community and Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa


08:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Zambia
10:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS speaks at the opening session of the EU-OCT Forum
11:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Botswana
11:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Mozambique
12:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Victorin LUREL, French Minister for the Overseas Territories
14:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Angola
14:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Djibouti
15:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Zimbabwe
16:15 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Sudan
17:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of the Southern African Development Community
17:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representatives of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development, East African Community and Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa

11:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Namibia
11:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Kenya
12:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Ms Louise ARBOR, President & CEO of the International Crisis Group
14:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Lesotho
14:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Swaziland
15:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Malawi
16:15 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Comoros
17:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Mauritius
17:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Seychelles


11:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Namibia
11:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Kenya
12:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Ms Louise ARBOR, President & CEO of the International Crisis Group
14:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Lesotho
14:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Swaziland
15:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Malawi
16:15 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Comoros
17:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Mauritius
17:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Seychelles

09:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates at the East and South Africa programming seminar, in Brussels
12:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Ethiopia
14:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of South Africa
15:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Somalia
16:15 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Eritrea
17:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Uganda
17:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Tanzania


09:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates at the East and South Africa programming seminar, in Brussels
12:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Ethiopia
14:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of South Africa
15:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Somalia
16:15 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Eritrea
17:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Uganda
17:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Tanzania

18:15 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Robert DUSSEY, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Togo


18:15 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Robert DUSSEY, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Togo
















10:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS speaks at the Plenary session of the EU-Central Asia Ministerial meeting

14:30 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Kazakhstan

15:10 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Kyrgyzstan

15:50 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Turkmenistan

16:30 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Tajikistan

17:10 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Uzbekistan


10:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS speaks at the Plenary session of the EU-Central Asia Ministerial meeting

14:30 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Kazakhstan

15:10 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Kyrgyzstan

15:50 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Turkmenistan

16:30 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Tajikistan

17:10 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives the representative of Uzbekistan

13/11/2013 – 15/11/2013 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS is on mission to Myanmar

9:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates at the Task Force Plenary of the EU-Myanmar meeting, in Nay Pyi Taw


13/11/2013 – 15/11/2013 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS is on mission to Myanmar

9:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates at the Task Force Plenary of the EU-Myanmar meeting, in Nay Pyi Taw

3/11/2013 – 15/11/2013 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS is on mission to Myanmar

9:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates at the First meeting of EU-Myanmar task force and Development Forum, in Yangoon


3/11/2013 – 15/11/2013 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS is on mission to Myanmar

9:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates at the First meeting of EU-Myanmar task force and Development Forum, in Yangoon

13/11/2013 – 15/11/2013 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS is on mission to Myanmar

15:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with local Non-governmental organizations

17:45 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Mr Kan ZAW, Minister of Planing and Development


13/11/2013 – 15/11/2013 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS is on mission to Myanmar

15:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with local Non-governmental organizations

17:45 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets Mr Kan ZAW, Minister of Planing and Development

11/11/2013 – 12/11/2013 Mr Andris PIEBALGS is on mission to Philippines

10:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Jericho PETILLA, Energy Secretary, Department of Energy of Philippines


11/11/2013 – 12/11/2013 Mr Andris PIEBALGS is on mission to Philippines

10:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Jericho PETILLA, Energy Secretary, Department of Energy of Philippines

11/11/2013 – 12/11/2013 Mr Andris PIEBALGS is on mission to Philippines

09:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits the bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources

10:30 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with the Office of the Presidential Advisor on the Peace Process and participates at the signing ceremony of Memorandum of the new EU contribution to the Mindanao Trust Fund

12:30 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Takehiko NAKAO, President of the Asian Development Bank 

17:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Evan P. GARCIA, Undersecretary for Policy in the Department of Foreign Affairs of Philippines


11/11/2013 – 12/11/2013 Mr Andris PIEBALGS is on mission to Philippines

09:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits the bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources

10:30 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with the Office of the Presidential Advisor on the Peace Process and participates at the signing ceremony of Memorandum of the new EU contribution to the Mindanao Trust Fund

12:30 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Takehiko NAKAO, President of the Asian Development Bank 

17:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Evan P. GARCIA, Undersecretary for Policy in the Department of Foreign Affairs of Philippines

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is on mission in Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso and Chad with Mr Ban KI-MOON, Secretary-General of the United Nations; Mr Jim YONG KIM, President of the World Bank; Ms Nkosazana DLAMINI-ZUMA, Chairperson of the African Union Commission; and Mr Donald KABERUKA, President of the African Development Bank


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is on mission in Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso and Chad with Mr Ban KI-MOON, Secretary-General of the United Nations; Mr Jim YONG KIM, President of the World Bank; Ms Nkosazana DLAMINI-ZUMA, Chairperson of the African Union Commission; and Mr Donald KABERUKA, President of the African Development Bank

M. Andris Piebalgs reçoit dans le contexte du Séminaire de programmation régionale pour l’Afrique de l’Ouest les Ordonnateurs Nationaux des pays suivants :
- Mauritanie (M. Sidi Ould Tah, Ministre des Affaires Economique et du Développement)
- Ghana (M. Seth E. Terkper, Ministre de l'Economie et des Finances)
- Sierra Leone (M. Foday B.L. Mansaray, Ministre d’Etat et Ministre des Finances et du Développement économique)
- Nigéria (M. Bashir Yuguda, Ministre faisant fonction de la Commission nationale du Plan)
- Gambie (M. Abdoulie Jallow, Ministre de l'Economie et des Finances)
- Sénégal (M. Amadou Bâ, Ministre de l'Economie et des Finances)
- Togo (M. Mawussi Djossou Semondji, Ministre de la Planification, du Développement et de l'Aménagement du Territoire)

- 16:45: M. Andris Piebalgs reçoit M. Kadré Désiré Ouedraogo, Président de la CEDEAO, et M. Cheikh Hadjibou Soumare, Président de la Commission de L'UEMOA


