Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 27/07/2017

Training at Work Award - European Vocational Skills Week 2017

The award for "Professional training in micro, small and medium enterprises at various career stages" is open for applications until 27 September 2017.

Micro-, small and medium-sized companies (SMEs), are the backbone of Europe's economy. SMEs represent 99% of all businesses in the European Union and employ more than 67% of the people in work. These companies are a key to ensuring economic growth, innovation, job creation, and social integration in the European Union.

The main objectives of the award are:

  • to give visibility to excellent practices from all over the European Union
  • to draw public attention to the topic of learning throughout professional lives and new practices and policies
  • to focus on learning that takes place beyond initial education to support further skills acquisition for successfully managing career transitions and progression

For more information on the award, the eligibility and selection criteria, please see this information leaflet and fill in the application form.

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