Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 15/05/2023

Mutual learning workshop on individual learning accounts 25-26 April 2023: New momentum to empower more individuals to train

The one-year mutual learning programme kick started with a first workshop, which looked at individual learning accounts (ILA) as part of systemic reforms. It showcased existing practices and examined both challenges and success factors.

University students studying sitting at desk in classroom

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The concept of mutual learning

This was the first of the series of workshops planned within the programme. The three workshops are complemented by work at national level during the programme duration. Their main objective is to build capacity, know-how and commitment to implement the Council Recommendation on individual learning accounts at the national level.

The Recommendation outlines how Member States can combine financial and non-financial support in an effective way to empower all adults to develop their skills throughout working life. 

Cooperation is key

The aim was to bring together country delegations consisting of key actors playing a role in the design and implementation of individual learning accounts. Each delegation consisted of 7-8 persons from ministries and different national stakeholders. The Commission further supports delegations by designated country experts.

Steps towards ILA showcased by existing examples

The workshop looked into the key practical steps towards ILA, with a special focus on governance of ILA, quality and relevance of the courses and touched upon considerations on financing (a topic to be dealt with in detail in the next workshop).

There were presentations of:

  • the Skills Credit in Singapore
  • the Compte personnel de formation in France
  • the voucher system in Croatia (and how it is planned to be turned into an ILA)
  • the Stimulering van de ArbeidsmarktPositie in the Netherlands

OECD introduced considerations on ensuring the quality and relevance of training offer. The Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support presented the Technical Support Instrument and what it can offer to Member States implementing the Council Recommendation.

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