M. Andris Piebalgs reçoit dans le contexte du Séminaire de programmation régionale pour l’Afrique de l’Ouest les Ordonnateurs Nationaux des pays suivants :
- Mauritanie (M. Sidi Ould Tah, Ministre des Affaires Economique et du Développement)
- Ghana (M. Seth E. Terkper, Ministre de l'Economie et des Finances)
- Sierra Leone (M. Foday B.L. Mansaray, Ministre d’Etat et Ministre des Finances et du Développement économique)
- Nigéria (M. Bashir Yuguda, Ministre faisant fonction de la Commission nationale du Plan)
- Gambie (M. Abdoulie Jallow, Ministre de l'Economie et des Finances)
- Sénégal (M. Amadou Bâ, Ministre de l'Economie et des Finances)
- Togo (M. Mawussi Djossou Semondji, Ministre de la Planification, du Développement et de l'Aménagement du Territoire)

- 16:45: M. Andris Piebalgs reçoit M. Kadré Désiré Ouedraogo, Président de la CEDEAO, et M. Cheikh Hadjibou Soumare, Président de la Commission de L'UEMOA

M. Andris Piebalgs reçoit dans le contexte du Séminaire de programmation régionale pour l’Afrique de l’Ouest les Ordonnateurs Nationaux des pays suivants:

- Bénin (M. Jonas Gbian, Ministre de l'Economie et des Finances), 
- Cap-Vert (Mme. Cristina Duarte, Ministre des Finances),
- Burkina Faso (M. Lucien Marie-Noel Bembamba, Ministre de l'Economie et des Finances),
- Liberia (M. Amara M. Konneh, Ministre des Finances),
- Guinée (M. Kerfalla Yansane, Ministre d'Etat Chargé de l'Economie et des Finances),
- Côte d'Ivoire (Mme. Nialé Kaba, Ministre auprès du Premier Ministre, chargée de l'economie et des Finances),
- Mali (M. Zahabi Ould Sidi Mohamed, Ministre des Affaires Etrangères et de la Coopération Internationale),
- Niger (M. Gilles Baillet, Ministre des Finances du Niger).


M. Andris Piebalgs reçoit dans le contexte du Séminaire de programmation régionale pour l’Afrique de l’Ouest les Ordonnateurs Nationaux des pays suivants:

- Bénin (M. Jonas Gbian, Ministre de l'Economie et des Finances), 
- Cap-Vert (Mme. Cristina Duarte, Ministre des Finances),
- Burkina Faso (M. Lucien Marie-Noel Bembamba, Ministre de l'Economie et des Finances),
- Liberia (M. Amara M. Konneh, Ministre des Finances),
- Guinée (M. Kerfalla Yansane, Ministre d'Etat Chargé de l'Economie et des Finances),
- Côte d'Ivoire (Mme. Nialé Kaba, Ministre auprès du Premier Ministre, chargée de l'economie et des Finances),
- Mali (M. Zahabi Ould Sidi Mohamed, Ministre des Affaires Etrangères et de la Coopération Internationale),
- Niger (M. Gilles Baillet, Ministre des Finances du Niger).

09:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS speaks at EU-Africa Civil Society Forum, Renaissance Hotel (Brussels) 

14:00 - Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Ms Eloise TODD, Director of ONE, to hand in a petition calling for the European Commission to increase its funding for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria


09:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS speaks at EU-Africa Civil Society Forum, Renaissance Hotel (Brussels) 

14:00 - Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Ms Eloise TODD, Director of ONE, to hand in a petition calling for the European Commission to increase its funding for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

17:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Josef PÜHRINGER, Minister-President of Upper Austria, in Berlaymont (Brussels)



17:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Josef PÜHRINGER, Minister-President of Upper Austria, in Berlaymont (Brussels)


Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends the “Citizens Dialoge” conference


Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends the “Citizens Dialoge” conference

09:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS speaks at EU-UNIDO High Level Review Meeting, in Berlaymont (Brussels)

10:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Ms Marleen TEMMERMAN, Director of the Department of Reproductive Health and Research at the World Health Organization (WHO), in Berlaymont (Brussels)

11:30 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS speaks at the roundtable “Engaging with LAC on Climate change”


09:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS speaks at EU-UNIDO High Level Review Meeting, in Berlaymont (Brussels)

10:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Ms Marleen TEMMERMAN, Director of the Department of Reproductive Health and Research at the World Health Organization (WHO), in Berlaymont (Brussels)

11:30 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS speaks at the roundtable “Engaging with LAC on Climate change”

09:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates at the Conference “Ten Years of Slovak Aid” together with Mr Miroslav LAJČÁK, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic, with whom he also holds a bilateral meeting, in Bratislava, Slovakia

12:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Peter BURIAN, State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic, in Slovakia



09:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates at the Conference “Ten Years of Slovak Aid” together with Mr Miroslav LAJČÁK, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic, with whom he also holds a bilateral meeting, in Bratislava, Slovakia

12:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Peter BURIAN, State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic, in Slovakia


Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in World Bank and International Monetary Fund annual meetings:

13:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Dirk NIEBEL, German Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development

14:30 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Peter D. PHILLIPS, Minister of Finance and Planning of Jamaica

15:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends the International Monetary Fund Development Committee Meeting


Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in World Bank and International Monetary Fund annual meetings:

13:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Dirk NIEBEL, German Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development

14:30 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Peter D. PHILLIPS, Minister of Finance and Planning of Jamaica

15:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends the International Monetary Fund Development Committee Meeting

Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in World Bank and International Monetary Fund annual meetings:

14:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Donald KABERUKA, President of the African Development Bank

15:30 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Nemat SHAFIK, Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund

16:45 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Joachim von AMSBERG, World Bank's Vice President for Concessional Finance and Global Partnerships

17:45 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Makhtar DIOP, World Bank's vice-president for Africa


Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in World Bank and International Monetary Fund annual meetings:

14:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Donald KABERUKA, President of the African Development Bank

15:30 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Nemat SHAFIK, Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund

16:45 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Joachim von AMSBERG, World Bank's Vice President for Concessional Finance and Global Partnerships

17:45 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Makhtar DIOP, World Bank's vice-president for Africa

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is on mission in El Salvador:

09:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits the centre of Ciudad Mujer in Santa Ana with Mrs Vanda PIGNATO, First Lady of El Salvador and Secretary for Social Inclusion


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is on mission in El Salvador:

09:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits the centre of Ciudad Mujer in Santa Ana with Mrs Vanda PIGNATO, First Lady of El Salvador and Secretary for Social Inclusion

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is on mission in El Salvador:

10:15 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits the LIAF Project 'Hydroelectric plant 5 November'


