Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 15/01/2020

PES: Activating the inactive

A Thematic Review Workshop on ‘Activation of the Inactive’ (14-15 January 2020 – Riga, Latvia) brought together representatives of 12 PES who agreed that new and creative ways of thinking are needed to bring economically inactive people to the labour market. This event was hosted by the State Employment Agency of Latvia (NVA) and co-hosted by the Belgian Flemish PES (VDAB).

Discussions revealed that innovative companies are showing how diversity in the work force creates an innovative culture.

The workshop also showed the need for changes within PES. Several PES explained how they moved towards an individual, personalised approach and a focus on eliminating barriers to labour market integration.

A paradigm shift is required where people can make soft transitions from benefits to work-related income.

Some of the other key findings from the discussions include:

  • PES are only one actor in an “eco-system” that includes all services around the inactive. Cooperation with these other stakeholders is the only way PES can hope to be successful, as some barriers can realistically not be dealt with by PES.
  • However, choices need to be made regarding the role of the PES in such partnerships: conductor, coordinator, or partner are all valid roles and appropriate in certain conditions.
  • Campaigning is important to change mind sets about work for the inactive, of the public and employers alike.
  • Institutional framework conditions are crucial; prevention advisers in companies or progressive employment schemes combining income from work with partial benefits have shown to be helpful.

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