Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 17/02/2012

Estonia presents its activities for the European Year 2012

Estonia launched the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations on February 14th in Tallinn.

Katrin Karisma-Krumm and Hanno Pevkur

The Minister of Social Affairs, Hanno Pevkur, inaugurated the conference, in which the singer and Member of the Parliament Katrin Karisma-Krumm was announced as Estonia’s Goodwill Ambassador for the year.

Hannes Rumm, Head of the EC’s Estonian representation presented the objectives of the European Year and the activities planned throughout 2012 along the country.

Other speakers included Maris Jesse, Head of The National Institute of Health Development; Esta Kaal, from TNS Emor; Tiiu Vilms, from the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund, and Eha Topolev, from the NGO Inkotuba.

The opening session was followed by a debate and a workshop on positive examples of active ageing and solidarity between generations.

The event also featured a “Get Involved!” area, a marketplace showcasing local organisations related to active aging and solidarity between generations.

Estonia, as well as other European countries, is undergoing a significant change in its population structure. According to recent Eurostat data, 35.9% of the Estonian population were 50 + in 2010. This demographic shift offers opportunities for society and the economy in Estonia and Europe. Moreover, according to a recent Eurobarometer survey on active ageing published in January 2012, 59% of Estonia’s citizens consider their country “age friendly”.

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