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is on mission in El Salvador:

10:15 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits the LIAF Project 'Hydroelectric plant 5 November'

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is on mission in El Salvador:

09:30 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Mauricio FUNES, President of El Salvador

11:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Jaime MIRANDA FLAMENCO, El Salvador's Minister for Foreign Affairs; Mr Francis HATO HASBUN, El Salvador's Minister for Education; Mr Ernesto ZELAYANDIA, El Salvador's Minister for the Interior; Mr Hermán ROSA CHAVEZ, El Salvador's Minister for Environment; Mr Armando FLORES ALEMAN, El Salvador's Minister for Economy; Mr Alexander SEGOVIA, Technical Secretary to the Presidency and Mr Carlos CACERES CHAVEZ, El Salvador's Minister of Finance

15:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Hugo MARTINEZ, Secretary General of the Central American Integration Secretary (SICA)

17:15 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Julio RAUDALES, Honduran Minister of Planning and Development Cooperation 


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is on mission in El Salvador:

09:30 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Mauricio FUNES, President of El Salvador

11:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Jaime MIRANDA FLAMENCO, El Salvador's Minister for Foreign Affairs; Mr Francis HATO HASBUN, El Salvador's Minister for Education; Mr Ernesto ZELAYANDIA, El Salvador's Minister for the Interior; Mr Hermán ROSA CHAVEZ, El Salvador's Minister for Environment; Mr Armando FLORES ALEMAN, El Salvador's Minister for Economy; Mr Alexander SEGOVIA, Technical Secretary to the Presidency and Mr Carlos CACERES CHAVEZ, El Salvador's Minister of Finance

15:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Hugo MARTINEZ, Secretary General of the Central American Integration Secretary (SICA)

17:15 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Julio RAUDALES, Honduran Minister of Planning and Development Cooperation 

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is on mission in Nicaragua:

10:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Valdrack JAENTSCHKE, Nicaragua's Vice-Minister of Cooperation; Mr Paul OQUIST, Private Secretary to the President of Nicaragua;  Ms Juana ARGENAL, Nicaragua's Minister of Environment and Natural Resources; Mr Ariel BUCARDO, Nicaragua's Minister of Agriculture and Forestry; Mr Pedro HASLAM, Nicaragua's Minister of the Family Economy and Ms Miriam RAUDEZ, Nicaragua's Minister of Education

12:45 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Samuel SANTOS, Nicaragua's Minister of Foreign Affairs


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is on mission in Nicaragua:

10:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Valdrack JAENTSCHKE, Nicaragua's Vice-Minister of Cooperation; Mr Paul OQUIST, Private Secretary to the President of Nicaragua;  Ms Juana ARGENAL, Nicaragua's Minister of Environment and Natural Resources; Mr Ariel BUCARDO, Nicaragua's Minister of Agriculture and Forestry; Mr Pedro HASLAM, Nicaragua's Minister of the Family Economy and Ms Miriam RAUDEZ, Nicaragua's Minister of Education

12:45 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Samuel SANTOS, Nicaragua's Minister of Foreign Affairs

Mr Andris PIEBALGS is on mission in Guatemala


Mr Andris PIEBALGS is on mission in Guatemala

Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends the World Summit of Local and Regional Leaders, in Rabat, Morocco


Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends the World Summit of Local and Regional Leaders, in Rabat, Morocco

Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Xavier MICHEL, Permanent Representative, Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie auprès de l’Union européenne, in Berlaymont (Brussels)


Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Xavier MICHEL, Permanent Representative, Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie auprès de l’Union européenne, in Berlaymont (Brussels)

10:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Ms Alice ALBRIGHT, Chief Executive Officer for the Global Partnership for Education, in Berlaymont (Brussels)

10:45 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Ms Anne PAUGAM,  Chief Executive Officer of Agence Française de Développement (AFD), in Berlaymont (Brussels)


10:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Ms Alice ALBRIGHT, Chief Executive Officer for the Global Partnership for Education, in Berlaymont (Brussels)

10:45 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Ms Anne PAUGAM,  Chief Executive Officer of Agence Française de Développement (AFD), in Berlaymont (Brussels)

Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends the United Nations General Assembly week, in New York:

Mr Andris PIEBALGS holds bilateral meetings


Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends the United Nations General Assembly week, in New York:

Mr Andris PIEBALGS holds bilateral meetings

Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends the United Nations General Assembly week, in New York:

09:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends the opening of the Millennium Development Goals Special Event

12:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates at High level event: Learning for all

14:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends the 2013 Haiti Partners meeting

17:30 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends the Closing session of the Millennium Development Goals Special event


Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends the United Nations General Assembly week, in New York:

09:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends the opening of the Millennium Development Goals Special Event

12:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates at High level event: Learning for all

14:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends the 2013 Haiti Partners meeting

17:30 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends the Closing session of the Millennium Development Goals Special event

Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends the United Nations General Assembly week, in New York:

09:30 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers a speech at Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Side event “shaping coherent and collective action in a post 2015 world”

11:30 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers a speech at United Nations Millennium Development Goals Acceleration Event

13:15 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the United Nations Development Programme Leading Group Innovative Financing for Development High Level Meeting

15:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends the Inaugural meeting of the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development

17:30 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers a speech at a Kapuscinski lecture at Columbia University


Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends the United Nations General Assembly week, in New York:

09:30 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers a speech at Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Side event “shaping coherent and collective action in a post 2015 world”

11:30 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers a speech at United Nations Millennium Development Goals Acceleration Event

13:15 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the United Nations Development Programme Leading Group Innovative Financing for Development High Level Meeting

15:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends the Inaugural meeting of the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development

17:30 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers a speech at a Kapuscinski lecture at Columbia University

Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends the United Nations General Assembly week, in New York:

08:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends the High Level Side Event G7+ group on the New Deal on Fragile States

09:30 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends the Scaling up Nutrition opening session

11:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends the Round table “High level meeting on disabilities and development”

14:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends the Meeting of the G8 New Alliance for Food Security Leadership Council


Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends the United Nations General Assembly week, in New York:

08:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends the High Level Side Event G7+ group on the New Deal on Fragile States

09:30 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends the Scaling up Nutrition opening session

11:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends the Round table “High level meeting on disabilities and development”

