Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 30/01/2020

Talent management in public employment services

The PES Network has explored innovative practices for identifying, attracting and retaining talent through a webinar held on 28 November 2019. It aimed to inform PES about emerging approaches in talent management, which they need to stay competitive in the current labour market.

In recent years, two PES have been particularly innovative in this field: UWV in the Netherlands and NAV in Norway. During this webinar, Evelyn Doornbos (UWV) and Angelica Almlid-Barrows (NAV) presented two practices from their respective organisations: the Human Resources performance potential portfolio (HR3P) matrix and the Technological Lighthouse.

The former is used by UWV to identify talent within the organisation. The first step is to measure the performance and potential for development of each employee. By comparing the results to current and future skill needs, UWV can identify the key members of its staff and others who may be crucial in the future.

The Technological Lighthouse is more focused on successfully attracting and retaining talented employees. The strategy is structured in two parts: first, NAV launched a new recruitment campaign, presenting itself as an employer providing challenging, inspiring work for “people who dare to take responsibility”; second, the human resources management system was revamped, moving towards a horizontal structure focused on employee empowerment and well-being in the workplace.

Learn more by watching the webinar here.

Further information on human resource management in PES can also be found in the documents below.

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