Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 13/04/2023

Save the date for the European Year of Skills Festival

Don’t miss out the chance to join the first ever European Year of Skills Festival! The event will take place on 9 May 2023 and is organised by the Pact for Skills.

The European Year of Skills Festival will put skills in the spotlight by linking various skills-related activities taking place on that day across Europe. The event is the perfect opportunity for companies, vocational training providers and other stakeholders to raise awareness about the important role of apprenticeships in upskilling and reskilling young people and adults.

The festival is one of the many activities and initiatives in 2023 that the European Commission has planned to celebrate the European Year of Skills.

Share your skills stories

Have you ever upgraded your skills or learned new ones to get a better job or start a new career? Perhaps you’re a company that invests in your employees’ skills or has a traineeship programme? Or maybe you’re an educator or trainer who helps people to upskill or reskill?

Share your skills story in a video and post it on Twitter with the hashtag #EuropeanYearOfSkills! Selected videos will be broadcast during the European Year of Skills Festival.

Let’s put skills centre-stage and inspire others to change their lives for the better! Learn how to take part.

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