14:00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends the Meeting of the G8 New Alliance for Food Security Leadership Council

8:30 - Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Tearii ALPHA, Minister of Marine Resources, French Polynesia (Brussels)


8:30 - Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Tearii ALPHA, Minister of Marine Resources, French Polynesia (Brussels)

Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends EU-South Africa Summit (South Africa)


Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends EU-South Africa Summit (South Africa)

14:30 - Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Peter REHWINKEL, Mayor of Groningen and President of United Cities and Local Governments (Brussels)

15:00 - Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Günter NOOKE, Personal Representative of Chancellor Angela Merkel for the G8 Africa Process (Brussels)


14:30 - Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Peter REHWINKEL, Mayor of Groningen and President of United Cities and Local Governments (Brussels)

15:00 - Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Günter NOOKE, Personal Representative of Chancellor Angela Merkel for the G8 Africa Process (Brussels)

12:00 - Mr Andris Piebalgs receives Ms Mary Robinson, UN Special Envoy to Great Lakes (Brussels)

14:30 - Mr Andris Piebalgs receives H.E. Ambassador Urban Rusnák, Secretary General of the Energy Charter Secretariat (Brussels)


12:00 - Mr Andris Piebalgs receives Ms Mary Robinson, UN Special Envoy to Great Lakes (Brussels)

14:30 - Mr Andris Piebalgs receives H.E. Ambassador Urban Rusnák, Secretary General of the Energy Charter Secretariat (Brussels)
10:00 - Mr Andris Piebalgs attends the launch event High-Level Panel report on post-2015-MDGs (Brussels)

15:00 - Mr Andris Piebalgs attends the event Euro Festivities 2013 – enlargement of the euro area to Latvia (Brussels)


10:00 - Mr Andris Piebalgs attends the launch event High-Level Panel report on post-2015-MDGs (Brussels)

15:00 - Mr Andris Piebalgs attends the event Euro Festivities 2013 – enlargement of the euro area to Latvia (Brussels)
11:30 - Mr Andris Piebalgs meets with Ms Petri Gornitzka, Director-General, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Geneva)

13:30 - Mr Andris Piebalgs delivers his speech at the Conference Global Aid for Trade review (Geneva)

15:00 - Mr Andris Piebalgs attends the event “Trade Facilitation for better integration into Value Chains” (Geneva)


11:30 - Mr Andris Piebalgs meets with Ms Petri Gornitzka, Director-General, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Geneva)

13:30 - Mr Andris Piebalgs delivers his speech at the Conference Global Aid for Trade review (Geneva)

15:00 - Mr Andris Piebalgs attends the event “Trade Facilitation for better integration into Value Chains” (Geneva)

09:30-10:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers a keynote speech at a high level conference on Sustainable Energy in Africa, Brussels

14:00-14:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mrs Elham M. Ahmed Ibrahim, African Union Commissioner for Infrastructure and Energy


09:30-10:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers a keynote speech at a high level conference on Sustainable Energy in Africa, Brussels

14:00-14:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mrs Elham M. Ahmed Ibrahim, African Union Commissioner for Infrastructure and Energy

14:30-15:15 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Ms Martina Schubert, Head of OMV Representation Brussels

15:30-16:15 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Ms Heike Rüttgers Head of Division, Portfolio Management and Policy, European Investment Bank

17:30-18:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Ivica Dacic, Prime Minister of Serbia

18:00-18:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Jean Pierre Elong Mbassi, Secretary General for the United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLGA)


14:30-15:15 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Ms Martina Schubert, Head of OMV Representation Brussels

15:30-16:15 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Ms Heike Rüttgers Head of Division, Portfolio Management and Policy, European Investment Bank

17:30-18:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Ivica Dacic, Prime Minister of Serbia

18:00-18:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Jean Pierre Elong Mbassi, Secretary General for the United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLGA)

08:15-08:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives, Mr Masato Watanabe, Vice President of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

09:00-10:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers a speech at the Development Policy Forum “Africa's economic transformation: The role of natural resources”, Brussels

13:30-14:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Ben Knapen, the new European Investment Bank representative in Brussels

14:30-15:15 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Ms Mary Davis President & Managing Director of Europe Eurasia Region Special Olympics

15:45-16:15 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Horacio Manuel Cartes Jara, President-elect of Paraguay

17:30-18:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Patrick Guillaumont, President of the Fondation pour les Etudes et Recherches sur le Développement International  (FERDI)


08:15-08:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives, Mr Masato Watanabe, Vice President of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

09:00-10:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers a speech at the Development Policy Forum “Africa's economic transformation: The role of natural resources”, Brussels

13:30-14:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Ben Knapen, the new European Investment Bank representative in Brussels

14:30-15:15 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Ms Mary Davis President & Managing Director of Europe Eurasia Region Special Olympics

15:45-16:15 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Horacio Manuel Cartes Jara, President-elect of Paraguay

17:30-18:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Patrick Guillaumont, President of the Fondation pour les Etudes et Recherches sur le Développement International  (FERDI)

09:30-10:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits an EU-funded Health Centre in Kafue, Zambia

12:00-13:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits a commercial farm in Mazabuka, Zambia

14:15-15:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits a Conservation Agriculture project in Mazabuka, Zambia


09:30-10:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits an EU-funded Health Centre in Kafue, Zambia

12:00-13:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits a commercial farm in Mazabuka, Zambia

14:15-15:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits a Conservation Agriculture project in Mazabuka, Zambia

08:00-08:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Yamfwa Mukanga, Zambian Minister for Energy and Water Resources

08:30-10:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers an opening speech at the Seminar on Energy future of Zambia: Sustainable Energy Sources and Hydro Power Potential, Zambia

12:00-12:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr. Alexander Bwalya Chikwanda Minister of Finance and Mr. Fredson K Yamba National Authorisation Officer, Zambia

15:00-16:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with representatives from European Businesses, and the European Business Council for Africa and the Mediterranean, Zambia


08:00-08:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Yamfwa Mukanga, Zambian Minister for Energy and Water Resources

08:30-10:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers an opening speech at the Seminar on Energy future of Zambia: Sustainable Energy Sources and Hydro Power Potential, Zambia

12:00-12:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr. Alexander Bwalya Chikwanda Minister of Finance and Mr. Fredson K Yamba National Authorisation Officer, Zambia

