TENtec is the European Commission’s Information System to coordinate and support the Trans-European Transport Network Policy (TEN-T). It is based on two pillars:

The first pillar focuses on policy-related information by storing and managing technical, geographical and financial data for the analysis, management and political decision-making related to TEN-T and the underlying funding programme, the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). The core TENtec modules are OMC (Open Method of Coordination) and iReport, which are accessible through the TENtec Private Portal. The second pillar is related to grant management activities, managed by the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA), to support the necessary workflows for issuing grant agreements after completion of the selection cycle for new projects - including proposal submission and reception and the required web interfaces. The underlying modules are eSubmission, Action Status Report, Project Follow-Up, Evaluation and Grant Agreement. Moreover, TENtec also enables the European Commission to easily compile information and create timely reports & maps. All parties concerned benefit from an increased visibility, data quality and systematic up-to-date overview of the budget execution and technical implementation for each TEN-T/CEF project. TENtec acts as a bridge to Member States ministries and other key stakeholders (DG REGIO, DG ENV, EIB and neighbouring countries) and includes support for transport modelling of future policy and budgetary scenarios, briefings, the mapping of TEN-T/CEF co-funded projects and other layers (alternative fuels, secure and safe parking etc.). The seamless inclusion of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) also supports interactive maps and satellite overlays (e.g. OpenStreetMap). With these features in place, TENtec was able to provide full support to the policy-making process, leading to the European Commission’s TEN-T Regulation and the CEF. In 2014, TENtec was an integral part of the Core Network Corridor studies in the area of data collection. The final Core Network Corridor reports have been published along with TENtec compliance maps on selected technical indicators, based on the TEN-T Regulation.

Public Portal

The TENtec Public Portal provides timely information to the public (citizens and professionals) through interactive maps, a map library and various audiovisual elements. This public outreach is a useful communication instrument and provides a more systematic and comprehensive overview on the European Commission’s work in relation to TEN-T by raising citizens’ awareness of the benefits of the TEN-T policy development which foster clean, safe and efficient travel throughout Europe. The formal inauguration was done in summer 2012 by the previous Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner of Transport, Mr Siim Kallas. The new “TENtec Interactive Map Viewer” will be launched by the Commissioner of Transport, Ms Violeta Bulc during the TEN-T Days 2015 in Riga.


To collect and continuously update technical and financial data for the entire TEN-T on a section basis, accompanied by interactive multifunctional maps (including thematic layers, base maps, search engine, print outs etc.). Data input and validation in close collaboration with Member States, allowing a shared workspace, through a pre-defined validation workflow.


Management of financial data collection on the previous TEN-T Priority Projects, to generate the annual “Progress Report on the implementation of the Priority Projects”. Data input and validation in close collaboration with Member States, allowing a shared workspace, through a pre-defined validation workflow and the use of existing reference data.iReport: Management of financial data collection on the previous TEN-T Priority
