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Measures List
First Prev Next Last Separator
Measure Name
Date when measure came into force
Decrease in CIT & increase in dividends tax rate 2012/01/01
Change on tax rates etc. 2013/01/01
Overhaul of the previous ITC 2014/01/01
Results 1 - 3 of 3.

Generic Tax Name Corporate income tax
Tax name in the national language Φόρος εισοδήματος νομικών προσώπων
Tax name in English Corporate income tax
Member State EL-Greece
Tax in force since 1994/01/01
If abolished, date on which the tax ceases to apply
Business version date 2015/01/01
Version date 2015/02/17
This file was last updated on

Type of tax
Direct taxes Personal income tax
Corporate income tax

Indirect taxes VAT
Excise duty (EU harmonised)
Alcoholic beverages
Energy products and electricity
Manufactured tobacco

Social security contribution Employers
Legal base

Law 4172/2013 (Income Tax Code), as amended by: Law 4174/2013, Law 4223/2013, Law 4302/2014, Law 4303/2014, Law 4305/2014, Law 4254/2014, Law 4283/2014, Law 4307/2014 and Law 4316/2014.

Who sets
The tax rate is set by

The tax base is set by

The reliefs are set by



Geographical Scope Greece.
Domestic-source income of non-resident entities is Taxed
Not Taxed

The following persons and legal entities are subject to corporate income tax:

a) capital companies that were established in Greece or abroad (SA’s,LLCs,PCCs)

b) private companies that were established in Greece or abroad (Partnerships)

c) non-profit legal persons governed by public or private law established in Greece or abroad and including all kinds of associations and institutions, with the exception only any income made in pursuit of the fulfilment of their missions, which are not subject to tax;

d) cooperatives and associations;

e) civil societies, urban profit or non-profit companies, participatory or hidden if they are carrying on a business or profession;

f) joint ventures;

g) legal entities defined in Article 2 of the ITC which are not included in one of the previous cases.

Tax object and basis of assessment
As general rule, taxable income under corporate income tax includes also


Income considered Domestic income
Worldwide income (subject to double-tax relief)

Tax object

Total net income or profit arising at home or abroad by legal persons and legal entities. 


Income Considered

  • As regards Greek public, private limited companies and private capital companies, including banking and insurance institutions, the total net income or profit arising either at home or abroad. Profits for distribution are taken from the residue remaining after deduction of the corporate income tax. Profits which are approved by the general meetings  as of 1st January onwards and distributed or capitalised by Greek public limited share companies (SA’s), private limited companies (LLCs) and private capital companies (PCCs) are  subject to 10% withholding tax.
  • For legal persons and legal entities, which are tax exempt according to specific law provisions, the capitalized or distributed, in any form, profits, as increased by the corresponding income tax. 
  • For general government entities, income from capital gains and goodwill arising from capital transfer (except for capital companies in which the State or a legal person governed by public law holds less than 100%).
  • In the case of foreign undertakings operating as any form of company or partnership and foreign organizations of any kind operating by way of business, net income or profit from a source located in Greece , and net profit arising from a permanent establishment in Greece .
  • As regards non-profit legal persons governed by public or private law established in Greece or abroad and including all kinds of associations and institutions are tax exempt for any income made in pursuit of the fulfillment of their missions, which are not subject to tax.

The same applies to profits from the sale of stocks of subsidiaries of foreign banking institutions established in Greece.

Deductions, Allowances, Credits, Exemptions
Valuation of inventory
System First-in first-out (FIFO)
Last-in first-out (LIFO)
Average cost
Specific identification (unit method)


Depreciation rules
System Straight-line method
Declining balance
Production method
Combination of above

Average depreciation period
Average depreciation rate 4.0 %
Movable (tangible) assets
System Straight-line method
Declining balance
Production method
Combination of above

Average depreciation period
Average depreciation rate 10.0 %
Movable fixed assets
System Straight-line method
Declining balance
Production method
Combination of above

Average depreciation period
Average depreciation rate 10.0 %
Intangible assets
System Straight-line method
Declining balance
Production method
Combination of above

Average depreciation period
Average depreciation rate 10.0 %
Land (if any)
System Straight-line method
Declining balance
Production method
Combination of above

Average depreciation period
Average depreciation rate



1) The following are exempt from corporate income tax:

a) general government entities, except for income earned from capital and capital gains (Capital companies are not included, except for those, in which the State or a legal person governed by public law holds 100%);

b) the Bank of Greece;

c) collective investment undertakings that are subject to a special system of operation and are established in Greece or in another EU/EEA Member State;

d) international organizations, provided that the tax exemption provided for under an international convention ratified by Greece or subject to reciprocity;

e) Asset Development Fund SA in accordance with the laws governing it.


