This site has been archived on 07/11/14
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Commissioner Mimica welcomes the European Parliament vote on the Juncker College


On the occasion of the European Parliament vote in support of the Juncker Commission, Commissioner Mimica said:
"Following the strong support of the European Parliament which the new college received today, I look forward to taking up my new responsibilities as Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development as of 1 November.

As from day one, I will work to further strengthen the EU's leading role in development cooperation. We need ambitious post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals. We need to strengthen our partnership with many countries and regions in the world, including in particular Africa. And we need to improve the effectiveness and coherence of our policies. I will be closely cooperating with President Juncker, the High Representative/Vice-President Mogherini and fellow Commissioners, starting immediately with reinforcing the contribution of development policy to responding to the Ebola epidemic