Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 15/03/2022

PES Network Stakeholder Conference 2022: Registration now open!

Register now to join us at the 2022 PES Network Stakeholder Conference, 7-8 April 2022 where we will be ‘Jointly addressing labour and skills shortages – preparing for Europe’s future labour market’.

Register today for the 2022 PES Network Stakeholder Conference: Jointly addressing labour and skills shortages, taking place online over 1.5 days. Please note that the conference working language will be English, but that interpretation will be provided during plenary sessions in French, German, and Spanish. Registration closes on 1 April.

Take the opportunity to listen to high-level speakers, select your preferred thematic clusters and join participatory workshops on each day, inspired by the latest practices from Public Employment Services (PES) and their partners.

The event seeks to investigate the most appropriate responses to systemic labour market changes – notably the ‘twin transitions’ of green and digital transformation - as well as the recent impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Key issues will be how to maximise opportunities, whilst limiting negative impacts and untapping the latent potential within Europe’s labour market.

In addition to plenary presentations and debates, four thematic clusters will be held on:

  • Building resilience - addressing labour market shortages in specific economic sectors
  • Meeting needs of the future labour market
  • Improving attractiveness in shortage sectors
  • Untapping potential - towards the labour market of the future

With welcoming remarks from Nicolas Schmit, European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights and Johannes Kopf, Chair of the PES Network, the event will bring together representatives of PES and other labour market actors (including social partners, employers, NGOs, national and local authorities) to discuss how to effectively prepare for the labour market of the future, inspired by the latest thinking and practices from PES and their partners.

The event reflects the priority given to labour market recovery and structural changes in the 2022 work programme of the PES Network and follows a recent PES Network seminar on future skills, career guidance and lifelong learning involving 27 PES.

Check out the latest information and agenda on the conference event page.

Interested to join the discussions? Register now for the 2022 PES Network Stakeholder Conference! Please also forward this invitation to interested parties and join the online conversation under #PESNetworkConference.

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