2) Income as set out below is also free of tax:

a) Interest earned on bonds issued by the European Financial Stability Fund (EFSF) under the implementation of the participation program for restructuring the Greek debt,

b) Capital gains arising from the exchange of Greek government bonds or corporate bonds guaranteed by the Greek government for other securities pursuant to the participation program for restructuring the  Greek debt,

c) Capital gains arising from the transfer of Greek government bonds and treasury bills acquired by foreign legal persons or legal entities and they have not permanent establishment in Greece. In general, according to the Circular No 1032/2015, income from the transfer of securities acquired by legal persons or entities that are not Greek tax residents is exempt from income tax.

d) The intercompany dividends received by a legal person who is a tax resident in Greece are exempt from tax, provided that: a) the recipient taxpayer holds a minimum participation rate of at least ten percent (10%) of the value or number of share capital, basic capital, or voting rights of the entity that distributes; and b) the minimum shareholding is held for at least twenty-four (24) months; and  c) the legal entity that makes a distribution of profits is subject to tax, it is not based in a country that is included in the list of uncooperative States under Article 65 of the ITC.

e) Profits of very small businesses, as defined in the 2003/361/EU Recommendation, derived by the disposal of electricity power towards “D.E.I” or other supplier according to the “Special Program of photovoltaic Systems” up to 10kw.

f) profits from the operation of ships under the Greek flag by Greek companies, cooperatives or unions of cooperatives, where such profits are subject to the specific taxation on ship owners' profits (tonnage tax); when distributed in any form, profits as above accruing to a Greek private or public company or cooperative are not taxed.

g) Goodwill arising from property expropriation.

h) Goodwill arising from the transfer of domestic corporate bonds (Law 3156/2003) and of corporate bonds issued by companies in the EU, EEA/EFTA.

i) Goodwill arising from the sale of UCITS (domestic, EU, EEA/EFTA).

Are there limits to interest deductions? Yes No
If yes:
Definition of deduction limit


 The interest costs are not recognized as deductible business expenses to the extent that the excess interest expenses exceed thirty per cent (30%) of taxable earnings before interest, taxes depreciation and amortization (EBITDA). Earnings before interest, taxes and depreciation are determined on the basis of the financial statements prepared in accordance with Greek accounting rules with tax adjustments provided for in the ITC.

 The 30% tax rate enters into force from 1 January 2017. During this transition period the interest expenditure are not recognized as deductible business expenditure to the extent that the excess interest expenditure exceeds the following percentages of the taxable profits before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA).

- sixty per cent (60%) from 1 January 2014;

- fifty per cent (50%) from 1 January 2015;

- forty per cent (40%) from 1 January 2016.

 The term "excess interest expenses" means the excess of interest costs over interest income.

The interest costs of paragraph 1 (the excess interest expenses which exceed the 30% of EBITDA) shall be recognized as fully deductible business expenses provided that  the amount of net interest costs registered in the books does not exceed the amount of three million (3,000,000) Euros per year. The 3.000.000€ threshold applies for interest costs realized from 1.1.2016 onwards. During the transition period (tax years from 1.1.2014-31.12.2015) the interest expenditure is fully recognized as deductible business expenditure where the amount of the net interest expenditure registered in the books does not exceed the amount of 5 million (5,000,000) euro per year

Furthermore the following interest expenses are not deductible:

Interest on loans taken by the company by third parties, except for bank loans interbank loans and bond loans issued by SAs, to the extent that the excess interest that would arise if the interest rate was equal to the rate on loans overdrafts to non-financial corporations, as indicated in the Statistical Bulletin of the Bank of Greece for the nearest period preceding the date of borrowing.

Is there an Allowance for Corporate Equity? Yes No
If yes:
Notional rate applied for allowance


Loss carry-forward exists? Yes No
If yes:
Time limit: Indefinite
5  Years  
Size limit:
Loss carry-backward exists? Yes No
If yes:
Time limit: Indefinite
Size limit:


The rules applying to income tax paid by natural persons and personal companies also apply here (see above).

Rate(s) Structure
Nominal corporate income tax rate Rate: 26.00 %

Central government surcharge Rate:
Regional government surcharge Rate:
Local government surcharge Rate:
Combined rate (all-in rate) Rate: 0.00 %


Special tax rate for SMEs
Special tax rates apply to SMEs: Yes No
If yes:
Nominal corporate income tax rate Rate:
Central government surcharge Rate:
Regional government surcharge Rate:
Local government surcharge Rate:
Combined rate (all-in rate) Rate:


Special tax rate for SMEs

As an initial remark, there is no specific tax rate for SMEs. Nevertheless, article 58 par.5 of the New Greek Income Tax Code (L.4172/2013 applicable as of 1.1.2014, hereinafter ITC) provides that sole proprietorships qualifying as micro enterprises (Recommendation 2003/361/ EC of May 6, 2013) are exempt from income tax as regards profits acquired from exploitation of photovoltaic up to 10 kW under specific requirements provided that such gains are recorded in a special reserve account, which will be subject to income tax upon distribution or capitalization thereof. An unconditional income tax exemption applies as per article 29 of ITC for individuals and sole proprietorships that fall under the same regime for the exploitation of photovoltaic up to 10 kW.


