Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 10/12/2019

Lack of skills, networks, motivation and finance keep female, migrant and young entrepreneurs from growing stronger

The “Missing Entrepreneurs 2019” report focuses on inclusive entrepreneurship policies. These policies aim at reaching the target groups (such as women, migrants, youth) for whom the usual barriers to start and grow a business are larger than average.

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Business creation by people from these groups helps generate jobs, thereby fighting social and financial exclusion while stimulating economic growth. The report finds that the gender gap in entrepreneurship only closes slightly, while immigrants are more likely to be self-employed than one decade ago.

The report also finds that these target groups are under-represented among digital entrepreneurs due to several factors such as the absence of digital entrepreneurship role models and lack of digital skills. It recommends that policy makers do more to address these digital-specific barriers in parallel to addressing traditional barriers to business creation, including building both digital and entrepreneurial skills and developing stronger networks.

Entrepreneurs from these target groups are less likely to operate high-growth firms because they lack the skills, networks and access to finance needed for growth.

However, they are also less likely to express motivation to grow their business. Growth ambitions require inspiring role models and more business management training to be provided.

Access to finance for business growth can be improved by supporting dedicated business angel networks and addressing gender biases in risk-capital decision-making.


The Missing Entrepreneurs 2019 is part of an ongoing cooperation between the OECD and the European Commission. Other outputs include, amongst others, four previous editions of The Missing Entrepreneurs and eleven policy briefs.

The OECD and European Commission have also launched an online inclusive and social entrepreneurship tool to assist policy makers in the design and implementation of policies, strategies, initiatives and programmes. 

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