Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 09/11/2017

Learning Exchange on “Improving measures for integration of the long-term unemployed into the labour market”, Zagreb (Croatia), 9-10 November 2017

While Croatia has taken a number of steps to integrate the long-term unemployed (LTU) into the labour market, the rate of unemployment for this group remains high. The Employment Committee (EMCO) has indicated room for improvement, in particular through the involvement of employers, the exchange of information and PES capacity.

In addition, and related to integrating the LTU into the labour market, improvements can be made in labour market outcomes for older workers, which was the topic of a previous Learning Exchange held in Slovenia.

This Learning Exchange, hosted by the Croatian Ministry of Labour and Pension System, provided an opportunity for the Croatian authorities to learn more on policies and tools implemented in Member States which already have established such systems in relation to tackling long term unemployment.

During the Learning Exchange participants from Ireland, Estonia, Slovenia and The Netherlands have presented their good practices on these topics.

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