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AVMSD/TVwF - Application and Implementation  - Application Reports

Application Reports

DotFirst Report on the application of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD)

First Report from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on the application of Directive 2010/13/EU "Audiovisual Media Services Directive" - Audiovisual Media Services and Connected Devices: Past and Future Perspectives.

go toStaff Working Document accompanying the Report

go toSee Press release - 07 May 2012

The report shows that the AVMSD is working well, but that the audiovisual sector is undergoing rapid change in technology and business practices. There are a number of issues concerning commercial communications and further guidance is needed on Connected TV. The Commission will thus update its interpretative communication on certain provisions on televised advertising in 2013 and will launch a public consultation on Connected TV by the end 2012.

DotReports on the application of the TVwF Directive

The Seventh Report on the application of the "Television without frontiers directive" was adopted on 26 June 2009. This report looks at the application of the Television without Frontiers Directive in the Member States in 2007 and 2008. During this two-year period, the Commission was required to initiate legal action against Spain and Italy in accordance with the Directive for not abiding by EU advertising rules that limit advertising and teleshopping spots to 12 minutes per hour. The 7th application report also adds analysis to the ongoing evolution of the television market.


The Commission has adopted on 24 October 2007 its Sixth Report on the application of the "Television without frontiers " directive (COM (2007) 0452). This report covers the application of the essential provisions of the directive during the period 2005-2006 and the international aspects of the audiovisual policy. It also analyses the recent developments in the audiovisual landscape, which will be reflected in the forthcoming audiovisual media services directive.


The Fifth Report from the Commission (COM(2006) 49 final) relating to the application of the "Television without Frontiers" Directive for the period 2003 – 2004 has been adopted on 10.2.2006. The report analyses the salient aspects of the application of the Directive during the reference period and demonstrates that the Directive continues to function successfully in ensuring the freedom to provide television services in the EU. However, in view of market and technological developments, a need to review the current EU regulatory framework has become apparent (Annex (SEC(2006)160).

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The Fourth report from the Commission (COM(2002)778final) relating to the application of the "Television without Frontiers" 89/552/EEC directive for the period 2001-2002 has been adopted on 06.01.2003. The report describes and analyses the salient facts relating to the application of the Directive during the reference period. In an annex to the report the Commission proposes a work programme to open a debate on the possible need to adjust the regulatory framework because of the developments in markets and technologies. This debate will be forum-driven and concentrate on a number of horizontal and specific questions. The purpose of this exercise is to provide the Commission with the necessary input to evaluate the need to update or adapt the present regulations (Press release).


The Third report (COM(2001)9final) covers the application of Directive 89/552/EEC for the period 1997-2000. The report describes and analyses the key elements of the application of the Directive during the reference period, and concludes that the directive has shown itself to be well adapted to the evolution of the European audiovisual landscape. A review of the directive is scheduled for the end of 2002. The present report does not make any proposals to modify the Directive but provides the starting point for the review process.

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The Second report (COM(1997)523final) covers the application of Directive 89/552/EEC for the period from 1 January 1995 to 30 July 1997, the entry into force of the new Directive. It describes and analyses the salient facts in the application of the Directive during the reference period. It also attempts to offer an overall view of the progress achieved in interpreting its standards, with special attention given to the decisions of the European Court of Justice.


The First report (COM(1995)86final), which covered the period up to the end of 1994, concluded that it was necessary to revise the Directive. The proposal for amendment put forward by the Commission has been the subject of detailed discussions within the Community institutions over more than two years. They led to the adoption of European Parliament and Council Directive 97/36/EC amending Directive 89/552/EEC.

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