Corporate Income Taxation

Business profits acquired by legal persons and legal entities which keep double entry accounting books  as well as non-profit legal persons governed by public or private law established in Greece or abroad and including all kinds of associations and institutions,  which keep single entry accounting books, are taxed at a 26% tax rate.  percent (26%). In case of entities covered by cases b, d, e, f and g of Article 45 of ITC and  keeping  single entry accounting  books, profits gained from a business activity are taxed according to the following tax scale:


Taxable income

Tax rate


≦ 50,000 


> 50,000


Business profits acquired by agricultural cooperatives and producer groups are taxed at thirteen percent rate (13%). 

The taxpayer who derives income which is subject to withholding tax in accordance with Article 62 includes this income on taxable profits before the deduction of  the withholding tax. The tax payable by the taxpayer in relation to such income is reduced by the amount of tax withheld.

The income tax of legal persons and legal entities is calculated according to the annual tax return of the taxpayer and the amount of the tax liability is specified  in accordance with Article 31 & 32  of the Tax Code Procedure, after the deduction of: a ) the tax withheld, b ) the tax paid in advance, c ) the tax paid abroad, in accordance with Article 9.

In case of  intercompany dividends received by a legal person who is a tax resident in Greece and paid by a domestic or foreign subsidiary established in a EU Member State, when the conditions of art. 48 of ITC are not met, the tax paid as corporate income tax as well as the tax paid on dividends is reduced by the amount of tax.  

If the amount of tax paid in advance or withheld exceeds the tax due , the excess is refundable.

Distributed dividends by legal persons and legal entities are subject to a 10% withholding tax, which exhausts the relevant income tax liability when the recipient is individual. Tax is not withheld on profits distributed by legal persons and legal entities that keep single-entry books, as these profits are taxed only in the name of the legal person or legal entity.


Capital Income

 a)  Domestic Savings:

 A withholding tax of 15% is levied on interest income arising from claims of any kind, either secured by a mortgage or not, and whether carrying a right to participate in the debtor or not, and in particular income from deposits, government bonds, securities and bonds, with or without safety, and any loan relationship, including additional benefits (premiums), repurchase agreements (repos/reverse repos) and rewards arising from securities, bonds or debentures. The withholding tax exhausts the tax liability only for individuals and for the type of income of the taxpayer under the ITC.


No tax is withheld on interest  paid to a legal person referred to in the Annex to Directive 2003/49/EC the Common System of Taxation Applicable to Interest and Royalty Payments Made Between Associated Companies of Different Member States, as applicable, if:

a) the legal person or legal entity who receives directly or indirectly held shares or a participation of at least ten percent (2%) in value or by number in the share capital or voting rights of the paying taxpayer or the taxpayer that pays holds directly shares or participation of at least twenty-five per cent (25%) in the capital stock of the legal person or of the legal entity that receives, or a third legal person or a legal entity that holds directly shares or participation of at least twenty-five per cent (25%) in the capital stock of both the legal person or the legal entity that receives and the taxpayer that makes the payment;

b) the minimum shareholding or participation is held for at least twenty-four (24) months; and

c) the legal person who receives:

aa) is of the type including in the listed in Annex I, Part A of Directive 2003/49/EC, as amended; and

bb) is a tax resident of an EU Member State in accordance with the laws of that State and is not considered a tax resident of a third country outside the EU pursuant to the terms of a double taxation agreement concluded with this third state; and

cc) is subject, without choice or exemption, to one of the taxes listed in Annex I part B of Directive 2003/49/EC or any other person may in the future replace one of those taxes.

 Interest payments for loans granted by credit institutions, including the interest for overdue payment and the interest for inter-bank deposits are exempt from withholding tax.

b) Savings Abroad:

As regards interest deriving from savings or bonds abroad, a 15% tax is levied on gross amount provided that this income is entered in Greece through the domestic credit Institution which is the paying agent.

In case that this income remains abroad, no tax is withheld. In case that this income is acquired by domestic legal persons or legal entities or the permanent establishment in Greece of foreign legal persons, it will be taxed according to the general provisions of the ITC, as income derived by business activity. As regards individuals having tax residency in Greece, the tax is levied upon the submission of the annual tax return, in which all kinds of income are declared.  

