Veľvyslanci Európskeho roku

Rosario Roberto Fred Ali Taikon

Rosario Roberto Fred Ali Taikon


Rosario Ali Taikon is a representative for the roma culture and roma rights in Sweden.

Integration, diversity, non discrimination are concept that sounds very noble and when asking if somebody wants to work to implement their survival, most people would accept.

My reasons for accepting the role as ambassador goes behind that. I believe that to implement these concepts efforts in different directions has to be made, and that these “activities” are not to be disconnected one from another. As ambassador I believe that it’s important to connect different efforts and groups in order to effectively implement integration, diversity, non discrimination etc. Etc. As ambassador i think it’s important to be available for others to question society and its components, and try to fill the gaps between different groups in society.

Rosario is a young Swedish/Italian working for roma issues since many years. He is very active on the issues and represents his background and the rights of roma within several organisations and through the association É Romani Glinda which also publishes a magazine.