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Information's about tender procedures can be found under the page Tender Procedure.

Under this section, you will  find information about Audiovisual and Media policies' studies:

These contributions do not necessarily reflect the views of the Commission, nor does the Commission accept responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained herein. They can be reproduced only with the authorisation of the European Commission.

Ongoing Studies

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dot Monitoring of the compliance by audiovisual media service providers in the MS with the provisions of Chapter IIa (Article 3e-3g) and Chapter IV of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (Framework contract) - SMART 2008/0001

dotSelected contractor: GfK Audimetrie
 URL: www.gfk.com.

dotInformation about the tender procedure

see also: Regulatory Framework: The future framework: AVMSD


Finalised studies

Study on the implementation of the provisions of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive concerning the promotion of European works in audiovisual media services - SMART2010/0002.

dotMain contractor: Attentional Ltd

This report was completed by the following people:
: David Graham, Farid El-Husseini
Gide Loyrette Nouel: Olivier Cousi, Alexandre Entraygues
Headway International: Arnaud Dupont, Brune Tessier Huort, Giovanni Gangemi, Adrien de Gromard
Oliver & Ohlbaum: Sean McGuire, Theresa Vimmerslev, Duncan Gray, Giacomo Zaninetti

dotInformation about the tender procedure

dot Short description:
Within the framework of the implementation of Articles 13, 16 and 17 of the AVMS Directive on promotion of European works in the EU Member States, the study will:

  1. Carry out a survey of the implementing measures of Articles 13, 16 and 17 of the AVMS Directive in the EU Member States and the EEA contracting parties;

  2. Provide a description and analysis of the market for audiovisual works in the EU Member States and the EEA contracting parties;

  3. Provide the Commission with the necessary information to define a set of performance indicators and operational procedures for periodical monitoring and assessment activities;

  4. Check the practicability of theses indicators and operational procedures related to on-demand services through a "reality test"; and

  5. Provide the Commission with the necessary elements to assess whether the provisions of the AVMS Directive are sufficient to safeguard European works in the offer of audiovisual media services in the Member States.

dot  Stakeholders workshop -  14 September 2011 - Brussels
The aims of the workshop were to present the preliminary final report of the "Study on the implementation of the provisions of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive concerning the promotion of European works in audiovisual media services" and to provide the stakeholders with the opportunity to discuss the key findings.

 go toRead the presentations pdf

dot Final report English   - Appendix English

dotExecutive summary

dotMore information on the study: www.avms2011.eu



See also: Promotion and Distribution


Challenges of the digital era for film heritage institutions - SMART 2010/0001.

dotSelected contractor: peacefulfish Productions Ltd
URL: http://www.peacefulfish.com

dotInformation about the tender procedure

dotStudy website: http://www.dae-filmheritage.eu/index.html

dotShort description: The expected results of the study were the following:

dot A workshop to validate the results of this study took place on 20 September 2011 at the Cinematek in Brussels.
go toAgenda of the meeting

dotFull final report English

dotExecutive summary

dotMore information on the study: www.dae-filmheritage.eu


See also: Protection of film heritage


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dot Study on "Indicators for independence and efficient functioning of audiovisual media services regulatory bodies for the purpose of enforcing the rules in the AVMS Directive"  - SMART 2009/0001

        dotSelected contractor: Hans-Bredow-Institut für Medienforschung an der Universität Hamburg
           URL: http://www.hans-bredow-institut.de

  dotInformation about the tender procedure

The three general objectives of the study were (1) a detailed legal description and analysis of the audiovisual media services regulatory bodies in the Member States, in candidate and potential candidate countries to the European Union and in the EFTA countries as well as four non-European countries, (2) an analysis of the effective implementation of the legal framework in these countries and (3) the identification of key characteristics constituting an “independent regulatory body” in the light of the AVMS Directive.

dot Stakeholder workshop - Brussels - 31 January 2011

The main focus of this public workshop was the presentation and discussion of the preliminary final report. Registered participants of the workshop received a copy in due time.

go toAgenda of the workshop pdf

go toAdditional information on "Country Correspondents, questionnaire and Online Stakeholder Surveys can be found on www.indireg.eu

dot Final report pdf

Annex I – Questionnaire pdf

Annex II - Country Tables  pdf
Albania - Australia - Austria - Belgium - Bosnia-Herzegovina - Bulgaria - Croatia - Cyprus - Czech Republic - Denmark - Estonia - Finland - France - Germany - Greece - Hungary - Iceland - Ireland - Italy - Japan - Kosovo* - Latvia - Liechtenstein - Lithuania - Luxembourg - Macedonia - Malta - Montenegro - The Netherlands - Norway - Poland - Portugal - Romania - Serbia - Singapore - Slovakia - Slovenia - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - Turkey - United Kingdom - United States of America

Annex III – Issue Tables pdf
General information - (Tables 01–05)
Institutional framework - (Tables 06–08)
Powers of the regulatory bodies - (Tables 09–14)
Internal organisation and staffing - (Tables 15–24)
Financial resources - (Tables 25–27)
Checks and balances - (Tables 28–35)
Procedural legitimacy - (Tables 36–39)
Cooperation - (Tables 40–41)

Annex IV Stakeholder Survey pdf

Annex V – List of contacted Stakeholders pdf

Annex VI – Ranking Tool pdf

go toAn online version of the ranking tool can be found at www.indireg.eu


*Under the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 of June 10, 1999 (UNSCR 1244), hereafter Kosovo.

