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Measures List
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Measure Name
Date when measure came into force
Excise Duty - Energy products 2013/04/09
Increase rate - Energy Products 2014/01/01
Results 1 - 2 of 2.

Generic Tax Name Excise duty - Energy products (EU harmonised)
Tax name in the national language Dazju tas-Sisa (fuq l-Energija)
Tax name in English Excise Duty Act (Energy Products)
Member State MT-Malta
Tax in force since 1995/01/01
If abolished, date on which the tax ceases to apply
Business version date 2015/01/01
Version date 2015/02/17
This file was last updated on

Type of tax
Direct taxes Personal income tax
Corporate income tax

Indirect taxes VAT
Excise duty (EU harmonised)
Alcoholic beverages
Energy products and electricity
Manufactured tobacco

Social security contribution Employers
Legal base

Bunkering (Fuels) Tax Act - Chapter 381

Excise Duty Act - Chapter 382 (Fourth Schedule)

Who sets
The tax rate is set by

The tax base is set by

The reliefs are set by



Geographical Scope



Traders registered as tax warehouse keepers for mineral oils.

Electricity generation company for electricity.

Tax object and basis of assessment

Mineral oils (tax is assessed on basis of the volume and weight)

Electricity (tax is assessed per MWH)

Deductions, Allowances, Credits, Exemptions
Rate(s) Structure
  per 1,000 litres
Leaded 648.18
Unleaded 519.38
Gas oil
  per 1,000 litres
Propellant use 442.40
Industrial/Commercial use 442.40
Heating - Business use 442.40
Heating - Non-business use 202.09
  per 1,000 litres
Propellant use 442.40
Industrial/Commercial use 442.40
Heating - Business use 442.40
Heating - Non-business use 382.40
Heavy fuel oil
  per 1,000 kg
Heating - Business use 36.00
Heating - Non-business use 36.00
Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG)
  per 1,000 kg
Propellant use
Industrial/Commercial use 125.00
Heating - Business use 38.94
Heating - Non-business use 38.94
Natural Gas
  per gigajoule
Propellant use
Industrial/Commercial use 2.60
Heating - Business use 0.84
Heating - Non-business use 0.84
  per gigajoule per 1,000 kg
Heating - Business use 0.30
Heating - Non-business use 0.30
  per gigajoule per 1,000 kg
Heating - Business use 0.30
Heating - Non-business use 0.30
  per gigajoule per 1,000 kg
Heating - Business use
Heating - Non-business use
  per MWh
Business use 1.50
Non-business use 1.50


Biodiesel (Propellant Use) - EUR442.40 per 1,000 litres

Methane (Industrial/Commercial Use) - EUR38.94 per 1,000 Kgs

Gas oil (Industrial/Commercial use):

  • EUR142.09 for maritime commercial activities (harbour cruises, tugging activities, bunkering operations, inland navigation between Malta and Gozo by vessels of a tonnage of less than 3,500 Tons, dredging operations, conveyance of goods and passengers between shore and ocean going vessels and sea-farming activities and navigation for commercial purposes within Maltese Territorial Waters).
  • EUR21.20 for inland navigation between Malta and Gozo by vessels of a tonnage of 3,500 tons or more.
  • EUR 0 for fishing purposes as laid down by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, and when supplied to foreign based private pleasure sea craft for outbound voyages to destinations outside the EU, and for electric power generation.

Kerosene (Industrial/Commercial use):

  • EUR72.21 for air navigation between Malta and Gozo and for testing and maintenance of aircraft engines.
  • EUR 0 when supplied to private pleasure aircraft for use on outbound voyages.

 Heavy fuel oil (Heating - Business use): EUR 0 when used for electric power generation

 Fuel for bunkering of ships outside territorial waters :

  • EUR1.28 per metric ton or part thereof for fuel falling under sub-headings 2710.19.43 to 2710.19.48 or 2710.20.11 to 2710.20.19 of the Combined Nomenclature.
  • EUR0.82 per metric ton or part thereof for fuel falling under sub-headings 2710.19.62 to 2710.19.68 or 2710.20.31 to 2710.20.39 of the Combined Nomenclature.

However, note that the Minister responsible may substitute the abovementioned bunkering tax rates with rates of not higher than EUR10.00 per metric ton or part thereof.

Petroleum Oils: The following petroleum oils are subject to an excise rate of EUR0.23 per litre:

  • falling within CN Code 2710.19.71, for undergoing a specific process, not intended for use, offered for sale or used as heating or motor fuel
  • falling within CN Code 2710.19.75, for undergoing chemical transformation by a process other than those specified in respect of sub heading 2710.19.71, not intended for use, offered for sale or used as heating or motor fuel
  • falling within CN Code 2710.19.81, motor oils, compressor lube oils, turbine lube oils, not intended for use, offered for sale or used as heating or motor fuel
  • falling within CN Code 2710.19.83, liquids for hydraulic purposes, not intended for use, offered for sale or used as heating or motor fuel
  • falling within CN Code 2710.19.85, white oils, liquid paraffin excluding heavy liquid paraffin BP/USP 6360 qualifying as a food grade product, not intended for use, offered for sale or used as heating or motor fuel
  • falling within CN Code 2710.19.87, gear oils and reductor oils, not intended for use, offered for sale or used as heating or motor fuel
  • falling with CN Code 2710.19.91, metal-working compounds, mould release oils, anti-corrosion oils, not intended for use, offered for sale or used as heating or motor fuel
  • falling within CN Code 2710.19.93, electrical insulating oils, not intended for use, offered for sale or used as heating or motor fuel
  • falling within CN Code 2710.19.99, other lubricating oils and other oils, not intended for use, offered for sale or used as heating or motor fuel
  • falling within CN Code 2710.20.90, other oils, not intended for use, offered for sale or used as heating or motor fuel


Reduced Excise Duty Rates:

Petroleum products falling under CN Codes 2710.12.31 to 2710.12.90, and 2710.19.21 to 2710.19.68, and 2710.20.11 to 2710.20.39 used for purposes other than as motor fuels or as heating fuels may pay a reduced excise duty rate of EUR0.23 per litre under such conditions which the Minister may prescribe for the purpose of ensuring the correct and straightforward application of such exemptions and of preventing any evasion, avoidance or abuse.

Tax due date

Date of release of consumption

Tax collector

Commissioner for Revenue.

Special features


Drawback: allowed on eligible dutiable goods on which duty has been paid for export to third countries or dispatched to other Member States or warehoused for export or destroyed.

Economic function

Environmental taxes

Tax revenue
ESA95 code d214ad + d214ah + d214he

Annual tax revenue (millions)
Tax revenue as % of GDP
Tax revenue as % of total tax revenue
2012 108.35 EUR 1.50
2011 107.35 EUR 1.56
2010 92.72 EUR 1.41
2009 86.62 EUR 1.41
2008 86.22 EUR 1.41
2007 97.58 EUR 1.70
2006 66.90 EUR 1.24
2005 62.29 EUR 1.21
2004 56.30 EUR 1.16
2003 55.87 EUR 1.17
2002 58.53 EUR 1.24
2001 61.93 EUR 1.36
2000 55.13 EUR 1.25
