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Generic Tax Name Social security contribution - State social insurance (Employers)
Tax name in the national language Valstybinio socialinio draudimo įmoka
Tax name in English State social insurance contribution
Member State LT-Lithuania
Tax in force since 1991/06/20
If abolished, date on which the tax ceases to apply
Business version date 2015/01/01
Version date 2015/02/17
This file was last updated on

Type of tax
Direct taxes Personal income tax
Corporate income tax

Indirect taxes VAT
Excise duty (EU harmonised)
Alcoholic beverages
Energy products and electricity
Manufactured tobacco

Social security contribution Employers
Legal base

Republic of Lithuania Law on State Social Insurance.

Who sets
The tax rate is set by

The tax base is set by

The reliefs are set by



The basis of finance of State Social Insurance is the independent budget of State Social Insurance fund. This fund is not part of budget of State and Local Government. Assignment form State budget is granted when social insurance payments arises or incomes reduces because of statements accepted by Parliament.

Payments from State Social Insurance Fund are prescribed as payments provided in the Law on State Social Insurance Pensions, Law on Sickness and Maternity Social Insurance, Law on Social Insurance of Occupational Accidents and Occupational Diseases, Law on Unemployment Social Insurance

Geographical Scope

All the territory of the Republic of Lithuania.

The base or rate of social security contributions paid by Employers on the income of employees and of blue collar workers Rates are identical
Bases are identical


Domestic-source income of non-residents is Subject to SSCer
Not Subject to SSCer



1. Individuals covered by all types (state social pension insurance, sickness and maternity social insurance, unemployment social insurance, social insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases, health insurance) of state social insurance on a compulsory basis: 

1) persons employed on the basis of employment contracts; notary candidates (assessors); persons receiving remuneration for work and holding elected posts in elected organizations on the basis of membership as well as persons appointed to constituency, town, region and polling district electoral and referendum commissions; persons who are related to the insurer by employment or corresponding relations, as defined in the Law on Income Tax of Individuals, at the same time receiving income from this insurer for sports or performing activities; also the persons listed in Paragraphs 1 and 2, Article 4 of the Law on State Social Insurance – permanent residents of Lithuania, as defined in the Law on Income Tax of Individuals, receiving income under author's agreements from the insurer – a Lithuanian entity, as this term is defined in the Law on Income Tax of Individuals;

2) state politicians, judges, state officials and civil servants indicated in the Law on the Remuneration of State Politicians, Judges and State Officials and the Law on Civil Service (with the exception of the civil servants indicated in paragraph 2), persons indicated in the Law on Delegation of Persons to International and European Union or Foreign States' Institutions receiving remuneration for work from a delegating institution of the Republic of Lithuania which pays social insurance contributions; persons receiving remuneration for work and appointed by the Seimas, the Speaker of the Seimas, the President of the Republic or the Prime Minister, the officers of the State Security Department, the officers of the Second Investigation Department under the Ministry of of Defence.

2. Individuals covered by pension, unemployment state social insurance and health insurance on a compulsory basis:

1) officers of the system of the internal service, the Special Investigation Service and the Prisons Department under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Lithuania, as well as the officials of the agencies and undertakings subordinate thereto;

2) servicemen in the professional military service of the system of national defence, as well as the volunteer soldiers, other active reserve soldiers, managed reserve soldiers, called up for training, exercises or duty assignments.

3.  Individuals covered by pension and unemployment state social insurance on a compulsory basis:

1) spouses of civil servants, servicemen in professional military service and delegated persons who have not attained the age of superannuation age and do not receive the income related to employment relations – during a period when they reside abroad together with the civil servant or delegated person, where the latter has been delegated, or the civil servant has been transferred to a post at a diplomatic mission, consular office of the Republic of Lithuania, mission of the Republic of Lithuania at an international organization, international or European Union institution, a foreign state's institution; was sent on a special mission, or when they reside together with a serviceman in professional military service, where the serviceman in professional military service has been assigned to fulfil military service at a diplomatic mission, consular office of the Republic of Lithuania, mission of the Republic of Lithuania at an international organization, a foreign state's or international military or defence institution. Spouses of delegated persons are covered only if the delegated person receives remuneration for work and social insurance contributions of it are payable by the delegating institution of the Republic of Lithuania. Spouse of the President of the Republic who has not attained the age of superannuation and does not have individual insured income – during the tenure of the President of the Republic; 

2) servicemen fulfilling mandatory initial military service in the armed forces of the Republic of Lithuania and the persons performing alternative national defence service;

3) by a choice of a family one of the parents (adoptive parents) or a person which was appointed under the established procedure to be a child's foster-parent, raising a child up to three years old;

4) one of the parents (adoptive parents) (under superannuation) of a disabled person who has a regular care dependence, or a person which was appointed under the established procedure to be a guardian or custodian of this disabled person and attending at home the said disabled person. This provision is also applied to one of the parents, guardian or custodian attending at home an invalid of absolute disability which was acknowledged as such up to July 1, 2005.

