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Calls for tender

This page has been archived on 25th January.

Calls for tender can be found on the following page:

Economic and Financial Affairs - department page


Closed calls for tender










Invitation to tender ECFIN/D4/2007/013 - deadline for submission: 23 November 2007 - Selection of consultants to conduct operational assessments in relation to macroeconomic aid for third countries

Documents for submission - deadline for submission : 23 November 2007 (16:00)

Additional information

Address from which further information can be obtained:

European Commission
Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs
For the attention of: ECFIN/D4
Mr D. Bouteiller
BU 1 0/19
B-1049 Brussels
Fax: (+32-2) 295 76 19
With copy to:

Invitation to tender ECFIN/E/2007/022 - deadline 12 November 2007 - Study on "the efficiency and effectiveness of public spending on tertiary education"

Documents for submission - deadline for submission : 12 November 2007 (16:00)

Additional information

Address from which further information can be obtained:

European Commission
Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs
For the attention of: ECFIN/E2
Mrs Fabienne Ilzkovitz
BU 1 02/174
B-1049 Brussels
Fax: (+32-2) 299 35 02
With copy to:

Invitation to tender ECFIN/E/2007/020 - Study on "Diffusion of innovation in the internal market"

Documents for submission - deadline for submission : 29 October 2007 (16:00)

of 25/09/07

Additional information

Address from which further information can be obtained:

European Commission
Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs
For the attention of: ECFIN/E2
Mrs Fabienne Ilzkovitz
BU 1 02/174
B-1049 Brussels
Fax: (+32-2) 299 35 02
With copy to:

Invitation to tender ECFIN/E/2007/016 - Study on "Price and wage stickiness in the euro area"

Documents for submission - deadline for submission : 20 August 2007 (16:00)

Additional information

Address from which further information can be obtained:

European Commission
Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs
For the attention of: ECFIN/E2
Mrs Fabienne Ilzkovitz
BU 1 02/174
B-1049 Brussels
Fax: (+32-2) 299 35 02
With copy to:

Invitation to tender ECFIN/C/2007/017 - Study on risk sharing and portfolio allocation in EMU.

Documents for submission - deadline for submission : 16 July 2007 (16:00)

Additional information

Address from which further information can be obtained:

European Commission
Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs
For the attention of: ECFIN/C
Mrs M. Donnay
BU 1 00/209
B-1049 Brussels
Fax: (+32-2) 299 35 05

Invitation to tender ECFIN/C/2007/006. Study on the euro and prices : changeover-related inflation and price convergence in the euro area.

Documents for submission - deadline for submission : 4 July 2007 (16:00)

Additional information

Address from which further information can be obtained:

European Commission
Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs
For the attention of: ECFIN/C
Mr B. Döhring
BU 1 00/209
B-1049 Brussels
Fax: (+32-2) 295 81 81
Email: ecfin euro prices tender mailbox

Invitation to tender ECFIN/A/2007/014 - Study on "Impact of the euro on growth and employment"

Documents for submission - deadline for submission : 25 June 2007 (16:00)

Additional information

Address from which further information can be obtained:

European Commission
Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs
For the attention of: ECFIN/A
Mr Paul van den Noord
BU 1 01/140
B-1049 Brussels
Fax: (+32-2) 299 35 02

Invitation to tender ECFIN/A/2007/015 - Study on "Impact of EMU on trade and foreign direct investment "

Documents for submission - deadline for submission : 25 June 2007 (16:00)

Additional information

Address from which further information can be obtained:

European Commission
Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs
For the attention of: ECFIN/A
Mr Paul van den Noord
BU 1 01/140
B-1049 Brussels
Fax: (+32-2) 299 35 02

Invitation to tender ECFIN/D/2007/008 Study on costs and benefits of running an international currency

Documents for submission - deadline for submission : 22 June 2007 (16:00)

Additional information

Address from which further information can be obtained:

European Commission
Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs
For the attention of: ECFIN/D3
Mr H. Temprano
BU 1 00/030
B-1049 Brussels
Fax: (+32-2) 295 27 91

Invitation to tender ECFIN/D/2007/005. Study on the economic aspects of the energy sector in CIS countries

Documents for submission - deadline for submission : 4 June 2007 (16:00)

Additional information

Address from which further information can be obtained:

European Commission
Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs
For the attention of: ECFIN/D3
Mr L. Vinhas de Souza
BU 1 -1/182
B-1049 Brussels
Fax: (+32-2) 295 27 91

Invitation to tender ECFIN/C/2007/007. Study on financial developments and stability in Eastern Europe.

