Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Slovakia - Severe disability allowances

You will learn who is considered a person with a severe disability (SD) and what reliefs, compensations and cash benefits s/he may obtain.

What conditions do I need to meet?

Severely disabled persons (osoby s ťažkým zdravotným postihnutím) are entitled to support provided in the form of discounts, compensations and cash benefits. An individual diagnosed with a degree of disability (functional disorder) of at least 50% is considered a person with a severe disability.

What conditions do I have to meet?

An individual with a severe disability receive a disability card with the aid of which they may claim compensations and reliefs designated to overcome or alleviate the social consequences of their severe disability.

The issue of the disability card or the granting of compensation cash benefits is preceded by an individual assessment carried out by a medical assessor and a social worker of the local Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family.

What benefits can I apply for and how should I exercise my rights?

The State compensates the consequences of severe disability in case of:

  • reduced movement or orientation ability;
  • reduced communication ability;
  • increased expenses for:
    • special dietary requirements;
    • hygiene, clothes, bed linen, shoes and furnishings;
    • passenger motor vehicle operation;
    • care for a specially trained dog;
  • limited or lost self-service ability.

Benefits, discounts and compensation for citizens with severe disabilities

  • discounts when travelling by train or bus, free use of public transport in certain towns and cities;
  • the right to park at reserved parking spaces for the disabled and the free use of motorways (applies to disability card holders dependant on individual transportation);
  • remission of payment for radio and television services;
  • discounts on state administration and self-administration fees - e.g. waste disposal fees, dog and other fees in the competence of municipalities;
  • allowance: for the purchase of a passenger vehicle, for the purchase of an aid, for adapting an apartment, for the purchase of a lifting device, compensatory allowance for extra costs (of special diet, transport…), care allowance, personal assistance allowance, etc.

Benefits for persons with a severe disability may be:

  • one-off - e.g. allowance: for the purchase of an aid, for training of using aid and for the adjustment of an aid, for the purchase of a lifting device, for the purchase and/or adjustment of a passenger vehicle, for adapting an apartment or family house, etc.;
  • repeated - e.g. allowance: for transport, for extra costs (of special diet, of hygiene or wear of clothing, of ensuring the operation of a passenger vehicle, of the care of a specially trained dog), personal assistance allowance or care allowance.

Jargon busters

  • Social consequence of severe disability - A disadvantage in comparison to a person without any disability, which is caused by a severe disability and which the disabled is unable to overcome himself/herself because of his/her severe disability.
  • Functional disorder - The deficiency of physical, sensory or mental abilities lasting more than 1 year.

Required documents

Know your rights

Link to additional information provided by the European Commission:

Social entitlements of EU citizens

Who do you need to contact for advice about social security?

Central Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family (Ústredie práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny)
Department of Compensation Cash Benefits of Severe Disability and Assessment Activities

Špitálska 8, 812 67, Bratislava

Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family (Úrad práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny)
Unit of Citizen´s Services
Unit of Compensation Cash Benefits of Severe Disability and Assessment Activities

List of Labour, Social Affairs and Family Offices

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