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A new offshore wind energy offer in the South Baltic

  • 14 September 2015

Territorial cooperation on energy generation and environmental protection is helping to promote offshore wind energy (OWE) in the South Baltic area, one of Europe's most suitable regions for OWE production, but one where OWE development has not reached its potential. The partners carried out activities aimed at pooling resources and transferring experience across borders in order to remove obstacles to development.

We are planning for an offshore wind farm and it is important to have an efficient network of suppliers. The South Baltic OFF.E.R cross-border cluster has contributed greatly to identifying a cost-effective supply chain. The cluster map is a valuable tool for identifying potential suppliers of all the necessary products and services, here and across the border.

Anders Nilsson, Blekinge Offshore

The project raised awareness of OWE opportunities so as to promote it as an energy source. A South Baltic Wind Atlas was compiled describing the area's offshore wind resources using satellite observations and a mesoscale model. Promotional events included an interactive boat exhibition in Danish and German harbours and three permanent exhibitions in Rostock, Germany, Væggerløse, Denmark and Gdańsk, Poland.

Analyses were performed and support tools created for planners and businesses in order to help to position the South Baltic as a leading OWE region. These included an examination of how the sector can attract tourism. Exchange of expertise contributed to new legislation in Poland enabling offshore investment and attracting 70 applications for offshore wind farm permits.

Support for business development

Business development and creation of a cross-border OWE cluster were supported through local and cross-border events and business-academia seminars. This was backed by tools including a Business Cluster Map which lists over 160 companies involved in OWE in the South Baltic by geographical location, an investment manual and an offshore wind park economic model.

The project has helped to strengthen the potential OWE work force with new education and training offers. Three summer schools were organised in Denmark, Lithuania and Poland aimed at turning onshore experts into offshore experts and more than 120 M.A. and Ph.D. students learned about wind resources, technology and environmental impact. An online knowledge toolbox that was produced by the project contains material for use by educational stakeholders in developing their own country- and topic-specific OWE courses.

The partners signed an agreement at the final conference underlining their commitment to continue and deepen their cooperation by initiating a cross-border OWE network.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “South Baltic Offer” is EUR 2 002 571, of which the EU’s European Regional Development Fund is contributing EUR 1 585 543 from the Operational Programme “South Baltic” for the 2007 to 2013 programming period.