Documents for submission - deadline for submission : 1st June 2007 (16:00)

Additional information

Address from which further information can be obtained:

European Commission
Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs
For the attention of : ECFIN/A Mr Max Watson BU1, 5/195
B - 1049 Brussels

Invitation to tender ECFIN/D/2007/001. Study on the adjustment capacity to external shocks of EU candidate and potential candidate countries of the Western Balkans, with a focus on labour markets

Documents for submission - deadline for submission : 21 May 2007 (16:00)

Additional information

Address from which further information can be obtained:

European Commission
Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs
For the attention of: ECFIN/D1
Mr Frank Kohlenberger
BU 1 01/036
B-1049 Brussels
Fax: (+32-2) 299 61 51

Invitation to tender ECFIN/D/2007/003. Study on Asian financial integration and cooperation: the relevance of the European experience and the role of the ASEM Finance Process

Documents for submission - deadline for submission: 23 April 2007 (16:00)

Additional information

Address from which further information can be obtained:

European Commission
Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs
For the attention of: ECFIN/D2
Mrs Caroline Gaye
BU 1 00/062
B-1049 Brussels
Fax: (+32) 295 27 91

Invitation to tender AO/ECFIN/R1/07/04. Course on "Environmental economics"

Documents for submission - deadline for submission : 20 April 2007 (16:00)

Additional information

Address from which further information can be obtained:

European Commission
Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs
For the attention of : ECFIN/R1
Ms Helle Fink
BU1, 4/105
B - 1049 Brussels
Fax :

Invitation to tender AO/ECFIN/R1/07/03. Course on "International trade"

Documents for submission - deadline for submission : 20 April 2007 (16:00)

Additional information

Address from which further information can be obtained:

European Commission
Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs
For the attention of : ECFIN/R1
Ms Helle Fink
BU1, 4/105
B - 1049 Brussels
Fax :



Call for tender for an EU-wide monthly business survey in the financial services sector

The Commission has been carrying out its Programme of EU Business and Consumer Surveys for more than 40 years. Over time, the coverage of the surveys has been extended to most sectors of the economy. The financial services sector has, however, not yet been included in the regular survey programme.

Given the importance of the financial services sector for the development of the overall economy, the Commission contracted a pilot survey in the financial services sector on an EU-wide scale for a period of one year (ending in March 2007). After the evaluation and a positive assessment of the first results, the Commission decided to continue the survey and, therefore, launches a new Call for Tender.

Documents for submission - deadline for submission: 12/10/2006

of 09 September 2006 of 09 September 2006 of 09 September 2006

Documentation for consultation:

Address from which further information can be obtained:

European Commission
Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs
Ms. Nathalie DARNAUT
BU-1 03/146
"Invitation to tender ECFIN/2006/A3-01"
B-1049 Brussels
Fax (+32) 296 36 50

Invitation to tender No ECFIN/E/2006/003. Study on the methods to evaluate the effectiveness of competition policy

Documents for submission - deadline for submission: 09/10/2006 at 16:00 :

Additional information

Address from which further information can be obtained:

European Commission
Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs
For the attention of: Head of Unit ECFIN/E - Office BU-1 2/174
1, rue de Genève
B-1030 Brussels

Invitation to tender No ECFIN/E/2006/002. Study on the comparison between public support policy in the EU and other jurisdictions

Documents for submission - deadline for submission: 28/09/2006 at 16:00 :

Additional information

Address from which further information can be obtained:

European Commission
Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs
BU-1 02/174
B-1049 Brussels
Fax (+32) 299 35 02

Invitation to tender No ECFIN/R3/2006/001 by open procedure for the evaluation of DG ECFIN's forecasting services

Documents for submission - deadline for submission: 25/09/2006 at 16:00 :

Additional information

Address from which further information can be obtained:

European Commission
Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs
BU-1 04/165
B-1049 Brussels
Fax (+32) 298 46 19

Invitation to tender ECFIN/E/2006/001. Study on the efficiencies of public spending in support of research and development activities

Documents for submission - deadline for submission: 8 September 2006:

Additional information

Address from which further information can be obtained:

European Commission
Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs
For the attention of Head of Unit ECFIN/E
BU-1 2/174
1, rue de Genève
B-1030 Brussels
Fax (+32) 2980998

Invitation to tender N° ECFIN/A2/2006/001 for Financial Data Supply Services

Documents for submission (deadline for submission: 13/09/2006):

Additional information

Following a request for clarifications concerning Invitation to Tender ECFIN/A2/2006/001 on " Financial Data Supply Services",
I would like to inform you that if a candidate wishes to offer different products in the framework of a particular Lot, a technical proposal and a financial proposal should be included in the tender for each one of the products it wishes to offer. Each product will be evaluated on its own by the European Commission.

