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The Trans-European Transport Networks


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 Executive Agency


TEN-T Project Management Workshop organised by
TEN-T  Executive Agency on
3 December 2008 in Brussels


TEN-T DAYS 2008, Brussels,
14 & 15 October 2008
Broadcast live on the Internet

- Programme
- Contact 


Community Guidelines

European coordinators


High Level Group I report (Karel Van Miert)

The 30 priority axes



TEN-T Supported Actions

Multiannual Indicative Programme


TEN-T & external dimension


Useful links

Motorways of the Sea


TEN-T priori ty axes & projects 2005

(14.896 KB)

TEN-T & external dimension

|Guidelines for transport in Europe and neighbouring regions

|High level group II Loyola de Palacio report

|Paneuropean corridors


|Accession preparation (TINA EU10)

|Accession Treaty (EU10)

|Bulgaria & Roumania


|Croatia, FYR of Macedonia  

|Regional cooperation (Mediterrania, Balkanes occidentales, Black sea/ Caspienne)

|Bilateral cooperation (Russia, Ukraine)

|South Eastern Europe

High Level Group on the Extension of Major trans-European Transport Axes to the Neighbouring Countries

|Final report of the High Level Group

|Public consultation on the report of the High Level Group (deadline 10/03/2006)

|Public consultation on the extension of the major Trans-European transport axes to the neighbouring countries and regions

Public consultation on the report of the High Level Group on the extension of the main trans-European transport axes to the neighbouring countries and regions and the way forward

The date for the public consultation meeting is 28 March 2006 at 09:30
Charlemagne Building - Rue de la Loi 170 - salle S3
Registration to the meeting are done via the registration form
Agenda  Liste of  Participants  Minutes

A public consultation has been opened on the report of the High Level Group on the extension of the main trans-European transport axes to the neighbouring countries and regions and the way forward. It will remain open until the 10 March 2006. Stakeholders are invited to express their ideas and views. In order to guide your reflection a list of QUESTIONS TO THE STAKEHOLDERS FOR THE PUBLIC CONSULTATION has been prepared.

Please send your replies by 10 March 2006

European Commission
Directorate General for Energy and Transport
Unit B2 – Trans-European Network policies
1049 Brussels

The Commission reserves the possibility to make all comments public, unless the person submitting the comments expressly indicates otherwise.

Stakeholders’ contributions

NB: The stakeholders’ contributions are presented by organization type (which is an indicative distribution) and by alphabetical order.

Chambers of Commerce - Citizens - Environmental organizations - Freight, logistics and intermodality organizations / Projects - Industry and business - Interregional and local organizations - Legal organizations - Modal organizations : Air,  Maritime and inland waterways organizations, ports,  Rail,  Road - National authorities - Pan-European Corridors - Regional and local authorities - Research and Consulting -  Safety organizations - Workers organizations

Chambers of Commerce

Chambre Interconsulaire des Bouches-du-Rhône
Jean-Claude Sevenier (France)
CRCI PACAC – Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur-Corse
Christophe Glorian (France)
Unioncamere Veneto & Regione Veneto (Italy)
Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona
Alicia Casart Hualde (Spain)
Camara Oficial de Commercio, Industria y Navigacion de Murcia
Valentin Izquierdo (Spain)
Consejo Andaluz de Camaras de Comercio, Industria y Navegación de Andalucia
Antonio Fernandez Palacios (Spain)
Council of Chambers of Commerce of the Valencia Region
Paloma Lopez de los Mozos Lozano (Spain)

Ms Simone Drepierre (France)

Mr Josep Boira, Geography Professor in Valencia University (Spain)
Environmental organizations
T&E European Federation for Transport and Environment
Markus Liechti
Sergey Moroz
Green Action
Marijan Galovic (Croatia)
Ana Colovic (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia)
Green Alternative Association
Manana Kochladze (Georgia)
CEE Bankwatch Network
Anelia Stefanova (Italy)
Center for Ecology and Sustainable Development
Zvezdan Kalmar (Serbia)
Olga Melen (Ukraine)
National Ecological Center of Ukraine
Yury Urbanskyy (Ukraine)
Freight, logistics and intermodality organizations / Projects
CLECAT – Freight Forwarders and Customs Agents in Europe
Marco Sorgetti and Olivier Janin
European Freight and Logistics Leaders
Julian Gacimartin Quinones
European association for forwarding, transport, logistic and customs services
Nordic Association of Freight Forwarders
Marina Sundman (Sweden)
NEWOPERA project
Marco Ranzani (Italy)
Antonello Fontanili (Italy)
Industry and business
ACEA – European Automobile Manufacturers Association
Mike Hollingsworth
FIEC – European Construction Industry Federation
Domenico Campogrande
LTBA – Latvian Transit Business Associations
Girts Verners (Latvia)
CIERVAL – Confederación de organizaciones empresariales de la Comunidad Valenciana
J.I. Rodríguez (Spain)
Confederación Nacional de la Construccion
Angeles Asenjo (Spain)
Interregional and local organizations
AEBR – Association of European Border Regions
Jens Gabbe
CRPM – Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions of Europe, Baltic Sea Group
Inge Andersson

