Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 30/01/2020

Updated EU skills profile tool for third country nationals

Public Employment Services (PES) can benefit from a newly updated online tool intended to help map the skills, qualifications and work experiences of asylum seekers, refugees and other third country nationals in order to facilitate their integration into the labour market and wider society.

The new, enhanced version of the tool allows organisations such as PES to make fundamental changes or build entirely new tools using the EU level instrument; create their own tailor-made questionnaires; collect all the profiles data by downloading it in Excel format.

On the other hand, third country nationals can obtain personalised advice on further steps, such as referrals to recognition of diplomas, skills validation, further training or employment support services.

The tool has been made available by the European Commission as part of the New Skills Agenda for Europe. It is available in all EU official languages (apart from Gaelic) and in Arabic, Farsi, Pashto, Somali, Sorani, Tigrinya and Turkish – the main languages of refugees receiving asylum in Europe.

An estimated 5-10% of the average 1000 monthly visitors of the tool are from the PES Network, notably from the Slovenian, Maltese and Croatian PES, as well as Actiris from Belgium.

Find out more:

For more information, or to provide your feedback on the tool, please contact EMPL-E2-SKILLS-PROFILETOOL@ec.europa.eu.

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