Table of Contents

  1. Why do I get a <MRN Unknown> response?
  2. Why does the MRN Follow-Up application report a different status than my National Administration?
  3. Who should I contact for further details regarding Transit or a Transit movement?

Why do I get a <MRN Unknown> response?

The following list provides the most common reasons that result in an <MRN Unknown> response: 


Why does the MRN Follow-Up application report a different status than my National Administration?

For international Transit movements, a number of electronic messages are exchanged over the international proprietary Common Communications Network (CCN) of the European Commission.

The concept of these exchanges is much like that of secure e-mail: the sending National Administration submits the message to its CCN Gateway (comparable to an e-mail outbox), the CCN network transports the message to the CCN Gateway of the destination country and the receiving National Administration retrieves the message from that Gateway (comparable to an e-mail inbox).

It is important to realise that the MRN Follow-Up application can only provide transport details of messages passing through these gateways. The content of the messages is not available to the MRN Follow-Up application.

Quite a few scenarios are possible where a discrepancy can arise between the NCTS movement status in the database of the National Administrations and the MRN Follow-Up application. The most common scenarios are:

The most important reminder is that the data provided by the MRN Follow-Up application is for information only and is binding neither for the Commission nor for the National Administrations concerned.


Who should I contact for further details regarding Transit or a Transit movement?

For all further clarifications and enquiries regarding Transit and NCTS, the Customs Policy, Customs Offices and Transit Movement details you should contact your national Customs Administration.
