Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 18/07/2012

Good practice cases on active ageing across Scotland in new LTCAS report

Long-Term Conditions Alliance Scotland (LTCAS) and the Joint Improvement Team (JIT) have just published the report entitled “PATH to Active Ageing Promoting the Benefits of Physical Activity for Older People: Sharing Learning and Knowledge in Scotland in the European Year for Active Ageing 2012”.

This report follows on from a national learning and practice exchange conference held on 27 April at the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh.

This new publication notes the outcomes of the conference activities, highlights the benefits of physical activity to older people and showcases good practice across Scotland.  In doing so, it aims to raise awareness of the issues and provide a useful guide to all involved in the care of older people of the advantages of encouraging elderly to undertake physical activity, thereby enabling them to live more independently.

Good practice cases highlighted include those from a range of Care Home Networks in Perth and West Lothian, where Care Home Olympics have proved to be a fun and enjoyable challenge for older people with varied levels of mobility. The publication also cites the cases of two 101 year olds who testify first hand to the benefits that being active have made to their lives.

Statistics show that up to 80 – 90% of people in care homes spend their time seated or lying down.  Recent research shows that breaking up long periods of sitting has a positive effect on health. Encouraging mobility and movement across all ability levels can have a real beneficial effect across almost all health measures.

The “PATH to Active Ageing” report is available here.

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