Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 14/06/2012

Romania celebrates International Children’s Day in the context of the EY 2012

On 1 June, the Romanian Government celebrated International Children’s Day at the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Protection by opening its door to elementary and secondary school students, as well as employees' children.

Labour Minister, Mariana Câmpeanu, and Secretary of State, Denisa Oana Pătraşcu, welcomed nearly 100 of the children who visited the ministry and offered them a Minister of Children diploma, inviting them to celebrate the special day together with their parents and grandparents, thus putting into practice intergenerational contact.

With the support of the EY 2012 National Coordinator, all the children were informed about the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations and, as a special gift, were given a “Get involved!” t-shirt.

One of the children suggested to Mrs.Câmpeanu that an “International Grandparents Day” should also be celebrated!

Pictures of the event are available here.

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