15:00-16:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with representatives from European Businesses, and the European Business Council for Africa and the Mediterranean, Zambia

Mr Andris PIEBALGS travels to Lusaka, Zambia

17:30-18:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Sindiso Ngwenya, Secretary General of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), Zambia


Mr Andris PIEBALGS travels to Lusaka, Zambia

17:30-18:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Sindiso Ngwenya, Secretary General of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), Zambia

15:00-17:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the Joint ACP-EU Parliamentary Assembly, Brussels


15:00-17:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the Joint ACP-EU Parliamentary Assembly, Brussels

12:00-15:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers a speech at the conference, Towards Post-2015 with Unique Experiences: Is there anything to contribute from EU12 perspective? in Riga, Latvia


12:00-15:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers a speech at the conference, Towards Post-2015 with Unique Experiences: Is there anything to contribute from EU12 perspective? in Riga, Latvia

Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the Plenary Session at the European Parliament, Strasbourg


Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the Plenary Session at the European Parliament, Strasbourg

11:00-14:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits the European Court of Auditors, Luxembourg


11:00-14:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits the European Court of Auditors, Luxembourg

09:30-10:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers a Keynote Speech at the Special Parliamentary Hearing on the Role of Agriculture for Food and Nutrition Security, London, UK


09:30-10:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers a Keynote Speech at the Special Parliamentary Hearing on the Role of Agriculture for Food and Nutrition Security, London, UK

Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends a Conference on Nutrition in London, UK


Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends a Conference on Nutrition in London, UK

09:00-09:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr. Bruno Wenn, CEO Deutsche Investitions(DEG), new Chairman of European Development Finance Institutions (EDFI)


09:00-09:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr. Bruno Wenn, CEO Deutsche Investitions(DEG), new Chairman of European Development Finance Institutions (EDFI)

09:00-09:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Ms Vaira Vike Freiberga, former President of Latvia, and Mr Pieter de Baan, Executive Director of the Trustfund for Victims at the International Criminal Court


09:00-09:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Ms Vaira Vike Freiberga, former President of Latvia, and Mr Pieter de Baan, Executive Director of the Trustfund for Victims at the International Criminal Court

20:00-21:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the CONCORD 10th Anniversary event, Brussels


20:00-21:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the CONCORD 10th Anniversary event, Brussels

09:00-10:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Dr. Joan Clos, United Nations Under Secretary-General and Executive Director of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme UN-Habitat

11:00-12:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives representatives of private sector engaged in Africa

13:00-15:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends a reception with the Pacific Ambassadors at the Embassy of New Zealand to Brussels


09:00-10:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Dr. Joan Clos, United Nations Under Secretary-General and Executive Director of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme UN-Habitat

11:00-12:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives representatives of private sector engaged in Africa

13:00-15:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends a reception with the Pacific Ambassadors at the Embassy of New Zealand to Brussels

11:00-11:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Dr. Norbert Kloppenburg, Member of the Executive Board of KfW Bankengruppe

12:40-13:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers a speech at the event "Delivering Green Jobs, New Opportunities for a Sustainable Future", in the GIZ Brussels Representation

14:00-15:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers the keynote speech at the Annual Conference on Afghanistan, at the European Parliament in Brussels

15:30-16:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) Seminar, Brussels


11:00-11:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Dr. Norbert Kloppenburg, Member of the Executive Board of KfW Bankengruppe

12:40-13:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers a speech at the event "Delivering Green Jobs, New Opportunities for a Sustainable Future", in the GIZ Brussels Representation

14:00-15:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers the keynote speech at the Annual Conference on Afghanistan, at the European Parliament in Brussels

15:30-16:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) Seminar, Brussels

08:00 - 09:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Rolandas Kriščiūnas, Vice-Minister for development of Lithuania
09:15 - 09:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Marc Spautz, newly appointed Luxembourg Minister
09:30 - 15:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends the Development Ministers Council


08:00 - 09:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Rolandas Kriščiūnas, Vice-Minister for development of Lithuania
09:15 - 09:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Marc Spautz, newly appointed Luxembourg Minister
09:30 - 15:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends the Development Ministers Council

Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends the Special African Union Summit to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Organisation of African Unity, Ethiopia.


Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends the Special African Union Summit to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Organisation of African Unity, Ethiopia.

09:15 – 11:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers opening speech at EU High Level Conference on Education and Development, in Brussels.

17:00 – 17:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers the closing speech at EU High Level Conference on Education and Development, in Brussels.


09:15 – 11:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers opening speech at EU High Level Conference on Education and Development, in Brussels.

17:00 – 17:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers the closing speech at EU High Level Conference on Education and Development, in Brussels.

09:00 – 10:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers a speech at an event on 'Resilience and lessons learnt from the Sahel' organised by Oxfam in Brussels.

10:00 – 10:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, President of Mauritania.

10:30 – 11:15 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Issoufou MAHAMADOU, President of Niger.

11:30 – 12:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Jean-Pascal LABILLE, Belgian Minister for Development Cooperation.


09:00 – 10:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers a speech at an event on 'Resilience and lessons learnt from the Sahel' organised by Oxfam in Brussels.

10:00 – 10:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, President of Mauritania.

10:30 – 11:15 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Issoufou MAHAMADOU, President of Niger.

11:30 – 12:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Jean-Pascal LABILLE, Belgian Minister for Development Cooperation.

Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the Mali Donors' Conference in Brussels.


Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the Mali Donors' Conference in Brussels.

15:30 – 16:15 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Achim STEINER, Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

17:00 – 17:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Ms Rebeca GRYNSPAN, Under-Secretary-General and Associate Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).


15:30 – 16:15 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Achim STEINER, Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

17:00 – 17:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Ms Rebeca GRYNSPAN, Under-Secretary-General and Associate Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

14:00 – 15:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates at the European Economic Congress in Katowice, Poland.


14:00 – 15:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates at the European Economic Congress in Katowice, Poland.

09:45 – 11:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates at the Baltic Parliament Assembly Conference in Riga, Latvia.


09:45 – 11:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates at the Baltic Parliament Assembly Conference in Riga, Latvia.

17:30 – 18:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends Opening Reception at European Commission delegation in Riga and meets with the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Latvia, Mr Edgars Rinkēvićs on the occasion of Europe Day.


