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EU opens accession negotiations with Iceland
EU opens accession negotiations with Iceland


"The opening of accession negotiations today marks a new chapter in the history of our relations with Iceland. Accession should be a win-win-situation for both sides. For Iceland, this means economic and monetary stability and a voice at the EU decision making tables. For the EU, it means we become stronger in dealing with the Arctic region and in areas such as renewable energy and climate change." said Commissioner Füle on the occassion of the EU opening accession negotiations with Iceland.

EU-Croatia Accession Conference 27 July 2010
EU-Croatia Accession Conference 27 July 2010


"The opening of accession negotiations today marks a new chapter in the history of our relations with Iceland. Accession should be a win-win-situation for both sides. For Iceland, this means economic and monetary stability and a voice at the EU decision making tables. For the EU, it means we become stronger in dealing with the Arctic region and in areas such as renewable energy and climate change." said Commissioner Füle on the occassion of the EU opening accession negotiations with Iceland.

ICJ opinion on Kosovo's independence
ICJ opinion on Kosovo's independence


"The opening of accession negotiations today marks a new chapter in the history of our relations with Iceland. Accession should be a win-win-situation for both sides. For Iceland, this means economic and monetary stability and a voice at the EU decision making tables. For the EU, it means we become stronger in dealing with the Arctic region and in areas such as renewable energy and climate change." said Commissioner Füle on the occassion of the EU opening accession negotiations with Iceland.

Iceland to receive pre-accession funding
Iceland to receive pre-accession funding


"The opening of accession negotiations today marks a new chapter in the history of our relations with Iceland. Accession should be a win-win-situation for both sides. For Iceland, this means economic and monetary stability and a voice at the EU decision making tables. For the EU, it means we become stronger in dealing with the Arctic region and in areas such as renewable energy and climate change." said Commissioner Füle on the occassion of the EU opening accession negotiations with Iceland.

EU-Turkey political dialogue - Istanbul, 13 July 2010
EU-Turkey political dialogue - Istanbul, 13 July 2010


"The opening of accession negotiations today marks a new chapter in the history of our relations with Iceland. Accession should be a win-win-situation for both sides. For Iceland, this means economic and monetary stability and a voice at the EU decision making tables. For the EU, it means we become stronger in dealing with the Arctic region and in areas such as renewable energy and climate change." said Commissioner Füle on the occassion of the EU opening accession negotiations with Iceland.

Statement on the 15th commemoration of Srebrenica
Statement on the 15th commemoration of Srebrenica


"The opening of accession negotiations today marks a new chapter in the history of our relations with Iceland. Accession should be a win-win-situation for both sides. For Iceland, this means economic and monetary stability and a voice at the EU decision making tables. For the EU, it means we become stronger in dealing with the Arctic region and in areas such as renewable energy and climate change." said Commissioner Füle on the occassion of the EU opening accession negotiations with Iceland.

Statement on Turkish Constitutional Court ruling, 8 July 2010
Statement on Turkish Constitutional Court ruling, 8 July 2010


"The opening of accession negotiations today marks a new chapter in the history of our relations with Iceland. Accession should be a win-win-situation for both sides. For Iceland, this means economic and monetary stability and a voice at the EU decision making tables. For the EU, it means we become stronger in dealing with the Arctic region and in areas such as renewable energy and climate change." said Commissioner Füle on the occassion of the EU opening accession negotiations with Iceland.

First official visit to Belarus 8-9 July 2010
First official visit to Belarus 8-9 July 2010


"The opening of accession negotiations today marks a new chapter in the history of our relations with Iceland. Accession should be a win-win-situation for both sides. For Iceland, this means economic and monetary stability and a voice at the EU decision making tables. For the EU, it means we become stronger in dealing with the Arctic region and in areas such as renewable energy and climate change." said Commissioner Füle on the occassion of the EU opening accession negotiations with Iceland.

The year ahead will be important for Kosovo and Albania
The year ahead will be important for Kosovo and Albania


"The opening of accession negotiations today marks a new chapter in the history of our relations with Iceland. Accession should be a win-win-situation for both sides. For Iceland, this means economic and monetary stability and a voice at the EU decision making tables. For the EU, it means we become stronger in dealing with the Arctic region and in areas such as renewable energy and climate change." said Commissioner Füle on the occassion of the EU opening accession negotiations with Iceland.

Iceland - a full member of the enlargement family
Iceland - a full member of the enlargement family


"The opening of accession negotiations today marks a new chapter in the history of our relations with Iceland. Accession should be a win-win-situation for both sides. For Iceland, this means economic and monetary stability and a voice at the EU decision making tables. For the EU, it means we become stronger in dealing with the Arctic region and in areas such as renewable energy and climate change." said Commissioner Füle on the occassion of the EU opening accession negotiations with Iceland.

Cultural route - Fortresses on the Danube
Cultural route - Fortresses on the Danube


"The opening of accession negotiations today marks a new chapter in the history of our relations with Iceland. Accession should be a win-win-situation for both sides. For Iceland, this means economic and monetary stability and a voice at the EU decision making tables. For the EU, it means we become stronger in dealing with the Arctic region and in areas such as renewable energy and climate change." said Commissioner Füle on the occassion of the EU opening accession negotiations with Iceland.

Last update: 01/02/2012 |  Top