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Š.Füle with V.Bevanda: BiH moving in right direction

Š.Füle with V.Bevanda: BiH moving in right direction

The Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy Štefan Füle met with Mr Vjekoslav Bevanda, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Brussels today, where they discussed the latest developments in the EU integration process of his country.
"I had a very good discussion with the Chairman of Bosnia and Herzegovina's Council of Ministers, Mr Bevanda," Commissioner Füle said at a press conference after the meeting. "I congratulated Mr Bevanda upon his appointment as the Chair of the Council of Ministers at a crucial time for Bosnia and Herzegovina's EU integration. I have welcomed a number of recent positive developments in his country, including the adoption of the State aid and census laws, which are crucial steps for progress on Bosnia and Herzegovina's European integration path.

I hope this year will bring good news for this country as a reflection of the good steps made. At the same time I used our discussion to encourage Bosnia and Herzegovina to step up its efforts in addressing the key outstanding reform priorities. The conclusion of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with the EU is within reach. Now it is vital that the remaining requirement for the SAA entry into force, a credible effort with regard to the implementation of the Sejdić-Finci judgement, is met. Moreover, I stressed that the State budget for this year needs to be urgently adopted and a Global Fiscal Framework for 2012-2014 elaborated to ensure sound fiscal management and medium term planning. I also underlined that it is essential that all authorities throughout BiH provide legislative and institutional follow-up to the agreed recommendations issued under the EU-Bosnia and Herzegovina Structured Dialogue on Justice and guarantee effective implementation of all the reforms undertaken under the visa liberalisation dialogue. Another crucial issue to be addressed is the establishment of an effective and efficient coordination mechanism on EU matters."

Commissioner Füle also stressed that his first meeting with Mr Bevanda was a positive one and they both concluded their discussions with enthusiasm that Bosnia and Hercegovina is moving in the right direction.

See the press conference here

Last update: 09/03/2012 |  Top