Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area - Facts and figures

Transport matters - it keeps the economy moving and gives us the freedom to travel. The EU's new strategy will take us to 2050, developing cleaner, greener and more efficient transport. Find out more through the facts & figures on this site and watch the video.

In London, 20% of commuters spend more than two hours a day travelling to and from work, which adds up to one working day a week. In Germany, 37% spend one hour a day commuting.
Sources: Transport for London, 2009, Travel in London ; Mobilität in Deutschland 2008.

In London, Cologne, Amsterdam and Brussels, drivers spend more than 50 hours a year in road traffic jams. In Utrecht, Manchester and Paris, they spend more than 70 hours stuck on roads.
Sources: INRIX European National Traffic Scorecard 2010.

Public transport quality and connections need to be greatly improved if consumer behaviour is to change. A large majority (71%) of car users feel that public transport is less convenient than the car. A similar proportion (72%) say they don't use public transport because of a lack of connections (49% of "very important responses"). 64% blame too few services and 54% mention lack of reliability.
Source: Eurobarometer survey on the future of transport.

Electric cars could contribute to savings of 5 Mt CO2/year if the national and regional objectives of putting 5 million electric vehicles on the market by 2020 is met.
Source: Report of the European Expert Group on Future Transport Fuels, 2011.

High-speed trains have cut travel time by 43% between Brussels and Frankfurt, and by more than 60% (from 4 hours 52 minutes to 1 hour 51 minutes) between Brussels and London. So far, the speed record was 574.8 km/h reached by a TGV in April 2007.
Source: High-speed Europe – a sustainable link between citizens, 2010.

Train journeys can be faster than short and medium distance flights. This applies in particular to high-speed lines over distances of up to 800 km. A 400 km journey by high-speed train can be up to an hour faster than covering the same distance by plane.
Source: European High Speed Rail – An Easy Way to Connect

The Thalys high-speed train through France, Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands has to adapt to seven different signalling systems. The EU currently uses seven gauge sizes and seven types of electric currents (with different voltages and frequencies, and alternating or direct current, etc).
Source: ERTMS Gauges and currents: Energy and Transport in Europe – Statistical Pocketbook 2010

The trans-European transport networks (TEN-T), which represent 800 km of key European corridors, have nine north-south connections linking the continent, but only four east-west ones.
Source: TENtec Information System

The EU has more than 4.5 million km of paved roads, 212 500 km of railway lines and 41 000 km of navigable inland waterways.
Source: EC estimations based on data from Eurostat, UIC and national sources

A well-performing transport network requires substantial resources. The cost of EU infrastructure development to match transport demand has been estimated at over € 1.5 trillion for 2010-2030. An additional investment of a trillion euros in vehicles, equipment and charging infrastructure is needed to achieve emission reduction goals. The completion of the TEN-T network requires about €550 billion by 2020, out of which some € 215 billion are for the removal of the main bottlenecks.
Source: EC calculations based on TENtec Information System and the Impact Assessment accompanying the White Paper, SEC(2011) 358.

Freight transport activity is projected to increase by around 80% by 2050 compared to 2005, while passenger traffic should grow by 51%.
Source: PRIMES-TREMOVE and TRANSTOOLS transport models [2 MB] (Appendix 5 of the Impact Assessment accompanying the White Paper, SEC(2011) 358).

In 2000-2006, the EU invested €859 billion in its transport infrastructure.
Source: Steer Davies Gleave, 2009, "Ex Post Evaluation of Cohesion Policy Programmes 2000-2006, Work Package 5A: Transport", First Intermediate Report.

It has been estimated that the present value of investments required for developing the electric road transport infrastructure in the EU would be in the range of €80-140 billion.
Source: PRIMES-TREMOVE transport model [2 MB] (Appendix 5 of the Impact Assessment accompanying the White Paper, SEC(2011) 358).

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