Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 14/11/2018

FEAD successfully complements national initiatives to combat poverty

The Commission adopted a summary report on the implementation of the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) in 2016, based on the reports submitted by EU countries.

© Kenishirotie / Fotolia

FEAD helps to alleviate the worst forms of poverty in the EU such as food deprivation, child poverty and homelessness. Despite its limited scope, FEAD has shown that it truly complements national efforts to address material deprivation and combat poverty and social exclusion. FEAD support reached almost 16 million people in 2016, according to data reported by EU countries.  

Thus, significant progress was made compared to the previous year. This can be broken down into 15.2 million people (96%) who received food support, over 662 000 (4%) who received basic material aid, and around 23 000 that participated in social inclusion programmes.

In many cases, FEAD was able to reach specific groups within the most deprived who would otherwise not receive any assistance.

The main success factor in reaching the target groups and providing relevant assistance was the strong cooperation and collaboration established with partner organisations. FEAD helps to achieve the Europe 2020 targets of poverty reduction and social inclusion by working together with other EU and national policies and programmes. This is linked to FEAD’s overall objective of promoting social cohesion, enhancing social inclusion and helping to eradicate poverty.


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