See also: Independent regulators

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dotFeasibility Study for the pilot project "ERASMUS for Journalists" - SMART 2010/0060

        dotSelected contractor: Coffey International Development Ltd (in partnership with Economisti Associati)
           URL: http://www.evaluationpartnership.com/newsite/index.php

        dotInformation about the contracting procedure: Framework Contract No 30-CE-0208146/00-01. 
            Contract noticeTender Specifications

        dot go to Stakeholder Workshop - Brussels 1 December, 2010

        dot  Final report:

Part 1
go toFeasibility study for the preparatory action “ERASMUS for journalists” - FINAL REPORT pdf
Part 2
go toStatistical Review - FINAL REPORT pdf
go toStatistical Review - ANNEXES pdf

see also: Task Force for Co-ordination of Media Affairs - European Journalism

dot Study concerning Multi-territory licensing for the online distribution of audiovisual works in the European Union - SMART 2008/0002

dotSelected contractor: Kern European Affairs (in partnership with Armines)
URL: www.keanet.eu

dotInformation about the tender procedure

dot Stakeholder workshop - Brussels - 2 June 2010

The purpose of the workshop was to present the preliminary results of the study and to give stakeholders the opportunity to express their views on these findings. 

          go toAgenda of the meeting pdf

          go toSlides of the presentation pdf

dot Final report English pdf

dot Executive summary English Deutsch Français pdf


see also: Creative Content Online

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dot Study on "Indicators for media pluralism in the Member States — towards a risk-based approach" — SMART 007A 2007-0002

dotSelected contractor: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (in partnership with Ernst & Young, Jönköping Int and CEU Hungary)
URL: http://www.law.kuleuven.be/icri/

dotInformation about the tender procedure

dotFinal results (Final report, Media Pluralism Monitor, User guide)

dotStakeholder Workshop - Brussels, 8 June 2009  - Agenda pdf - Presentationspdf

see also: Media Task Force - pluralism


dot"Study on the application of measures concerning the promotion of the distribution and production of European works in audiovisual media services (i.e. including television programmes and non linear services)” - SMART 2007/0001

dotSelected contractor: Attentional Ltd.
URL: http://www.attentional.com.

dotInformation about the tender procedure

dot18 November 2008 - Workshop dedicated to the presentation of the findings and conclusions of the study.

       - Presentations ppt

       - Agenda of the workshop pdf

dotFinal report pdf (28 May 2009)

dotPress Release (28 May 2009)

see also: Promotion of European works - Implementation

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dot Study on the economic and cultural impact, notably on co-productions, of territorialisation clauses of state aids schemes for films and audiovisual productions

See also State aid to Cinema

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Framework contract for obtaining data and analysis regarding the legal and economic context for media industries within the Member States of the European Union and relevant third countries

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Study on co-regulation measures in the media sector

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Comparative study on the impact of control measures on the televisual advertising markets in European Union Member States and certain other countries

bullet Selected contrator: CARAT - Sub-contrator: KOAN
bullet Information about the tender procedure
bullet 19 January 2005 - Workshop dedicated to the presentation of the preliminary results of the study pdf logoEnglish
bullet Questionnaire - documents available in Word format EnglishFrench
bullet Final report pdf logo French
bullet Executive summary pdf logo English
bullet National reports

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Study on the impact of measures concerning the promotion of the distribution and production of TV programmes (Community and national) provided for under Article 25 (a) of the directive on television without frontiers

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Study of external cooperation by the European Union and its Member States in the cultural and audiovisual sectors

bullet Selected Contractor: Barbier, Frinault et Associés sa
bullet Information about the tender procedure
bullet Summary pdf logo GermanEnglishFrench
bullet Final report (only available in French)

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Study of the audiovisual landscape and public audiovisual policies in the candidate countries

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Study on the rating practice used for audiovisual works in the European Union

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Study on the economic and financial aspects of the film industry

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Outlook of development of the Market for European audiovisual content and of the regulatory framework concerning production and distribution of this content

bullet Selected contractor: Arthur Andersen
bullet Final report pdf logo English
bullet Attachments pdf logo English
bullet Brussels, 10 December 2001 - Public workshop: "Outlook of development of the market for European audiovisual content and of the regulatory framework concerning production and distribution of this content"
  • Presentation showed during the meeting: Long version pdf logo English - Short version pdf logo English

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Study on the development of new advertising techniques

bullet Selected contractor : Bird & Bird / Carat Crystal
bullet Final report pdf logo GermanEnglishFrench
bullet National reports: Austria - Belgium French - Denmark - Finland - France - Germany - Greece French - Iceland - Ireland - Italy - Liechtenstein - Luxembourg French - Netherlands - Norway - Portugal - Spain - Sweden - United Kingdom
bullet Summaries of National reports pdf logo deenfr
bullet National reports (economic overview-by media):
bullet Presentation of economic report
bullet Brussels, 17 January 2002 - Public seminar on "The evolution of advertising techniques/What impact will this have on the review of the TVWF Directive"

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Study on the provisions existing within the Member States and the EEA to implement Chapter III of the TWF directive

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Study on the impact of television advertising and teleshopping on minors

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Study on the development of digital in the EU

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Study on Parental Control of Television Broadcasting

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Study on "Cultural programmes on European public television channels: comparative approach recommendations."

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"The Digital Age: European Audiovisual Policy."

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"The development of the Audiovisual Landscape in Central Europe since 1989". Revised edition.

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"The European Film Industry under Analysis"

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Study on Economic Implications of New Communication Technologies on the Audio-Visual Markets


Public, Policy Issues Arising from Telecommunications and Audiovisual Convergence

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