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Statement on Cabotage- EC Transport Spokesperson



Statement by EC Spokesperson for Transport Helen Kearns on cabotage.

"The current cabotage restrictions go against the spirit of a European Single Market which guarantees the rights of all citizens to work, travel and trade freely.  Nonetheless they exist because of fears of possible abuse and lowering social standards.

For this reason, we have commissioned a number of studies on the issue. Vice President Kallas also established a high level group to look into this issue.

It is clear that cabotage rules must evolve over the long term, but it needs to be done properly and in consultation with all stakeholders. That process is complex and it takes time – making it difficult to deal with this issue in the lifetime of this Commission.

In the short term, what will be possible is to improve enforcement of the rules, including the social aspects, and to make the market function better to the benefit both of those working in the sector and the overall EU economy which vitally depends on efficient transport services.  This will be the key component of any action in the coming months."


Helen Kearns (+32 2 298 76 38)

Dale Kidd (+32 2 295 74 61)

Last update: 26/11/2014 |  Top