Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 31/03/2023

PES Network Conference addresses the skills revolution

The conference "Empowering the Workforce, Bridging the Skills Gap" reflected on the rapidly changing skills requirements of the European labour market and the "skills ecosystem" that is emerging in response.

The 2023 PES Network Stakeholder Conference ‘Empowering the Workforce, Bridging the Skills Gap’ reflected on the rapidly changing skills requirements of the European labour market and the ‘skills ecosystem’ that is emerging in response.

© PES Network

The 2023 PES Network Stakeholder Conference: Empowering the Workforce, Bridging the Skills Gap, brought together around 150 participants in Brussels on 30 March in the context of the European Year of Skills. Participants included representatives of PES, employers, unions, private employment services, vocational education and training providers, NGOs, academics, the European Commission, EU agencies and other international organisations.

The event gave network stakeholders from across Europe the opportunity to exchange ideas and views on issues such as how to identify and understand the skills needs of the future labour market, how to develop skills for the digital and green transitions, how to support those most impacted by automation and digitalisation, and how to move towards more frequent re- and upskilling.

The key message is that Public Employment Services (PES) and their partners will need to be not only collaborative, but increasingly agile and flexible to meet the needs of workers and employers.

Jordi Curell, Director for Labour Mobility and International Affairs at the European Commission at DG EMPL welcomed participants and stated that: “It is more crucial than ever to promote a mindset of reskilling and upskilling, helping people to get the right skills for quality jobs.” He added that ‘’at EU level, we have set the target that, by 2030, 60% of adults should participate in re-and up-skilling each year. Currently, adult learning remains low – with a participation rate of around 37%.”

The Conference stressed that empowering Europe’s workforce and matching jobseekers’ aspirations with labour market needs is crucial for both delivering a workforce equipped with the appropriate skills for future jobs as well as ensuring that future labour markets are socially fair and just. Supporting individuals furthest from the labour market, those in job transitions and third country nationals requires increased skills intelligence, profiling and assessment.

“New skillsets for the workforce are keys for the creation of new and better job opportunities and full participation in societal life. Labour market stakeholders and public employment services can work together to identify the skills that are in demand and ensure that workers have access to relevant training and education. An asset PES can bring in, is good access to information on skill shortages and good relationships with employers and the social partners,” said Johannes Kopf, Chair of the PES Network.

The PES Network will publish a conference paper on the topic of bridging the skills gap later this year. In the meantime, watch the PES Network video on the theme of the Conference for further insights and practical examples.

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