I would also remind you that the closing date for submitting tenders is 13th September 2006, as laid down in the 'Invitation to tender' letter. In particular, please note that offers sent by registered post must show proof of posting (normally a postmark) on or before this date, or they would have to be disqualified.

Address from which further information can be obtained:

European Commission
Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs
BU-1 4/168
B-1049 Brussels
Fax (+32) 2980998

Invitation to tender N° 2006/ECFIN/R4/01 for the supply of promotional material

Documents for submission (deadline for submission: 02/06/2006):

Address from which further information can be obtained:

European Commission
Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs
BU-1 4/168
B-1049 Brussels
Fax (+32) 2980998

Additional Information on 15/05/2006:

In case studies N° 1 and 2 of the specifications, the logo of the Prince euro programme is mentioned as to be printed in some of the articles. Please be informed that the logo of the Prince euro programme to be used in case studies N° 1 and 2 can be found on the cover page of the publication "Did the euro cause prices to rise"



Call for tender for the organisation of events and exhibitions 2005/ECFIN/R4/01


Call for tender for an EU-wide monthly business survey in the financial service sector ECFIN/2005/A3-01

The Commission has been carrying out its programme of EU business and consumer surveys for more than 40 years. Over time, the coverage of the surveys has been extended to most sectors of the economy. The financial service sector has, however, not yet been included in the survey programme.

Given the importance of the financial services sector for the development of the overall economy, the Commission is now looking for a suitable contractor to carry out a pilot survey in the financial sector on an EU-wide scale.

Documents for submission with deadline of 7 November 2005

Documentation for consultation

Address from which further information can be obtained

European Commission
Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs
Mr. Peter Weiss
BU-1 3/146
"Invitation to tender ECFIN/2005/A3-01"
B-1049 Brussels, Belgium
Fax +32 2 296 36 50

Call for tender for study on economic resilience in the euro area ECFIN/C/2005/01

The objective of this study is to develop a more rigorous understanding of economic resilience and to generate fresh empirical evidence regarding its determinants. The study should explore alternative ways of measuring resilience within the euro area and other industrial economies and examine the welfare costs of having a comparatively low degree of resilience.

On the basis of this analysis, the study should empirically explore the determinants of economic resilience giving due regard to the impact of rigidities in product, labour and capital markets and the interaction between macroeconomic and structural policies. The overall results of this analysis should provide policy-relevant conclusions concerning the types of economic reform that are likely to bolster the euro area’s recovery from economic slowdowns and other disturbances.


Address from which further information can be obtained:

Commission of the European Communities
Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs
Mr. Joost Kuhlmann
BU-1 –0/147
"Call for tender ECFIN/C/2005/01"
B-1049 Brussels, Belgium
Tel. +322 299 33 48, fax +322 299 35 05
e-mail: ecfin-call-for-tenders

Address to send the required documents not later than 21 October 2005:

European Commission
Directorate General Economic and Financial Affairs
For the attention Head of Unit “Budgetary resources and internal control”
BU-1 Office 3/013
Rue de Genève 1
B-1140 Brussels (Evere)

Call for tender ECFIN/A2/2005/001. Rating and research services


Address from which further information can be obtained with deadline of 24 October 2005

Mr Frank Schönborn
Head of Unit, Economic Databases and Statistical Coordination
Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs
European Commission
B-1049 Brussels
fax: +32 (0) 2 295.74.99

Study on the price convergence in the enlarged internal market Call for tender ECFIN/E/2005/002


Address from which further information can be obtained

European Commission
Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs
For the attention of: Head of Unit R-2 – Office BU1 3/13
1, rue de Genève
B-1030 Brussels

Study on the feasibility of a tool to measure the macroeconomic impact of structural reforms Call for tender ECFIN/E/2005/001


Address from which further information can be obtained

European Commission
Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs
For the attention of: Head of Unit R-2 – Office BU1 3/13
1, rue de Genève
B-1030 Brussels

Call for tenders for online news and information service for emerging markets ECFIN/D/2005/001 (OJ EU S 90 dated 11 May 2005)

The aim of the present call for tender is to provide the Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs with online news and information services for emerging markets. The information timely provided will include news, company and industry information, financial markets data and macroeconomic analysis (e.g. Country reports, country sector reports, news articles, company information, industry analyses, financial markets, macroeconomic analysis, market specific information, etc.) on a geographical basis.