4. Persons covered on a compulsory basis by pension social insurance to receive only the basic part of a pension shall include:

1) persons engaged in individual activities under a business licence;

2) clergymen of traditional and other religious communities and associations recognized by the State as well as the nuns and monks.

5. Permanent residents of the Republic of Lithuania, excluding those listed in Paragraphs 1 and 2, Article 4  of the Law on State Social Insurance, receiving income under author's agreement from the insurer – a Lithuanian entity, shall be covered on a compulsory basis by pension social insurance for the principal and supplementary parts of their pension, sickness and maternity social insurance, as well as health insurance, except for cases when such income is sourced from engagement in individual activities. Permanent residents of Lithuania receiving income for sports or performing activities from the insurer – a Lithuanian entity, as these terms are defined in the Law on Income Tax of Individuals, with which they are not related by employment or corresponding relations, shall be covered on a compulsory basis by pension social insurance for the principal and supplementary parts of their pension, sickness and maternity social insurance, when coverage provided an entitlement to receive only maternity, paternity and maternity (paternity) benefits, as well as health insurance, except for the cases when such income is sourced from engagement in individual activities. This provision shall apply to persons who are not permanent residents of Lithuania, but for whom social insurance legal acts shall be applicable in accordance to the international treaties of the Republic of Lithuania or the regulations of the European Union Social Security System Coordination.

6. Individuals covered on a compulsory basis only by social insurance of occupational accidents and occupational diseases shall include:

1)  pupils of vocational schools, students of post-secondary and higher education institutions as well as the persons posted by local labour exchange offices for vocational training or vocational rehabilitation – during their vocational practice at an agency or undertaking;

2) persons receiving remuneration for work and placed in social and psychological rehabilitation institutions – during the period of their work;

3) persons sentenced to imprisonment and receiving remuneration for work – during the period of their work;

4) persons performing voluntary practice for Employment Promotion Act, - on a voluntary practice during the contract period.

7. Employed with the Employment Contracts, Lithuanian citizens who do not permanently reside in Lithuania as well as foreigners who are employed with the Employment Contracts, but are not considered to be the persons who permanently or temporarily live in Lithuania, are compulsorily insured by the pensions, unemployment, sickness, maternity, accidents at work and occupational diseases insurance.

8. Criminal intelligence secret members who according to the relevant written secret cooperation agreements receive reward – during the secret period set in these cooperation agreements are compulsorily insured by the pensions social and health insurance.

Tax object and basis of assessment
Employers pay social security contributions for


Base for all contributions listed here above is the same Yes No

As general rule, the income subject to Social Security Contributions of Employers includes


Income considered Domestic income
Worldwide income

Benefits in kind

The following benefits in kind are usually (partially or fully) subject to social security contributions paid by Employers



Contributions of taxable persons social insurance are computed on the basis of salaries not less as minimum monthly salary, or of labour intersource payments not considered in payment source, as well as:

1) the basic salary and the other additional wages calculated by insurer for insured for his work according Labour Code and other legal acts; 

2) remuneration as well as basic salary, seniority bonus, additional pay prescribed in Law on State Service; 

3) remuneration as well as salary prescribed in the Law of politicians, judges, state officers labour payment;

4) bonus and outgoing payments;

5) compensations for yearly paid leaves, special-purpose leaves (except pregnancy, childbirth, paternity leaves, child care leave until the child is 3 years old) and yearly paid leaves unused or time wasted compensations;

6)  the compensations and other benefits received from the international or European Union institution, or a foreign state institution, if social insurance contributions are not calculated thereon according to the legal acts on the basis whereof the institutions pay the remuneration;

7) premiums, allowances and other payments on that nature.

Deductions, Allowances, Credits, Exemptions
Capped contributions No cap
Cap in monetary units:
Cap in % of the tax base:


The reduction is
No reduction
A lump-sum amount
In percentage of base:
Based on salary

The basic yearly allowance for an individual amounts to:
The basic yearly allowance for a couple amounts to:
Additional allowance for 1st child
Additional allowance for 2nd child
Additional allowance for 3rd child
Additional allowance for additional child
Additional allowance for old age dependents

The basic yearly credit for an individual amounts to:
The basic yearly credit for a couple amounts to:
Additional credit for 1st child
Additional credit for 2nd child
Additional credit for 3rd child
Additional credit for additional child
Additional credit for old age dependents

