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Statistics Explained

Data extracted in July 2024.

Planned article update: August 2025.

Healthcare activities statistics - consultations

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Data extracted in July 2024.

Planned article update: August 2025.


On average, people in Italy made 9.7 in-person consultations of medical doctors during 2022, the highest average among the EU countries, just ahead of the averages for people in Germany, the Netherlands and Hungary (9.5 or 9.6 consultations).

People in the Netherlands made an average of 3.3 visits to dentists during 2022, by far the highest rate among the EU countries.

People in Romania and Cyprus made an average of less than 0.5 visits to dentists during 2022, the lowest ratio among the EU countries.

[[File:Healthcare activities statistics - consultations-interactive_Health2024.xlsx]]

Consultation of a medical doctor, 2022

This article presents an overview of European Union (EU) statistics related to consultations of medical professionals, in particular the consultation of doctors and dentists.

This article is 1 of a set of statistical articles concerning healthcare activities in the EU which forms part of an online publication on Health in the European Union – facts and figures.

Consultations of doctors

Statistics on the average number of consultations with a physician per inhabitant include consultations at the physician's office, in the patient's home, or in out-patient departments of hospitals or ambulatory health care centres. It also includes consultations with both generalist and specialist medical practitioners. These figures exclude consultations/visits during treatment as part of in-patient or day care patient care in a hospital or similar institution. In general, they also exclude remote consultations, such as by telephone (teleconsultations).

Among EU countries, the frequency of physician consultations varies greatly. In Sweden and Greece, there were, on average, fewer than 3.0 consultations of a physician per inhabitant during 2022. The average number of consultations generally ranged between 3.8 and 8.4 in most EU countries (see Figure 1 for availability). The highest frequencies for consultations of physicians during 2022 were recorded in Italy (9.7 per inhabitant), Germany (9.6; only including cases according to reimbursement regulations), the Netherlands (9.6; including telephone consultations) and Hungary (9.5). Older data for Austria, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, also indicate a high frequency (12.0 in 2019).

Compared with the average for 2019 to 2021, the average number of consultations decreased in 2022 in 6 of the 22 EU countries for which data are available (see Figure 1 for data availability): Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Finland and Sweden. In 4 other EU countries, there was no change. In the remaining 12 EU countries, the average number increased. The largest increase in absolute terms was recorded for Cyprus, although there is an improvement in coverage, and the inclusion of additional data sources from 2020. After Cyprus, the largest increase was in the Netherlands, up 1.0 from 8.6 to 9.6 consultations per inhabitant.

A bullet chart showing the average number of consultations of medical doctors. Data are shown for the average from 2019 to 2021 and for 2022 for EU, EFTA and enlargement countries.
Figure 1: Consultation of a medical doctor, average 2019–21 and 2022
(average number of consultations per inhabitant)
Source: Eurostat (hlth_hc_phys2)