CRPM – Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions of Europe, Mediterranean Group
Ramon Reigada

METREX – European Metropolitan Regions
Roger Read

Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe
Nicole Servais
NECL and Mid Nordic Stakeholders
Björn Amnow (Sweden)
North Bothnia Line Group
Kristina Falk (Sweden)
Legal organizations

AVOMARMED – Avocats maritimistes Méditerranéens
Bachir Hadj Hamou (Algeria)

Modal organizations
- Air

Airports Council International
Vanessa Holve

Association of European Airlines
Ulrich Schulte-Strathaus

- Maritime and inland waterways organizations, ports

ECSA – European Community Shipowners Associations
Christophe Tytgat and Alfons Guinier

EFIP – European Federation of Inland Ports
Diane Chevreux

INE – Inland Navigation Europe
Karin De Schepper

Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company
Nigel Cox (United Kingdom)

Alicante Port Authority
Pilar Izquierdo (Spain)

Castellon Port Authority
Pilar Izquierdo (Spain)

Gijon Port Authority
H. Moyano (Spain)
Valencia Port Authority
Pilar Garcia (Spain)
- Rail
CER – Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies
Ad Toet

EIM – European Rail Infrastructure Managers
Barbara Bernardi

Juan Amoros

Raab-Oedenburg-Ebenfurt Eisenbahn AG
Csaba Szekely (Austria)

Deutsche Bahn AG - German Railway Society
Werner Luebberink (Germany)

Stanislaw Romanski (Poland)
- Road

European professional Association of Road Infrastructures Operators

ECG European Car-Transport Group
Sophie De Beir

European Union Road Federation & Chamber of Commerce Belgium Luxembourg
Brendan Halleman

AISCAT - Italian Association of Toll Motorways and Tunnels Operators
Massimo Schintu (Italy)

Spanish Road Association and European Union Road Federation
Elena de la Pena (Spain)

National authorities
Greek Ministry of Mercantile Marine (Greece)
Greek Ministry of Transport and Communications (Greece)
Norwegian Ministries of Transport & Communications and Fisheries & Coastal Affairs (Norway)
Pan-European Corridors
Corridors II & III
Jurgen Papajewski

Pan-European Corridors V & VIII
Giuseppe Razza

Pan-European Corridor X
G. Patsiavos
Northern Maritime Corridor Project II
Jon Halvard Eide
Regional and local authorities
Heinrich Wedral (Austria)

Hradec Kralové Regional Authority
Jana Szczurkova (Czech Republic)

Region of South Bohemia
Petr Sebek (Czech Republic)

Kainuu & regional council of Oulu regions
Jyri Kokkonen (Finland)

Communauté de Commune 3B Sud-Charente (France)
Communauté du pays d'Aix
Jean-Luc Sidoine (France)
Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg (Germany)
County of Västerbotten and Norrbotten
Gerd Karlsson (Norway)
Narvik City
Odd Andreassen (Norway)

Nordland County Government
Ashild Pettersen (Norway)

Region of Canary Islands
Rosa Davila Mamely (Spain)

Region of Catalunya
Saki Aciman (Spain)     catalan

Fundacion Comunidad Valenciana
Pilar Izquierdo (Spain)
Region of Valencia
Carlos Jose Espert Cerezo (Spain)
Junta de Andalucia
Carmen Maria Gonzales Oliver (Spain)

 Region of Murcia
Joaquin Bascunana Garcia (Spain)

Valencia City Council
Juan Eduardo Santon (Spain)

County Administrative Boards of Västerbotten & Norrbotten
Gerd Karlsson (Sweden)

County Council of Västerbotten and Norrbotten
elena Gidlöf (Sweden)

Europaforum Northern Sweden
Gustav Malmqvist (Sweden)
Research and Consulting
Hartmut Jeschke (Germany)

Etienne Hannecart (France)

Nawor Research
Peter Rowan (France)

Tecnitalia engineering
Carlo di Tullio (Italy)

Safety organizations
ETSC - European Transport Safety Council
Antonio Avenoso
Workers organizations
European Transport Workers Federation
Cristina Tilling
Inge Lipsky (Austria)


last update: 16-12-2008