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Launch of European Alliance for Apprenticeships at Worldskills Leipzig2013

Worldskills Leipzig2013, 03/07/2013

The European Alliance for Apprenticeships has been launched 2 July by Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou (education, culture, multilingualism and youth) and Lásló Andor (employment, social affairs and inclusion) at the 2013 Worldskills competition in Leipzig, Germany.

The Alliance will help to fight youth unemployment by improving the quality and supply of apprenticeships across the EU through a broad partnership of key employment and education stakeholders. It will in particular identify the most successful apprenticeship schemes in the EU and apply appropriate solutions in each Member State (IP/13/634).

"We call on all stakeholders to join the European Alliance for Apprenticeships and contribute to more and better apprenticeships in Europe," said the Commissioners in a joint statement. "Apprenticeships can play a crucial role in tackling youth unemployment by giving young people the skills and experience sought by employers."

Commissioner Vassiliou visited 3 July the Youth on the Move at Worldskills where she met Youth on the Move ambassador LMNZ and his crew as well as representatives of Tandem, the coordination Centre for German-Czech Youth Exchange. The Commissioner discussed with young people and provided latest information on the new Erasmus+ programme due to start in 2014. The stand was animated by presentations and informal open chats on Europe and there were plenty of opportunities to find out more about EU funded projects.

The Worldskills Leipzig 2013, which will run from 2 to 7 July, convenes more than 1000 apprentices and young specialists in the industry, handcrafts and service sector from over 60 countries and regions to put their extraordinary talents to the test in 45 disciplines, including traditional vocations such as welding, cooking and carpentry as well as new professions like mechatronics, web design and mobile robotics, before an audience of almost 200,000 spectators.


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Last update: 03/07/2013 | Top