17:30 – 18:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends Opening Reception at European Commission delegation in Riga and meets with the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Latvia, Mr Edgars Rinkēvićs on the occasion of Europe Day.

08:00 – 09:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr David MILLIBAND, new President of the International Rescue Committee (IRC).

15:00 – 16:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Michael HAILU, Director of the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA).

17:00 – 17:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Erik SOLHEIM, Chair of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC).


08:00 – 09:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr David MILLIBAND, new President of the International Rescue Committee (IRC).

15:00 – 16:00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Michael HAILU, Director of the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA).

17:00 – 17:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Erik SOLHEIM, Chair of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC).

Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the Somalia Conference organised by the UK Government in London.


Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the Somalia Conference organised by the UK Government in London.

10:45 – 11.30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Alain DELETROZ, Vice-President (Europe) International Crisis Group.

16:45 – 17:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers opening address at the World Bank's conference 'Partnerships for Results: Lessons from Indonesia's Experiences in Disaster Reconstruction and Preparedness' in Brussels.


10:45 – 11.30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Alain DELETROZ, Vice-President (Europe) International Crisis Group.

16:45 – 17:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers opening address at the World Bank's conference 'Partnerships for Results: Lessons from Indonesia's Experiences in Disaster Reconstruction and Preparedness' in Brussels.

14:00 - 14:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Marc Bichler, New Executive Secretary of the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF).

16:30 - 17:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the launch of the CONCORD-Beyond 2015 European Task Force position paper in Brussels.


14:00 - 14:45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Marc Bichler, New Executive Secretary of the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF).

16:30 - 17:30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the launch of the CONCORD-Beyond 2015 European Task Force position paper in Brussels.

07.30-08.15 participates in the coordination meeting (Sheraton Hotel)

08.45-09.30 participates in the bilateral meeting between Her Excellency Dr Nkosazana Clarice DLAMINI ZUMA, Chairperson of the African Union Commission, and Mr Jose Manuel BARROSO, President of the European Commission (Large Conference Hall)

09.30-10.00 participates in the opening session

10.30-12.15 participates in the Cross Cutting issues plenary co-chaired by Her Excellency Dr Nkosazana Clarice DLAMINI ZUMA, Chairperson of the African Union Commission, and Mr Jose Manuel BARROSO, President of the European Commission (Large Conference Hall)


07.30-08.15 participates in the coordination meeting (Sheraton Hotel)

08.45-09.30 participates in the bilateral meeting between Her Excellency Dr Nkosazana Clarice DLAMINI ZUMA, Chairperson of the African Union Commission, and Mr Jose Manuel BARROSO, President of the European Commission (Large Conference Hall)

09.30-10.00 participates in the opening session

10.30-12.15 participates in the Cross Cutting issues plenary co-chaired by Her Excellency Dr Nkosazana Clarice DLAMINI ZUMA, Chairperson of the African Union Commission, and Mr Jose Manuel BARROSO, President of the European Commission (Large Conference Hall)

09.45-10.15 meets with  Dr Seth BERKELEY, the Chief Executive Officer of the GAVI Alliance

11.30-11.50 meets with Her Excellency Sheikha Lubna AL-QASIMI, the Minister for Foreign Trade of the United Arab Emirates

13.00-13.30 meets with the Honourable Julian FANTINO, the Minister of International Cooperation of Canada

13.45-14.15 participates in the Panel of Global Vaccine Summit


09.45-10.15 meets with  Dr Seth BERKELEY, the Chief Executive Officer of the GAVI Alliance

11.30-11.50 meets with Her Excellency Sheikha Lubna AL-QASIMI, the Minister for Foreign Trade of the United Arab Emirates

13.00-13.30 meets with the Honourable Julian FANTINO, the Minister of International Cooperation of Canada

13.45-14.15 participates in the Panel of Global Vaccine Summit

09.00-10.00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers a speech in the DEVE Committee (European Parliament)

10.30-11.00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Nicolas TIANGAYE, Prime Minister of the Central African Republic

12.30-14.00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Murray McCULLY, New Zealand Minister of Foreign Affairs

14.15-14.45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the signing ceremony with Mr Lamoussa Salif KABORÉ, Burkina Faso Minister for Mines, Quarries and Energy


09.00-10.00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers a speech in the DEVE Committee (European Parliament)

10.30-11.00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Nicolas TIANGAYE, Prime Minister of the Central African Republic

12.30-14.00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Murray McCULLY, New Zealand Minister of Foreign Affairs

14.15-14.45 Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the signing ceremony with Mr Lamoussa Salif KABORÉ, Burkina Faso Minister for Mines, Quarries and Energy

11.30-12.00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Alhaji Muhammad Mumuni, Secretary General of the African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States

15.00-15.30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Wolfgang NEUMANN, initiator of Energy Globe

16.30-17.15 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Bob CARR, Australian Foreign Minister


11.30-12.00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Alhaji Muhammad Mumuni, Secretary General of the African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States

15.00-15.30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Wolfgang NEUMANN, initiator of Energy Globe

16.30-17.15 Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Bob CARR, Australian Foreign Minister


08.00 - 13.00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the United Nations High Level Panel on Sustainable Energy for All

12.30 - 13.45 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the 3rd Ministerial Dialogue meeting on Sustainable Development

14.30 - 15.15 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Luis Alberto MORENO, President of the Inter-American Development Bank

17.00 - 17.45 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the Resilience Dialogue meeting

17.45 - 19.00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the High Level Panel on Post-2015 Global Development Framework


08.00 - 13.00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the United Nations High Level Panel on Sustainable Energy for All

12.30 - 13.45 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the 3rd Ministerial Dialogue meeting on Sustainable Development

14.30 - 15.15 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Luis Alberto MORENO, President of the Inter-American Development Bank

17.00 - 17.45 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the Resilience Dialogue meeting

17.45 - 19.00 – Mr Andris PIEBALGS participates in the High Level Panel on Post-2015 Global Development Framework


09.30 - 10.30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers the opening speech at the Conference on Hunger, Nutrition and Climate Change organised by the Irish Presidency, in Dublin

11.00 - 11.30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Ms Mary ROBINSON, former President of Ireland and former UN high commissioner for human rights, in Dublin

11.30 - 12.00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Joe COSTELLO, Irish Minister for Trade and Development, in Dublin