There are three lots:

  • Lot 1 Candidate countries and Western Balkans
  • Lot 2 Russia and the new independent States
  • Lot 3 Mediterranean and Gulf countries


Address from which further information can be obtained

Commission of the European Communities
Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs
Mr. Antonio Sanchez
BU-1 1/62
"Call for tender ECFIN/D/2005/001"
B-1049 Brussels, Belgium
Tel. +322 296 99 85, fax +322 299 61 51

Address to send the required documents not later than 22 June 2005

European Commission
Directorate General Economic and Financial Affairs
For the attention Head of Unit “Budgetary resources and internal control”
BU-1 Office 3/016
Rue de Genève 1
B-1140 Brussels (Evere)

Call for tenders for the establishment of framework contracts for the ex post evaluation of Macro-Financial Assistance (MFA) and operations of a similar nature in third countries

This call for tenders concerns the establishment of up to three framework contracts for the evaluation of MFA and similar operations, implemented in countries outside the EU25, primarily in the Balkans and the ex-Soviet Union. The evaluations will normally take place up to two years after the final disbursement has been made to the recipient country, though in some cases they may take place earlier when considered appropriate. The evaluations are therefore largely ex post in nature

The first framework contracts will be valid for a period of one year. At the end of each year, the Commission may extend the contracts for a further year. A maximum of three renewals of each contract is possible.

It is envisaged that up to three evaluations may be conducted in any particular year of the contracts at the demand of the DG for Economic and Financial Affairs. It is also possible that additional demands to use the contracts will be received from Directorates-General responsible for the implementation of similar instruments.

The annual budgetary envelope of the framework contract amounts to €400 000. There is, however, no assurance given on the volume, value and frequency of the evaluations. It is expected that the framework contracts will be signed in the first half of 2005.


  • Contract notice in OJ S series N° 001 of 1 January 2005 (Ref: 2005/S 1 – 000056)

Tender documentation can be obtained from:

European Commission, Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs.
Mr Kevin Williams
B-1049 Brussels, Belgium

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Call for tenders for data supply services (Economic and Financial) ECFIN/A/2004/003 (OJ EU S 225 dated 18/11/2004 and a corrigendum about an incorrect e-mail address in OJ EU S 230 dated 25/11/2004)

This call for tenders is for the supply of data on key economic and financial indicators for EU Member States and Accession countries as well as for third party countries.

To ensure the smooth functioning of Economic and Monetary Union, DG ECFIN's responsibilities focus on economic surveillance, monitoring of budgetary policy, public finances, economic policy coordination and forecasting, integration of EU capital markets, freedom of capital movements, economic relations with third countries and other important financing operations.

In order to assume these tasks, a comprehensive array of relevant, reliable and timely statistical information is required. Official economic statistical information on the EU is mainly produced through the European Statistical System, and it is conveniently accessible for users in DG ECFIN. However, as user requirements go far beyond the stock of public available data, supplementary information for various domains is necessary.

Only macroeconomics, financial (including intraday), and financial institutions data, are concerned by this call for tender.

There are four lots:

  • Lot 1 Macroeconomic data
  • Lot 2 Financial data
  • Lot 3 Data for Financial Risk Management
  • Lot 4 Data on currencies and short-term interest rates


Address from which further information can be obtained

Commission of the European Communities
Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs
Mr. Frank Schönborn
BU-1 /163
"Call for tender ECFIN/A/2004/003"
B-1049 Brussels, Belgium
Tel. +322 299 33 58, fax +322 295 74 99

Address to send the required documents not later than 5 January 2005

European Commission
Directorate General Economic and Financial Affairs
For the attention Head of Unit “Budgetary resources and internal control”
BU-1 Office 3/016
Rue de Genève 1
B-1140 Brussels (Evere)

Call for tender for Study on methods of analysis of the impact of state aid on competition ECFIN/E/2004/04 (OJ EU S 172 dated 03/09/2004)

The main aim of the study is to improve the economic basis for analysing the impact on competition of state aid.

The study will construct an analytical framework for evaluating competition effects in terms of the impact on rivals (rent-stealing, foreclosure) and on consumer welfare, distinguishing between domestic effects and cross-border spillovers.

On this basis, it will define a set of criteria and indicators that can be used (a) to assess the importance of the impact of individual aid awards on competition, (b) as a starting point for developing some general rules that can be applied to aid schemes, where the identity of the beneficiaries is not known in advance, in order to limit the potential harm to competition and (c) to contribute to the development of a method for identifying state aids that are unlikely to have a significant impact.