Social Security Contributions paid by Employers are tax deductible Yes No


Social insurance contributions shall not be calculated on:

1) the amount of an allowance paid to an insured person by the employer upon the death of the insured person’s spouse, children (adopted children), parents (adoptive parents) as well as in the cases of natural disasters, fires and explosions, provided it does not exceed 5 minimum monthly salaries. The amount from which no social insurance contributions is calculated shall be increased by the number of times equivalent to the number of deceased family members of an insured person specified in this paragraph for which an allowance has been paid;

2) an allowance paid by the insurer upon the death of an insured person to his spouse, children (adoptive children) or parents (adoptive parents);

3) benefits for the rent of an apartment, electricity, heat, hot and cold water supply, utilities and communications services, use of personal means of transport, catering of employees as well as the benefits intended to compensate for expenses of the employees whose work is performed during a travel, in field conditions, is related to driving or is of a movable nature and paid in the amount and in the cases specified by laws;

4) the benefits intended to cover postings’ expenses and not subject to personal income tax as well as postings’ expenses for the persons travelling abroad on business, where only the forward and return journey is paid for (including the execution of a visa, insurance against an illness and other compulsory expenses related to the crossing of state borders), paid in the amount and in the cases specified by laws;

5) the benefits as specified by laws to reimburse for material damage as a result of mutilation, other impairment to health or the death of the breadwinner;

6) the amounts paid by undertakings, agencies and organisations for the training, improvement of qualification and retraining of employees. The scholarships or other additional benefits associated training, improvement of qualification or retraining paid to employees are not assigned to these amounts;

7) sickness benefits as paid from the insurer’s funds for the first two days of illness;

8) late payment interest for delayed payment of the benefits related to employment relations;

9) the insurer’s funds paid for the vaccination of employees against infectious diseases and compulsory preventive health examination of the employees;

10) the amounts awarded by courts and recovered to reimburse for pecuniary and non-pecuniary damage;

11) the scholarships, benefits and compensations of students and pupils of educational establishments intended to cover travel and learning (studies) expenses, where they are paid from the funds of the state budget and municipal budgets of the Republic of Lithuania, funds of the non-profit entities established in accordance with the procedure laid down by laws of the Republic of Lithuania and foreign states in accordance with the procedure laid down by laws, if the recipient of a scholarship is not a member or employee of the entity which pays the scholarship and if such a scholarship does not relate to the work or services performed or intended to be performed for these entities by the recipient of the scholarship;

12) the compensations paid when admitting or transferring for work at another location;

13) compensations for the wear of the tools and working clothes belonging to employees;

14) the compensations paid for the maintenance of the spouses and children (adopted children) of civil servants, delegated persons or servicemen in professional military service who have moved abroad together with the aforementioned persons;

15) the compensations for the expenses related to working abroad as paid to civil servants, delegated persons and servicemen of professional military service, also to mission’s employees who are members of the diplomatic staff or administrative and technical staff;

16) the remuneration received from the international or European Union institution, or a foreign state institution,  provided social insurance contributions are calculated thereon according to the legal acts on the basis whereof the institutions pay the remuneration;

17) the compensations paid to employees for the use of musical instruments, where the creative workers of theatres and concert agencies use for their creative activities the musical instruments belonging to them by the right of personal ownership;

18) the insurance contributions paid for supplementary (voluntary) health insurance by the insurer for the benefit of employees, when the object of insurance is covering of the health care services of an insured person;

19) the insurance premiums paid by the employer to an insurance company for employee life insurance, insurance against accidents or civil liability insurance, when it is stipulated in the insurance contract that upon occurrence of an insured event, the amount of insurance indemnity shall be paid to the employer, and in the case of civil liability insurance – to the employer or third person;

20) the monthly allowances to members of the Lithuanian Academy of Science for the name of member of the Lithuanian Academy of Science, and the monthly allowances to professors emeritus paid by higher education schools in the amount fixed by the university senate;

21) the value of in-kind income received by an employee from the employer shall not be subject to the personal income tax according to the Law on Personal Income Tax;

22) the pension allowances paid to former employees from the undertaking’s pension funds or funds intended for this purpose;

23) the insurance premiums which payment is mandatory according tot he laws of the Republic of Lithuania for additional insurance of employees’ life and health;

24) the average remuneration payable to the employee dismissed from office for the overdue time, when payment to the employee is delayed not through the employee’s fault;

25) the bonuses payable to members of the board or supervisory council;

26) the remuneration of authors and owners of related  for the use of works or objects of related rights according to granted licenses to use the works or objects of related rights, also from the compensatory remuneration paid to authors and owners of related rights for the lending of books to libraries, reprographic reproduction of works, and reproduction of works and objects of related rights for personal purposes, the income received for the right to use the object of industrial property sold or transferred under a license agreement;

27) Calculated value-added tax of selling for delivered goods and services.

