Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 27/09/2018

Peer Review meeting on the efficient transposition, implementation and enforcement of EU OSH legislation on 19-20 June 2018

The Peer Review meeting on the transposition, implementation and enforcement of EU occupational safety and health (OSH) legislation was hosted by the Danish Working Environment Authority and the Danish Ministry of Employment.

© Adam Gregor / Shutterstock

The event was attended by Austria, Cyprus, Germany, Ireland, Malta, Slovenia and Sweden as well as representatives from the European Commission, the Senior Labour Inspectors' Committee (SLIC) and the social partners.

The host country, Denmark, presented its model of ‘orchestration’ where different actors operate in a fully integrated system to ensure the most effective cooperation at all levels. The Danish Implementation Committee and Implementation Council presented their working method in guaranteeing that EU OSH legislation is effectively transposed and implemented, taking into account the national context and avoiding unnecessary administrative burdens.

Participants in the Peer review discussed their OSH governance systems and presented different practices in transposing, implementing and enforcing (EU) OSH legislation. The discussion also focused on sharing examples and good practices on different enforcement practices and the use of new data-driven models underpinning inspection strategies.


EU OSH legislation consists of a Framework Directive and almost 30 related directives, which together guarantee minimum safety and health requirements for workplaces throughout Europe. The importance of enforcement and efficient transposition and implementation of OSH legislation at the national level was also stressed in the 2017 OSH Communication and by the results of the ex-post evaluation of the EU Framework Directive and 23 related directives.   

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