Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 21/10/2016

The Youth Guarantee in practice: how Nikolay’s future is made of solid gold

The area where Nikolay Krastev grew up in Bulgaria is dominated by the agriculture and service industries. Having studied music at school, and with his only work experience being at a petrol station, he struggled to find a permanent job and soon found himself unemployed.

Name: Nikolay Petrov Krastev

Age: 24

Country: Bulgaria, Kavarna

Youth Guarantee programme: New Opportunity for Youth Employment

Current status: Goldsmith at Borisov 71

Nikolay discovered the Youth Guarantee scheme after registering with Bulgaria’s Labour Agency. The programme that caught his eye was New Opportunity for Youth Employment, which offers six-month traineeships tailored to the needs of the individual.

“I was quite intrigued by the scheme because it was a chance for me to find a job,” he says. “There was the opportunity to learn a trade and have a profession I could develop further. There was also the chance to become more competitive in the labour market.”

Nikolay spent his traineeship at Borisov 71, a goldsmith, where he assembled parts for various pieces of jewellery and decorative items. “During my traineeship, I worked with a supervisor,” he explains. “I learned the intricacies of the craft and how to make items from precious metal. I also learned how to work as part of a team.”

During his time at the company, he clearly made a positive impression on his employers. “After my traineeship was finished, they offered me a permanent job. Since then I’ve really gained in confidence and self-esteem.”

Nikolay’s experience with the Youth Guarantee scheme has made the benefits for young people clear to him. “The scheme gives young people a chance to receive training and find a job,” he concludes. “They can get support from a professional in the workplace, gain experience of a certain trade and gain confidence.”

About the programme

The New Opportunity for Youth Employment programme is funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI), and implemented under Bulgaria’s Human Resources Development operational programme (HRD OP). The programme aims to contribute to the reduction of youth unemployment by providing opportunities to ease the transition from education into employment by traineeship or on-the-job training.

Youth unemployment in Bulgaria

  • As of May 2016, 14.5% of young people under 25 in Bulgaria were unemployed.
  • In Bulgaria, the Youth Guarantee offers young people aged 15-29 employment, continued education, an apprenticeship or a traineeship within four months of becoming unemployed or leaving initial education.

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