This site has been archived on 07/11/14
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Commissioner Mimica travels to Croatia to raise consumers' awareness about their rights


European Union's Consumer policy Commissioner Neven Mimica is visiting Croatia on 16 and 17 October to raise consumers' awareness about their rights and encourage people not just to know their rights but to use them. Within his mission, the Commissioner is meeting with national authorities, consumer organisations and the public to discuss how to improve consumer conditions in the country and make sure people reap the full benefit of their rights as EU citizens.

To raise people's awareness about their rights, Commissioner Mimica will launch a major consumer information campaign. He will pay particular attention to young people, who are the consumers of tomorrow. Commissioner Mimica will meet a group of students who have experience with the EU funded educational platform and discuss with them how to make the tool better known and widely used across the country.

He will meet representatives of consumer organisations to see how the European Commission can help strengthen their capacity and support them in assisting consumers.

Commissioner Mimica will be looking into ways to provide consumers with better enforcement and redress mechanisms and make sure they get better deals and spend less in sectors such as financial services, energy or telecommunications. These topics will be at the forefront of his meeting with Mr.Ivan Vrdoljak, Croatia's Minister of Economy.