Address from which further information can be obtained

Commission of the European Communities
Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs
Mr. Rod Meiklejohn
BU-1 2/167
"Call for tender ECFIN/E/2004/04"
B-1049 Brussels, Belgium
Tel. +322 299 33 87, fax +322 299 35 02

Address to send the required documents not later than 11 October 2004

European Commission
Directorate General Economic and Financial Affairs
For the attention Head of Unit “Budgetary resources and internal control”
BU-1 Office 3/013
Rue de Genève 1
B-1140 Brussels (Evere)

Call for tender for study on assessing the factors of resilience of private consumption in the euro area. ECFIN/C/2004/02 (OJ S 157 of 13 August 2004)

The objective of this study is to identify and assess the factors of resilience in private consumption in the euro area during the latest downturn. This will require a careful analysis of differences in the performance of household spending both across euro-area Member States and between the euro area and some other advanced economies such as the UK and the USA.

  • The study will aim at identifying the respective roles of macroeconomic policies, wealth effects and structural factors in explaining country differences along these two dimensions in the past few years.
  • In particular, a critical part of the analysis will consist in evaluating the incidence of possible confidence effects linked to the increasing awareness of the consequences of demographic ageing, to strained public finances in some Member States and to the speed and the extent of the ongoing structural reform process.


Address from which further information can be obtained

Commission of the European Communities
Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs
Mr. Joost Kuhlmann
BU-1 –0/147
"Call for tender ECFIN/C/2004/02"
B-1049 Brussels, Belgium
Tel. +322 299 33 48, fax +322 299 35 05

Address to send the required documents not later than 30 September 2004

European Commission
Directorate General Economic and Financial Affairs
For the attention Head of Unit “Budgetary resources and internal control”
BU-1 Office 3/013
Rue de Genève 1
B-1140 Brussels (Evere)

Call for tender for a study on economic spillover and policy coordination in the euro zone. No ECFIN/C/2004/01 (2004/S 146-29-07/2004)

Article 99 of the Treaty calls on Member States to treat their economic policies as a matter of common concern and to coordinate them. Economic theory is in broad agreement that policy coordination offers a means to eliminate harmful spillover and promote stability-oriented macroeconomic policy and structural reform in factor and product markets.

The main objective of the study is to provide plausible estimates

  • of the magnitude of economic spillover and
  • the impact of economic policy coordination on economic performance in the euro area.

The first half of the study will focus on the comparative importance of different types of budgetary spillover. The second half will examine the benefits of stability-oriented macroeconomic policy and structural reform in capital, labour and product markets.


Address from which further information can be obtained

Commission of the European Communities
Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs
Mr. Joost Kuhlmann
BU-1 –0/147
"Call for tender ECFIN/C/2004/01"
B-1049 Brussels, Belgium
Tel. +322 299 33 48, fax +322 299 35 05

Address to send the required documents not later than 17 September 2004

European Commission
Directorate General Economic and Financial Affairs
For the attention of the Head of Unit “Budgetary resources and internal control”
Rue de Genève 1
BU-1 Office 3/013
B-1140 Brussels (Evere)

Call for tender for the evaluation of the Broad Economic Policy Guidelines (2004/S 116-097190)

This call for tenders concerns the evaluation of the Broad Economic Policy Guidelines, the key instrument for coordinating the economic policies of the Member States and the European Community. The evaluation will produce information that is complementary to information emanating from existing reporting mechanisms by examining:

  • (i) the effects of the BEPG process on policy makers and institutional actors and the development and implementation of policy reforms in Member States, including on government ministries, the national central bank, national parliaments and the social partners;
  • (ii) the BEPG process and its effects on EU economic policy coordination and policy making, including the Commission, Council and national representatives on EU committees;
  • (iii) the extent to which the BEPG's have played a coordinating role vis-à-vis other EU policy instruments in the context of contributing towards the implementation of the Lisbon Strategy, the proper functioning of EMU and the realisation of the Treaty objectives.

The results of the evaluation will be used to support organisational learning and improve the functioning of the BEPGs.

The Contract Notice for this call for tenders can be consulted in OJ S series No 116 of 16 June 2004.

Further information and tender documentation can be obtained from:

European Commission, Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs.
Mr. K Williams.
B-1049 Brussels, Belgium
Tel.: (32 2) 2985516. Fax: (32 2) 2984619.

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Call for tender for study on the link between product market reform, innovation and macroeconomic performance in the EU (2004/S 91-073868)

Contracts awarded in the field of economic and financial affairs

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