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Connie Hedegaard: "In Warsaw we must agree to prepare strong pledges for the 2015 deal and to step up emission cuts"


Smoking chimney stack © iStockphoto

The European Commission has today proposed the necessary legislation for the EU to formally ratify the second phase of the Kyoto protocol, as agreed at the 2012 UN Climate Change Conference in Doha.

The proposed legislation confirms the EU's commitment to achieve a 20% emissions reduction by 2020. The ratification of the second phase of the Kyoto Protocol underlines the EU’s commitment to a legally binding and rules-based approach to international action on climate change.

Connie Hedegaard said: "Ratification of the second phase of the Kyoto Protocol underlines the EU’s commitment to a legally binding and rules-based approach to international action on climate change. Our determination to implement our commitments is reflected in the fact that, in practice, the EU has already been applying the targets and rules of Kyoto's second commitment period since it started in January this year. By formally ratifying the second phase, Europe will help to bring it into force at international level as soon as possible. I am confident that the European Parliament, Council, Member States and Iceland will complete the respective ratification procedures as soon as feasible."

The proposals come just before the UN climate change conference in Warsaw next week, which will prepare the ground for a new, legally-binding global climate agreement by 2015. While the EU and over 80 other countries have made emission commitments up to 2020, collectively these are not yet ambitious enough to put the world on track to keep warming below 2°C. The EU wants to see ministerial engagement in Warsaw on how to raise pre-2020 ambition, which will also contribute to an ambitious 2015 agreement.

Commissioner Hedegaard added: "Everybody should understand that the Warsaw climate conference will not conclude the negotiations on the 2015 global climate deal. But it will be a very important meeting to make progress and set the stage for Paris 2015. In Warsaw, we must agree to prepare strong pledges for the 2015 deal and to step up emission cuts over the rest of this decade. All countries must be ready to present bold pledges before the Summit of World Leaders on climate change called by UNSG Ban Ki-moon next September."

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Last update: 04/11/2014 | Top