Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 16/12/2022

Looking back at 2022: Key highlights and milestones for the Alliance

The year 2022 was full of milestones and achievements for the European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA). With 2023 around the corner, it is time to look back and reflect on the work we have done to improve the quality, supply and image of apprenticeships in Europe.

EU flag

First podcast series

In February 2022, we launched an exciting new project – the EAfA podcast series. The series consisted of three episodes where we interviewed guests from the public and private sectors from across Europe. The series focused on three of EAfA’s objectives: supply, quality, and image of apprenticeships.

 Through the EAfA podcast we:

  • spread knowledge on how to strengthen the quality, supply and image of apprenticeships in Europe;
  • promoted good practice exchange and put inspiring practices in the spotlight;
  • widened and diversified the reach of our activities.

In total, the three episodes were played over 600 times across YouTube, Spotify and Soundcloud.

Listen to the podcast episodes on SoundcloudYouTube and Spotify.

EAfA LinkedIn group reached 3 000 members

This year also marked an important milestone for EAfA as our LinkedIn group reached 3 000 members! We would like to thank all our LinkedIn members for joining the community and for their invaluable contributions.

For those of you who haven’t joined the group yet, it is the best place to stay updated about EAfA news. In this group, you will also find a network of friendly and supportive professionals from across Europe, including government representatives, vocational education and training and apprenticeship providers, and other experts.

Join the EAfA LinkedIn Group.

Revamped EAfA website

We used the summer lull to introduce some important changes to the Alliance website, making it easier for you to find resources, stay updated, and learn about EAfA members and their pledges.

The new site now allows you to discover your country's commitments to boosting the quality and supply of apprenticeships.Meanwhile, in our updated activities hub, you can now easily explore relevant live discussions, webinars and training modules.

Check out the updated EAfA website.

More than 206 000 apprenticeship places created

Just like in 2021, we conducted an annual survey to get a better idea of how the Alliance is progressing towards its objectives. The survey collected responses from 131 members from 30 countries, including 22 EU Member States.

We are proud to announce that the majority of respondents said they had made significant progress on EAfA’s four objectives, with the image of apprenticeships being the area with the most progress (85 % of respondents), followed by supply (80 %), quality (79 %), and mobility (69 %).

More specifically, between 2021 and 2022, survey respondents created over 206 000 apprenticeship places.

Learn more about the survey results.

2022 EAfA Awards winners

On 18 May, EAfA held an online celebration event to announce the winners of this year’s EAfA Awards. The EAfA Awards celebrate companies with impressive contribution to the world of vocational education and training and apprentices who have excelled during their apprenticeships.

Learn more about the winners of the 2022 EAfA Awards.

Bringing people together

In 2022, EAfA organised 11 activities, including 2 live discussions, 2 webinars, 2 online training modules, 1 online event, and 4 high-level events.

The high-level events received particular attention, drawing almost 500 on-site and online participants; these were the Seminar for EAfA Partner Countries (13−14 October), The voice of apprentices in the European Year of Youth 2022 (24−25 March), The European Alliance for Apprenticeships on track! (9−10 June) and the high-level live discussion Supporting Ukrainians in the EU through apprenticeships (27 October).

Stay tuned for 2023!

We would like to thank our members and supporters who helped us achieve all of this, and we hope to keep up the good work in 2023. If you are not already a member, you can take part by making a pledge of your own.

Find out how to become an EAfA member.

Do not forget to follow the Alliance on LinkedIn to keep up to date with EAfA news and share your ideas with the community.

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