Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 30/07/2017

Learning Exchange on “Service differentiation – tailoring online services for the unemployed”, Manchester (United Kingdom), 4-5 December 2017

With the introduction of Universal Credit in the UK, the delivery model financial support for unemployed is radically changing. To ensure that this new delivery model maintains current performance, provides a tailored service for the unemployed and does this without additional resource, it will have to increasingly rely on automation and build a more effective diagnostic approach for caseworkers. Effective and efficient segmentation will be key to deliver this increasingly automated yet tailored approach.

The Learning Exchange was used to discuss particular components of this new delivery model, including individual-level interventions; calculating pathways before Work Coach interaction; required data for Work Coaches and Managers to deliver the leaner service and; mixed-channel (digital, remote, face-to-face) delivery tailored to the individual.

The UK Department of Work and Pensions hosted this event and looked to learn from the Dutch and Belgian experiences on this topic.

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