 As regards interests from bonds and treasury bills issued by the Greek government and acquired by legal persons and legal entities having their tax residence in Greece they are taxed at a 15% withholding tax rate, which does not exhaust their tax liability. In case that the recipient of the income is individual or foreign legal person with no permanent establishment in Greece, this income is tax exempt.     

c) Greek corporate bonds:

Interest deriving from greek corporate bond a 15% withholding tax is levied.

d) Foreign government bonds:

  • As regards interest deriving from foreign government bonds held by natural entities, a 15% tax is levied on deriving interest and exhausts the tax liability regarding this income.
  • As regards interest deriving from foreign government bonds held by (established in Greece) legal persons and legal entities deriving from foreign government bonds is taxed according to general taxation and withheld tax of 15% is deducted.

 e) Forms of income taxed individually

As regards fees for technical services, administration fees, fees for consulting and other fees for similar services paid to foreign legal persons which are not permanently established in Greece, they are not subject to the 20% withholding tax.

Income derived by dividends, interests and royalties paid to foreign legal persons which are not permanently established in Greece is taxed at  a 10%, 15% and 20% tax rate respectively. Once the tax has been thus withheld, the tax obligation in respect of the income concerned is exhausted.

International aspects
Treaty countries Non-treaty countries
Repatriated profits are taxed according to the following system Exemption system Exemption system
Tax credit Tax credit
Deduction Deduction
Interest received is taxed Yes No Yes No
Tax rate on interest received 26.00 % 26.00 %
Outgoing dividends withholding tax 10.00 % 10.00 %
Outgoing interest payments withholding tax 15.00 % 15.00 %
Foreign losses can be set-off Yes No Yes No
If yes:
Minimum direct or indirect shareholding to qualify loss-offset (if applicable)
Loss carry-forward exists? Yes No Yes No
If yes:
Time limit: Indefinite
Size limit:
Loss carry-backward exists? Yes No Yes No
If yes:
Time limit: Indefinite
Size limit:
Controlled foreign company (CFC-)rules exist? Yes No Yes No
If yes:
Time limit: Indefinite
Size limit:
Threshold for capital or voting power held directly or indirectly by resident in non-resident company 50.00 % 50.00 %
CFC-rules apply if foreign tax rate is lower than 13.00 % 13.00 %
CFC-rules apply for passive income only? Yes No Yes No

Comments   Treaty countries

Depending on the Tax Treaty provisions.

Outgoing dividends withholding tax

up to 10.00 %

Outgoing interest payments withholding tax

up to 15.00 %

Foreign losses could be set-off or/and carried forward in order to offset against future profits regarding income that arises from another EU or EEA member-state and that is not exempt according to the provisions of the Double Tax Conventions (DTC) that Greece maintains.

CFC rule:

In case the legal entity or legal person is residents in an EU/EEA member state, the CFC rules apply only if the legal entity or legal person´s establishment or economic activity constitutes an artificial situation created with the purpose of avoiding tax.

Comments   Non-treaty countries

CFC rule – see above

Measures against profit shifting
Do Thin Capitalization (TC) rules exist? Yes No
If yes:
Date of first introduction
Introduced as Explicit TC law
Part of CIT law
Test for TC Ratio
Arm's length
If ratio
Value of numerical ratio:
Definition numerator
Definition denominator EBITDA
Debt considered for test Internal
Internal and external
TC depends on shareholding? Yes No
Substantial shareholding threshold
Type of shareholding Direct
Automatic remedy Yes No
Remedy Non-deductibility of interest
Reclassification as dividend
Rules apply to All companies
Foreign companies
Non-EU companies
Transfer pricing rules exists? Yes No
If yes:
Arm’s length principle applied? Yes No
Remedy Fee
Tax base increase
Tax due date

The tax is paid in eight (8) equal monthly installments of which the first payment is made upon submission of the tax return and the remaining seven ( 7) until the last day of the seventh month following the submission of the return. For legal persons and legal entities under liquidation the tax is paid lump sum with the submission of the tax return.

Tax collector

Ministry of Finance.

Special features

Losses / Expenses:

The rules applying to income tax paid by natural persons and personal companies also apply here (see above).

Economic function

Environmental taxes

Tax revenue
ESA95 code d51o (d51ba)

Annual tax revenue (millions)
Tax revenue as % of GDP
Tax revenue as % of total tax revenue
2012 2,158.00 EUR 1.13
2011 4,362.00 EUR 2.11
2010 5,432.00 EUR 2.40
2009 5,678.00 EUR 2.39
2008 5,864.00 EUR 2.42
2007 5,692.00 EUR 2.45
2006 5,678.00 EUR 2.61
2005 6,393.00 EUR 3.21
2004 5,547.00 EUR 2.86
2003 5,007.00 EUR 2.80
2002 5,282.00 EUR 3.23
2001 4,850.00 EUR 3.19
2000 5,622.00 EUR 3.93
1999 3,935.00 EUR 2.81
1998 3,078.00 EUR 2.38
1997 1,893.00 EUR 1.50
1996 1,545.00 EUR 1.34
1995 1,354.00 EUR 1.29
