Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 31/01/2023

PESPod talks to the Latvian PES about why skills are the new gold

Listen to the latest episode of PESPod – the podcast of the European PES Network – to discover how the Latvian Public Employment Service (PES) has been working to better understand the future of work and to make sure workers have the skills they – and employers – need.

In the latest episode of PESPod, we talk to Evita Simsone, head of the Latvian PES (NVA), and HR expert Pārsla Baško about their recent efforts to understand and meet the needs of the future labour market in Latvia.

© PES Network, Latvian PES (NVA)

In the latest episode of PESPod, we talk to Evita Simsone, head of the Latvian PES (NVA), and HR expert Pārsla Baško about their recent efforts to understand and meet the needs of the future labour market in Latvia. Digital skills, graduate training and employment of recent arrivals from the conflict in Ukraine are some of the key topics discussed.

Learn about the findings of the Latvian Future of Jobs Conference 2022 on “Trends That Will Shape the Work of Tomorrow”. A key takeaway for Evita Simsone was the importance of personal autonomy. “We all must be motivated, flexible and passionate with new skills. Learning has become a part of our daily life.”

In this context, check out expert Pārsla Baško’s views on the value of online learning platforms and the importance of “blended learning where you have to mix and match different learning methods together”.

Find out also how employers’ surveys in Latvia have revealed a mixed picture. Evita Simsone highlights concerns that “not enough employers focus on upskilling their employees now,” particularly amongst small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Hear also her views on which sector is performing best – and which not so well - at providing training programmes for their workers.

Underpinning all these reflections is the challenge of accurate labour market forecasting. Both guests highlight that it is impossible to predict exactly what jobs will look like in the future. Meanwhile, whilst the need for digital skills is well known, it is hard to keep up with the pace of digital change. In this context, hear the views of both speakers on the value of developing transferable ‘soft’ skills in areas such as communication, autonomy and leadership.

Find out more about all these topics and the latest initiatives of the PES and its partners to foster upskilling and reskilling of clients by downloading the episode wherever you listen to your podcasts or listen online.

Any comments about PESPod or relevant topics for future episodes? Write to us at: EMPL-PES-SECRETARIAT@ec.europa.eu.

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