Rate(s) Structure
The following rates apply to Social Security Contributions paid by Employers
23.30 %  From  EUR/Natcur  To  EUR/Natcur

Health care
3.00 %  From  EUR/Natcur  To  EUR/Natcur

1.10 %  From  EUR/Natcur  To  EUR/Natcur

Child care

Work-related illnesses and/or accidents
3.40 %  From  EUR/Natcur  To  EUR/Natcur

Education leave

Maternity leave
3.40 %  From  EUR/Natcur  To  EUR/Natcur



1. General rate of insurer for social insurance for pensions, sickness and maternity, unemployment and health is 30.8 per cent.

Four rates categories of social insurance contributions for occupational accidents and occupational diseases are ratified for 2015 and tariffs of these categories:

Category I – 0.18 per cent;

Category II – 0.37 per cent;

Category III – 0.9 per cent;

Category IV – 1.7 per cent.


2. Rate of persons receiving income from sports activities or the performer’s activities from the insurer – Lithuanian entity, with whom they are not associated by employment relationships or relationships equivalent to their essence:

Insurer’s rates are:

1) social insurance for pensions – 23.3 per cent;

2) social insurance of sickness and maternity, when they insured only for the receipt of maternity, paternity and maternity (paternity) allowances – 2.2 per cent;

3) social insurance of health – 3 per cent


3. Rate of persons receiving income from sports activities or the performer’s activities from the insurer – Lithuanian entity, with whom they are associated by employment relationships or relationships equivalent to their essence:

Insurer’s rates are:

General rate of insurer for social insurance for pensions, sickness and maternity, unemployment and health is 30.8 per cent.

Four rates categories of social insurance contributions for occupational accidents and occupational diseases are ratified for 2015 and tariffs of these categories:

Category I – 0.18 per cent;

Category II – 0.37 per cent;

Category III – 0.9 per cent;

Category IV – 1.7 per cent.


4. Rate of persons do not listed in Paragraphs 1 and 2, Article 4 of the Law on State Social Insurance  receiving income under author's agreements:

Insurer’s rates are:

1) social insurance for pensions – 23.3 per cent;

2) social insurance of sickness and maternity – 3.4 per cent;

3) social insurance of health – 3 per cent.


5. Rate of persons listed in Paragraphs 1 and 2, Article 4 of the Law on State Social Insurance  receiving income under author's agreements:

Insurer’s rates are:

General rate of insurer for social insurance for pensions, sickness and maternity, unemployment and health is 30.8 per cent.

Four rates categories of social insurance contributions for occupational accidents and occupational diseases are ratified for 2015 and tariffs of these categories:

Category I – 0.18 per cent;

Category II – 0.37 per cent;

Category III – 0.9 per cent;

Category IV – 1.7 per cent.

Special surcharges

There are special surcharges in the form of:
Surcharge 1 : Name:
A lump-sum amount:
A percentage of income:
A tax surcharge:

Tax due date

The social insurance contributions of the insurer and an insured employed person shall be calculated, deducted and paid to the State Social insurance fund by the insurer of the day when the insured person commences to work, regardless of the date of registration of the insurer at a local tax inspectorate. The insurer shall pay calculated social insurance contributions not later than by the 15th day of the next month, with the exception of the cases specified in Law on State Social Insurance.

State social insurance contributions for persons receiving income upon author agreements or persons receiving income from sport or performance activities shall be calculated, deducted and paid to the Fund by the insurer of the day when the remuneration is due.

Tax collector

Administration agencies of the State Social Insurance Fund

Special features

Economic function

Environmental taxes

Tax revenue
ESA95 code d61111

Annual tax revenue (millions)
Tax revenue as % of GDP
Tax revenue as % of total tax revenue
2012 11,612.84 LTL 34.84
2011 11,109.60 LTL 35.54
2010 10,486.59 LTL 37.41
2009 11,356.94 LTL 42.16
2008 10,018.40 LTL 30.64
2007 8,461.40 LTL 29.14
2006 6,977.30 LTL 28.98
2005 5,871.10 LTL 27.95
2004 5,260.20 LTL 28.84
2003 4,851.20 LTL 29.10
2002 4,493.20 LTL 29.56
2001 4,346.90 LTL 30.62
2000 4,285.90 LTL 32.06
1999 4,031.30 LTL 31.71
1998 4,045.30 LTL 31.07
1997 3,389.20 LTL 28.91
1996 2,577.80 LTL 26.54
1995 1,930.80 LTL 24.87


Combined together SSC revenues for employers and empoyees.

Revenues excluding social security contribution for health.