09.30 - 10.30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers the opening speech at the Conference on Hunger, Nutrition and Climate Change organised by the Irish Presidency, in Dublin

11.00 - 11.30 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Ms Mary ROBINSON, former President of Ireland and former UN high commissioner for human rights, in Dublin

11.30 - 12.00 Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Joe COSTELLO, Irish Minister for Trade and Development, in Dublin






















09.00 – 09.30


09.00 – 09.30

18.15 – 18.45


18.15 – 18.45

17.30 – 18.00


17.30 – 18.00

15:30 – 16.00


15:30 – 16.00

14.00 – 15.00


14.00 – 15.00

13:45 – 14.00


13:45 – 14.00

12:45 – 13:45


12:45 – 13:45



09.00-10.30 gives a special address

10.30-11.00 meets with Mr Jejomar BINAY, vice president of Philippines

11.00-12.30 participates in the panel "Confronting inequality"

12.30-13.00 meets with Mrs Joyce BANDA, president of Malawi

15.30-16.00 meets with Ms Tanja GÖNNER, Chair of Management Board of GIZ

18.30-19.00 participates in the closing ceremony


09.00-10.30 gives a special address

10.30-11.00 meets with Mr Jejomar BINAY, vice president of Philippines

11.00-12.30 participates in the panel "Confronting inequality"

12.30-13.00 meets with Mrs Joyce BANDA, president of Malawi

15.30-16.00 meets with Ms Tanja GÖNNER, Chair of Management Board of GIZ

18.30-19.00 participates in the closing ceremony

09.00-10.15 attends the Opening Ceremony

11.00-12.30 participates in the panel "A more effective partnership for a more resilient world"

12.30-13.00 meets with Mr Armando Emilio GUEBUZA, president of Mozambique

14.45-15.15 meets with Mr Ali Bongo ONDIMBA, president of Gabon

15.15-15.45 meets with Mr Macky SALL,  President of Senegal

15.45-16.15 meets with Mr Boni YAYI, President of Benin

16.30-18.00 participates at the Panel "Placing social protection at the heart of the Development agenda"

18.30 attends the ECHO@20 special event


09.00-10.15 attends the Opening Ceremony

11.00-12.30 participates in the panel "A more effective partnership for a more resilient world"

12.30-13.00 meets with Mr Armando Emilio GUEBUZA, president of Mozambique

14.45-15.15 meets with Mr Ali Bongo ONDIMBA, president of Gabon

15.15-15.45 meets with Mr Macky SALL,  President of Senegal

15.45-16.15 meets with Mr Boni YAYI, President of Benin

16.30-18.00 participates at the Panel "Placing social protection at the heart of the Development agenda"

18.30 attends the ECHO@20 special event


Mr Andris PIEBALGS in Tokyo (Japan) participates at the Annual meetings of International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Group and meets with Mr Werner HOYER, president of the European Investment Bank (EIB)


Mr Andris PIEBALGS in Tokyo (Japan) participates at the Annual meetings of International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Group and meets with Mr Werner HOYER, president of the European Investment Bank (EIB)







Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets in Paris with Mr Brian ATWOOD, chair of the OECD Development Assistance Committee and participates in the signature of Memorandum of Understanding EU/UNESCO; and meets with Mr Pascal CANFIN, French Minister delegate for Development.


Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets in Paris with Mr Brian ATWOOD, chair of the OECD Development Assistance Committee and participates in the signature of Memorandum of Understanding EU/UNESCO; and meets with Mr Pascal CANFIN, French Minister delegate for Development.




















M. Andris PIEBALGS en Nouvelle Zélande: rencontre avec M. Murray McCULLY, Ministre des Affaires étrangères ; participation à la Table ronde sur les Questions du Pacifique, conjointement avec la Pacific Cooperation Foundation; participation à la Rencontre ministérielle du Forum Union européenne Îles du Pacifique.


M. Andris PIEBALGS en Nouvelle Zélande: rencontre avec M. Murray McCULLY, Ministre des Affaires étrangères ; participation à la Table ronde sur les Questions du Pacifique, conjointement avec la Pacific Cooperation Foundation; participation à la Rencontre ministérielle du Forum Union européenne Îles du Pacifique.






































  • Cérémonies officielles avec le Président Michel MARTELLY, rencontre avec le Ministre des Finances Ronald BAUDIN et le Ministre de la Coopération Jude Hervey DAY
  • Inauguration de la route principale entre Port-au-Prince et le nord du pays, dont la reconstruction a été financée par l'UE
  • Inauguration du Tribunal de Hinche; visites de projets financés par l'UE dans les secteurs social et éducatif


  • Cérémonies officielles avec le Président Michel MARTELLY, rencontre avec le Ministre des Finances Ronald BAUDIN et le Ministre de la Coopération Jude Hervey DAY
  • Inauguration de la route principale entre Port-au-Prince et le nord du pays, dont la reconstruction a été financée par l'UE
  • Inauguration du Tribunal de Hinche; visites de projets financés par l'UE dans les secteurs social et éducatif
  • Rencontre avec le Président Michel MARTELLY
  • Discours au Parlement
  • Rencontre avec des représentants de la société civile
  • Rencontre avec de spartenaires de l'UE en Haiti


  • Rencontre avec le Président Michel MARTELLY
  • Discours au Parlement
  • Rencontre avec des représentants de la société civile
  • Rencontre avec de spartenaires de l'UE en Haiti






















  • M. Andris PIEBALGS reçoit M. Jean STEPHENNE, Président de GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals, Mme Sally ETHELSTON, Directrice, Communications et Plaidoyer, PATH Malaria Vaccine Initiative (MVI)
  • M. Andris PIEBALGS reçoit Mme Ingrid FISKAAN, Secrétaire d'Etat norvégienne pour le Développement


  • M. Andris PIEBALGS reçoit M. Jean STEPHENNE, Président de GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals, Mme Sally ETHELSTON, Directrice, Communications et Plaidoyer, PATH Malaria Vaccine Initiative (MVI)
  • M. Andris PIEBALGS reçoit Mme Ingrid FISKAAN, Secrétaire d'Etat norvégienne pour le Développement



  • M. Andris PIEBALGS reçoit Mme Rosalind MARSDEN, représentante spéciale de l'UE pour le Soudan.
  • M. Andris PIEBALGS reçoit M. Bekele GELETA, Secrétaire Général de la Fédération internationale des Sociétés de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge (FICR), Mme Goli AMERI, Sous Secrétaire Générale pour les valeurs humanitaires et la diplomatie, et M. Leon PROP, Directeur du bureau de la Croix-Rouge auprès de l'UE à Bruxelles.
  • M. Andris PIEBALGS reçoit M. Brahima SANOU, Directeur du Bureau Développement de l'Union Internationale des télécommunication (UIT).


