Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 11/03/2020

Webinar: Representation of apprentices in vocational education and training

EAfA’s seventh webinar on 10 March 2020 discussed the outcomes of the European Apprentices Network (EAN) study.

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The webinar was delivered by expert speakers Patricia Vale, a senior consultant at ICF who specialises in education and training policies; and Ilona Murphy, an associate consultant at ICF who specialises in apprenticeship policy. They presented the outcomes of the European Commission study on the representation of apprentices in vocational education and training (VET) and closely examined what apprentice representation structures exist across Europe.

The speakers also provided suggestions on further developments of the European Apprentices Network and inspiring practices from selected apprentice representation structures in Europe.

The webinar proved to be successful, with over 90 people registering to attend. Attendees commented that they would like to hear more about best practices and concrete examples, so this will be incorporated into future webinars.

Download the presentation from the webinar.

Watch a recording of the webinar

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