Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 28/04/2015

Health reforms in Bulgaria and other social policy developments in Europe

Four more Flash Reports on recent social policy developments in Europe are now available:

© Alexander Raths / Shutterstock

A new health reform programme has been approved in Bulgaria, but some of the planned reforms have caused concern as they could further limit access to healthcare for the most vulnerable.

The Spanish government has proposed two draft bills to strenghten its social action third sector and social volunteering.

Various initiatives in the Netherlands have been introduced to professionalise labour market activation services, such as the establishment of a specialist  association and the development of various tools (standards, e-portfolio, handbook) which service providers can use to expand and monitor their expertise.

In January, Malta launched ”education+”, a programme giving students the opportunity to gain work experience before entering the labour market through tailor-made partnerships with industry and the service sectors.

More detailed information on these initiatives is available in the Flash Reports.

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