  • M. Andris PIEBALGS reçoit Mme Rosalind MARSDEN, représentante spéciale de l'UE pour le Soudan.
  • M. Andris PIEBALGS reçoit M. Bekele GELETA, Secrétaire Général de la Fédération internationale des Sociétés de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge (FICR), Mme Goli AMERI, Sous Secrétaire Générale pour les valeurs humanitaires et la diplomatie, et M. Leon PROP, Directeur du bureau de la Croix-Rouge auprès de l'UE à Bruxelles.
  • M. Andris PIEBALGS reçoit M. Brahima SANOU, Directeur du Bureau Développement de l'Union Internationale des télécommunication (UIT).





M. Andris PIEBALGS rencontre M. Anote TONG, Président des Kiribati; rencontre Mme Rebecca GRYNSPAN, Administrateur associées du Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement; rencontre Mme Roza I. OTUNBAEVA, Présidente du Kirghizstan; Roza I. OTUNBAEVA M. Mahamadou ISSOUFOU, Président de la République du Niger; Roza I. OTUNBAEVA M. Michel MARTELLY, Président de la République d'Haïti; donne un discours à la table-ronde de haut niveau sur la modernisation de la politique européenne de développement.


M. Andris PIEBALGS rencontre M. Anote TONG, Président des Kiribati; rencontre Mme Rebecca GRYNSPAN, Administrateur associées du Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement; rencontre Mme Roza I. OTUNBAEVA, Présidente du Kirghizstan; Roza I. OTUNBAEVA M. Mahamadou ISSOUFOU, Président de la République du Niger; Roza I. OTUNBAEVA M. Michel MARTELLY, Président de la République d'Haïti; donne un discours à la table-ronde de haut niveau sur la modernisation de la politique européenne de développement.












  • M. Andris PIEBALGS reçoit M. Christian FRIIS BACH, Ministre du Développement et des Affaires Humanitaires du Danemark
  • M. Andris PIEBALGS reçoit Mme Lynne FEATHERSTONE, Secrétaire d'Etat britannique chargée des questions d'égalité


  • M. Andris PIEBALGS reçoit M. Christian FRIIS BACH, Ministre du Développement et des Affaires Humanitaires du Danemark
  • M. Andris PIEBALGS reçoit Mme Lynne FEATHERSTONE, Secrétaire d'Etat britannique chargée des questions d'égalité
  • Mr Andris PIEBALGS participe à la conférence "Health and education future EU Development policy" (Residence Palace)
  • Mr Andris PIEBALGS participe à la conférence  sur le 20ème anniversaire de la ré-indépendance des pays baltes. (Parlement européen, Bruxelles)


  • Mr Andris PIEBALGS participe à la conférence "Health and education future EU Development policy" (Residence Palace)
  • Mr Andris PIEBALGS participe à la conférence  sur le 20ème anniversaire de la ré-indépendance des pays baltes. (Parlement européen, Bruxelles)



  • M. Andris PIEBALGS reçoit M. Jan MATTSSON, Directeur exécutif du  Bureau des Nations unies pour les services d'appui aux projets (UNOPS)
  • M. Andris PIEBALGS reçoit M. Frédéric ROUSSEL, co-fondateur de Convergences 2015


  • M. Andris PIEBALGS reçoit M. Jan MATTSSON, Directeur exécutif du  Bureau des Nations unies pour les services d'appui aux projets (UNOPS)
  • M. Andris PIEBALGS reçoit M. Frédéric ROUSSEL, co-fondateur de Convergences 2015



  • M. Andris PIEBALGS reçoit M. Achim STEINER, Directeur Exécutif du PNUE
  • M. Andris PIEBALGS reçoit M. Filippo GRANDI, Commissaire Général de l'UNRWA
  • M. Andris PIEBALGS reçoit M. Charles KOFFI DIBY, Ministre de l'Economie de Côte d'Ivoire, M. Adama BICTOGO, Ministre de l'Intégration Africaine de Côte d'Ivoire et M. Dagobert BANZIO, Ministre du Commerce de Côte d'Ivoire


  • M. Andris PIEBALGS reçoit M. Achim STEINER, Directeur Exécutif du PNUE
  • M. Andris PIEBALGS reçoit M. Filippo GRANDI, Commissaire Général de l'UNRWA
  • M. Andris PIEBALGS reçoit M. Charles KOFFI DIBY, Ministre de l'Economie de Côte d'Ivoire, M. Adama BICTOGO, Ministre de l'Intégration Africaine de Côte d'Ivoire et M. Dagobert BANZIO, Ministre du Commerce de Côte d'Ivoire


  • M. Andris PIEBALGS reçoit M. Angelino GARZON, Vice Président de Colombie
  • M. Andris PIEBALGS reçoit M. Anthony LAKE, Directeur Général de l'UNICEF
  • M. Andris PIEBALGS reçoit M. Fredis REFUNJOL, Gouverneur d'Aruba


  • M. Andris PIEBALGS reçoit M. Angelino GARZON, Vice Président de Colombie
  • M. Andris PIEBALGS reçoit M. Anthony LAKE, Directeur Général de l'UNICEF
  • M. Andris PIEBALGS reçoit M. Fredis REFUNJOL, Gouverneur d'Aruba












Le Commissaire Andris PIEBALGS participe à la réunion annuelle de  l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO) et signe le nouveau Cadre Stratégique de Coopération avec l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO), le Programme Alimentaire Mondial (PAM), et le Fonds International pour le Développement Agricole (FIDA)


Le Commissaire Andris PIEBALGS participe à la réunion annuelle de  l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO) et signe le nouveau Cadre Stratégique de Coopération avec l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO), le Programme Alimentaire Mondial (PAM), et le Fonds International pour le Développement Agricole (FIDA)















Dernière mise à jour : 19/11/2014 |  Haut de la page