Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 08/04/2020

EPIC publishes memo on the housing conditions of children in the EU

The European Platform for Investing in Children (EPIC) has published a policy memo on the housing conditions experienced by children in the European Union.

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Why is quality housing important for children?

Child poverty and social exclusion is closely associated with a lack of quality and affordable housing. Living in poor quality housing often contributes to increased health risks (including meningitis, asthma, and depression) which often persist into adulthood. Issues around housing can therefore have a long-term impact on the life chances of children who grow up in poverty.

This EPIC policy memo provides an overview of the housing conditions experienced by children across the European Union. It also offers examples of the various policy responses and interventions underway in member states that are aimed at improving the housing conditions of children within the European Union.

Aspects of housing quality and affordability were analysed using data from the EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions in order to identify the main trends in the housing conditions experienced by children in the European Union.

Recent focus on children’s housing issues in the European Union

The European Union has undertaken a number of actions to improve housing conditions for children in recent years. The provision of adequate, affordable and safe housing for children has featured prominently in key EU policies including the 2013 Recommendation on Investing in Children and the proposed Child Guarantee.

A number of EU funding streams have also been used to support Member States in this effort, including the European Social Fund. Other pots of funding, such as InvestEU, can assist Member States further in investing in the housing conditions of children.

EPIC supports Member States to invest in children

This memo is part of a series of short policy memos developed by the European Platform for Investing in Children (EPIC) which focus on topics relevant to child welfare and are aimed at policymakers, researchers and practitioners. Previous policy memos have looked at

EPIC also publishes a wide range of content focused on supporting child wellbeing. This includes country profiles which provide an overview of measures taken in each Member State to support investment in children, and a collection of innovative and evidence-based practices.

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