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Legacy Document: Main Achievements of EU Consumer Policy 2010 – 2014

27/10/2014 - With consumer spending contributing to over a half of Europe's GDP, consumer policy is a European Union priority. Over the past years, the EU has made explicit efforts to create a sound regulatory framework, to guarantee implementation and enforcement and to ensure consumers are both well aware of their rights and use them in practice. The Legacy Document Consumer Policy 2010-2014 looks back at the main achievements of European Commissions consumer policy over the past five years. It shows how the decisions taken in Brussels contribute to a positive change in the lives of EU’s 500 million citizens and gradually shape a true Single Market for consumers.

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20/10/2014 - Commissioner Mimica welcomes the European Parliament vote on the Juncker College

On the occasion of the European Parliament vote in support of the Juncker Commission, Commissioner Mimica said:"Following the strong support of the European Parliament which the new college received today, I look forward to taking up my new responsibilities as Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development as of 1 November.

20/10/2014 - Consumer mission to Croatia

On 16th and 17th October Commissioner Neven Mimica visited Croatia to raise consumers' awareness about their rights and encourage people not just to know their rights but to use them. Within his mission, the Commissioner met with national authorities, consumer organisations and the public to discuss how to improve consumer conditions in the country and make sure people reap the full benefit of their rights as EU citizens.

13/10/2014 - Commissioner Mimica travels to Croatia to raise consumers' awareness about their rights

European Union's Consumer policy Commissioner Neven Mimica is visiting Croatia on 16 and 17 October to raise consumers' awareness about their rights and encourage people not just to know their rights but to use them. Within his mission, the Commissioner is meeting with national authorities, consumer organisations and the public to discuss how to improve consumer conditions in the country and make sure people reap the full benefit of their rights as EU citizens.
